Notes: The 2003 Honda Accord suffers from widespread transmission failure & problems with the stereo backlight failing. We recommend avoiding this model year like the plague.
The transmission begins slipping & eventually has to be replaced, typically soon after 90,000 miles & with a repair cost of over $2,000. Transmission failure has been a huge problem for the Accord & several other Honda models all through the early 2000s model years. Honda extended the transmission warranty to 93 months/109k miles for the 2000-2001 Accord as a class action lawsuit settlement, but owners of other Accord model years with transmission problems are out of luck.
The stereo backlight problem has been an issue since these Accords were only a few years old. Honda eventually issued a recall which covered the repair for 7 years/100k miles, which was nice while it lasted but now that period is over. Honda initially was replacing the entire radio ($800) but eventually began replacing just the PCB which at ~$300 is much cheaper. That sounds like a deal, but keep in mind we're talking about a backlight bulb that costs $2 to fix in most other cars.
really awful
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
98,000 miles
Total Complaints:
504 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
replace/rebuild transmission (348 reports)
not sure (72 reports)
Honda to pay cost as this transmission was a previous recall (45 reports)
NHTSA official complaints - Guys, please keep pushing persistently to get the justice. Honda USA and all Honda dealership have been robbing us!
Transport Canada Defect Complaint Form - If you are in Canada, you can file a complaint with Transport Canada. If the link above does not work try using the secure URL:
Transport Canada Defect Complaint Form (New URL - If you are in Canada, you can file a complaint with Transport Canada. If the link above does not work try using the secure URL: .
2003 Honda Accord Transmission Failure: A Comprehensive Analysis - The 2003 Honda Accord is widely regarded as a problematic model year, primarily due to severe transmission failures and other recurring issues such as stereo backlight malfunctions. This article examines the technical aspects of the transmission issues, customer experiences, and the associated costs of repairs, providing valuable insights for owners and potential buyers.
i wont waste my time with the details because if you read one you have read them all. its obvious there's a manufacturers defect with this line of transmission. so while American Honda gives you their standardized spill about your service records on your transmission and the fact that you are out of warranty and its all your fault and they may or may not give you any GOODWILL Assistance . I'm convinced that American Honda has taken the position of their bottom line is more important than our life.
come on people wake up the i truly understand this situation has placed us all in some difficult situations with no vehicle or really pressed to get it fixed. This i know for sure Honda doesn't care about lost of life, expense, inconvenience as a result of their neglect .The only loss they care about is yes you guessed their bottom line. Can you see those top executives in their lavished board rooms smoking a cigars and saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me lol.
American Honda doesn't care about independent web sites that have negative complaints about their product what we need to do is expose American Honda and start a class action law suit it is my mission to do just that . No one has to die to get this matter resolved as for me im not going to keep this vehicle repaired or not but i know this American Honda will reap what they have sown. I will keep my fellow brothers and sisters posted united we must stand
Update from May 16, 2009: just an update on the current status of my 03 accord tranmission. its is currently being repaired at a honda dealership after a GOODWILL assistance of 25 % discount I will have a bill of $2,149.00 its about the average. Like many of the other consumers im still not satisfied , so I insist we get the word out on a national level and try to get a signature list of willing class action participants. I have spoken to several lawyers and before they will take the case he/she must see figures to justify the time and expense that it will take for a class action like this. As i said before it is now my mission to be proactive in this matter no one has to die or get hurt before any action is taken unless someone wants to be a sacrificial lamb for the team (just kidding). I have emailed various major tv networks and talk shows that can get the word out nationally if they choose to investagate our situation , such as CNN investagate, oprah show, inside edition, NHTSA, congressman, attorney general and the BBB . The way i see it we pay for american honda negligence now but they will pay us later so i would advise everyone to do the same. One complaint may turn a head but thousand of emails may open their eyes. United we must stand , if anyone has started a class action please post the info.
Update from May 28, 2009: I now have my car fixed now that I have something to ride in I can handle the business at hand. To all whom feel American Honda has willfully put their lives at risk I would advise everyone to call Stamell & Schager law firm
at (212) 566-4356 and have your name added to the list of concerned consumers. If they get enough complaints they can move forward on pursuing a class action. I also recommend that you record all losses incurred as a result of this problem
Honda ACCORD 2003 V6-85,000 MILES TRANSMISSION LOCKUP, THEN FAILURE. The PROBLEM is like the many reports on this website regarding HONDA V6 ACCORD TRANSMISSION. My transmission has gone on my 2003 Accord with ONLY 85,000 MILES ON IT. Had the car diagnosed at Markley Motors Honda in Fort Collins Colorado 80527-0520.
I submitted the problem to 'American Honda', and because of the sheer dangerous condition the car displayed today, probably won't drive the car until 'American Honda' DECIDES to do something about this.
I, or my wife, kids could have being killed if we were on a freeway and it locked at acceleration like it did today twice. Warning to others, this is not a simple Honda Transmission problem, it is severe enough where it shakes the entire car.
I WILL NOT BUY ANOTHER HONDA ANYTHING, let this be a warning to all regarding HONDA. They HAVE NOT ISSUED a RECALL for this vehicle for THIS TRANSMISSION PROBLEM. The cost to me has being, $98.00 for a diagnostic test. MARKLEY Motors wants $3,413.16 TO REPLACE THE TRANSMISSION.
Update from May 17, 2009: No update yet regarding American Honda's and my discussion. However, I would recommend everyone on this site and elsewhere to flood all information on the Internet related to Honda Sites-Just google Honda, and look for sites that contain leave a comment, and copy or write a new message regarding your 2003 V6 Accord. thanks.
Update from May 19, 2009: Update on the money I have spent waiting for American Honda to respond to their transmission problem with the Accord V6 2003- I have spent $96.00 on diagnostics, and now $170.00 on a rental car. I cannot afford either frankly, and this is getting fairly frustrating.
Update from May 27, 2009: Lets see, after calling American Honda a 1/2 dozen times at least, cannot seem to speak to the 'Case Manager' who is supposedly dealing with Markley Honda in Fort Collins in order to provide some kind of goodwill. Regardless, we are still renting a car, with the price going up every day. This is probably just a way for American Honda to delay long enough, so that I just give up and pay full price.
Update from May 27, 2009: Here is the Honda Motor Company top executives- now if we could only get their email addresses- we could mass email these executives with the carcomplaints from this web site.
Update from May 27, 2009: Just got my phone call from American Honda, a Ron Rubinosf said "Honda has decided not to participate in my transmission problem at this time". He told me that their policy is to follow whatever the District Parts & Service Manager recommends. He said he cannot tell me the name of the "District Parts & Service Manager", so that I cannot contact him.
I mentioned to Mr. Rubinosf, that the result of their decision will be a class action lawsuit, and then the "District Parts & Service Manager" will have to 'legally' provide his name at that time. I also told him that unfortunately, this class action lawsuit will probably happen once someone is killed by the transmission stopping abruptly at freeway speeds.
Needless to say, it is all a scam, they don't want to pay, but assuredly will pay when a death/accident occurs, which will happen sooner or later. This is really unfortunate on several levels- our financial well-being, and our financial health as people that trusted Honda are being abused incredibly.
IF anyone knows the "District Parts & Service Manager" for Northern Colorado, I would appreciate it, if they could provide me with contact information.
Mr. Rubinosf is only a regional case manager, and he dwells in Torrance California.
Update from May 28, 2009: American Honda finally got back to me after 1 1/2 weeks paying for a rental care, and said "Honda's participation is none at this time". This statement came from a 'case manager' and the decision was made by a District parts and service manager. The case manager would not give me the name of the District Manager, in order to discuss the matter any further.
Update from Jun 1, 2009: Here are the Japanese exectutives to contact to get their attention:
Executive Biography:
Contact this company: 800-999-1009
How does the role of contribute to the American Honda Motor executive team? With Hoover's you get up-to-date information on American Honda Motor executives, officers, and board members. Executive biographies usually include recent work history, salary, career progression, and a review of other company affiliations. Salary and bonus are provided for American Honda Motor executives when available.
CALL NOW (866) 281-9168 or register below to learn how you can access all of American Honda Motor's executive information.
American Honda Motor Executives Include
Chairman Koichi Kondo
President Tetsuo Iwamura
Go to this site to send more information to these executives, (Hoover provides free trial),OID__,target__company_executive--/free-co-samples-index.xhtml
Update from Aug 14, 2009: I have reported this to the Better Business Bureau,
The first response from Honda Dealership, is directed me to contact American Honda- which I already did, and that achieved the response "won't participate in any refunds". Here is what the dealership in Fort Collins said,
Contact Name and Title: Roger Belisle, GM
Contact Phone: 970-226-2213
Contact Email:
We submitted this customers concerns to American Honda and they informed us the vehicle was out of warranty and they would not pay for any of the repairs. If he wants to complain directly to American Honda we will be more than happy to provide him with an address or telephone number. I will be out of town until 8/31/09 but will be happy to talk to him when I return.
Update from Feb 28, 2010: Has everyone noticed that Toyota has being having very similar serious problems with their accelerator? I have being watching this very closely and noticed that the "NTSA" seems to be in the carmakers pocket. I mention this, because people recommended that when my Honda Accord Transimission went out at 85,000 miles, complain to NTSA as well, (which I did). Turns out that the NTSA is bought and sold by the Auto Manufacturers, and that is why you don't here anything negative about the car manufacturers who lobby them and basically own the NTSA AND TELL THEM WHAT TO SAY. Interesting, as American Honda has not recalled this model or payed any money to help out myself with the transmission. One story says that the NTSA has to have a certain number of deaths caused by the malfunction before they are willing to take ANY action.
Once a brand name is made, a manufacturer can increase the price, reduce quality or do both. And Honda has chosen the latter. Paid top bucks for a car that thought would last at least 10 years without major problems and in fact I have to sell it to scrap yard after only 6 years. I hope others won't make my mistake though.
On Friday, 4/24/09, I noticed a couple of abrupt upshifts in my transmission. Then, on Saturday, 4/25/09 (a hot day), the engine would wind to a higher rpm than usual without shifting to the next gear unless I backed off of the throttle a little. It got worse the further I drove it. I took it in to my Honda Dealer who ran a diagnostic ($73.99). This revealed "an internal failure." I was told it would require a transmission replacement, and it may cost as much as $4000.
When I drove it home, I needed to very slowly accelerate from stops, and, at one point, a very fast-traveling pickup truck zoomed up behind me while I was babying my upshifts and just laid down on the horn (as if I had a choice in the matter).
I found out Monday morning (4/27/09) that the cost to replace the transmission would be $3600 and they would try to get the transmission in and installed by Wednesday, 4/29/09. I told him I had bought the car at that dealership and had all my scheduled maintenance's done at that location as well. Also, I had the automatic transmission recall service performed in 2004. I asked if the new transmission would need to have the transmission fluid replaced at 30,000 miles rather than 60,000 miles. He said I had already been getting all my transmission fluid changes done every 30,000 miles. I asked if the new transmission was really "new" or "refurbished." He said the only part of the new transmission that is used is the casing. He said all the internal parts are new. I was told the previous day by the parts rep that it would have a 3-year, 36,000 mile warranty.
The service rep was nice enough to offer a car (2009 CRV) for me to drive while my car was at the dealer. Within a half an hour after leaving the dealer, I got a call at work from the service rep and found out that he had gone to bat for me with a call to Honda. He said Honda agreed to pay for a portion of the cost, and my new cost will be $2200 instead of $3600 (a $1400 savings). I thanked him, and, after hanging up the phone, I began thinking that Honda should pay more of the bill than this, since I did everything a customer can possibly be expected to do to properly maintain the car, and the tranny still went out at 93,000 miles. So, I called Honda Customer Service (1-800-999-1009) and spoke with a lady who was polite, but insisted that Honda would not foot more than 20% of the bill, since my car was out of warranty. But, she said since I bought the car new at the dealer and gave them all of my service business, that they (the dealer) may possibly agree to a discount. I called the service rep back, and after he spoke with the service manager, he called me back to say that, of the $1400 discount I was quoted, half came from Honda, and half came from the dealership already. Also, he said it was unusual for the dealer to offer a car to drive while my car was in the shop. When I got home from work, there was a message on my answering machine for me to call the service rep again. I called him and he said he could save me a few dollars by offering me the "Rewards Program" that costs $24.99. He said with the cost of the transmission replacement, it would give me points equal to $80 that I could apply to future services. So, I told him to sign me up.
It is highly frustrating that the Honda Accord EX-V6 would require a complete automatic transmission replacement after only 93,000 miles. It is also frustrating that Honda would not agree to pay for more of the cost. But, the overall $1400 discount, free loaner car, and rewards program offer are very much appreciated. If these things hadn't been provided, I would have been so outraged that I may have decided not to buy a Honda again. But, I really love Honda cars. Even this one has been very reliable until this transmission issue. My hope is that Honda will issue an extension of the Accord V6 automatic transmission warranty to 7 years and 100,000 miles as they did in 2002 for that year and earlier models. Also, depending on how many people have this problem, they may need to issue a recall; or at least send a letter out to customers informing them of this problem and recommend measures to preclude transmission failure.
As a side note, when I got to work and went to a conference call, one of the guys on the call said the same thing happened to him with his 2001 Accord. Also, a couple of friends who own Odysseys have had the problem. So, it looks like Honda needs to address this V6 automatic transmission issue if they haven't already in newer models.
My complaint is just like every other complaint on this page. My transmission started to have problems shifting from second to third gear, then about a week later it went completely out. I thought Honda's were legendary for reliability. Guess not!
I took it in to our local Honda dealer and they got Honda to do a 50/50 split for parts and labor. I guess that was decent compared to what other have gotten. However I am still furious that the transmission even went out. Then to top it off it is not just me but hundreds of others have had the same problem.
Make sure to call the Lawyer in New York that is referenced further down in the forum. It is ridiculous that for Honda to do anything there will probably have to be some type of tragic accident.
- Tyillere H.,
Holladay, UT, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
I own one of the many 2003 Accords that experienced transmission failure - due to mileage, Honda agreed to pay only 25% of the total bill - $3,150 for a refurbished one. Well I've had the car back since Saturday - drove it to and from work and now the transmission is slipping AGAIN!!! As I feared - the refurbished one is just a cleaned up version of the same old crappy design and now it's already causing problems!! The thing that ticked me off the most is the arrogance of the dealership to tell me "now on this transmission, you should be sure to replace the fluids every 30,000" - like I didn't do what I was supposed to on the first transmission. I reminded them of the fact that I did replace the fluids at 60,000 and that the manual says 110,000! Grrrrrr....
So I filed a claim with the NTSA and will now be contacting the lawyer listed on this site - this is absolutely ridiculous!!
Well, considering that I bought a Honda based on the fact of their great reputation for being reliable, fuel efficient, and great resale value, I am thoroughly disgusted that after 74, 000 miles I am replacing a transmission. There were no signs or symptoms of transmission failure until as I was driving the transmission slipped to a lower gear, and then the dash "D" light began to blink with the engine light on. Seeing as to how I was on a 65 mile per hour highway, I was extremely upset. When I called Honda after seeing multiple complaints on 2003 transmissions, there was, "Nothing they could provide for me because I did not purchase an extended warranty on the vehicle." This is just not fair.... After seeing these complaints as well, I will again be contacting Honda to try to get reimbursed for this on going fiasco....
I purchased a 2003 used Honda Accord in October of 2008, and in March of 2009 (owning the car five months) the transmission is shot. Had the oil changed on a Sunday, and all fluids checked, everything looks great! On the following Saturday the car would not go above 25 mph. I had trouble driving the car up a medium sized hill to get through town. I took it to a Honda dealer, the closest one is about 65 miles away down a interstate, with a speed limit of 70. My car would shift past 2nd gear if I took it slow and kept pumping the gas, very bad for the engine, it would rev really high then finally shift on to the 3rd gear with a big jerk. Once we got to the Honda dealer, they checked it out and found that the transmission would need to be replaced with a re manufactured but they did not have one that I could purchase. When I asked about how that would effect the chance of getting a good will warranty to cover any portion of my repairs they said because of this economically hard time Honda is not offering any good will coverage. Besides all I need to do is go to a junk yard and purchase a used transmission because it has most likely already been rebuild.
So I asked so Honda is aware that there is an issue with the transmissions, and was replied no there is not an issue with the transmissions, you are one of the first customers to come in with this problem. BULL SH*T!!! They said my other option since they do not have any available transmissions would be to have it rebuilt but I really didn't need to drive my car because the transmission was in such bad shape.
This is my second Honda Accord, I purchased another because of how reliable the first was. Little did I know that the 2003 Honda's are a piece and Honda does not stand behind them at all!!! I took it to a local dealer on March 30th (there is only one deal in a 80 mile radius that will even work on Honda transmissions, so my choice was very slim) since I had no other choice. He said it would be ready on April 3rd (Friday) or 6th (Monday) Today is the 15th and I still am without a car, and when I called today, now there is also "some kind of electrical problem related to the transmission that he is trying to get worked out"... scary...
In less than one week my transmission fluid had gone from pretty clean and clear to completely burnt, with second and third gears completely wiped out, including the drum which cost more. When I called Honda again to ask about the good will warranty stuff they said they owe me nothing, since I didn't buy the car new and purchase an extended warranty I would need to accept the loss and pay to fix my car since it is not their issue. Especially since I did not get my car repaired at the Honda dealer, they couldn't even consider any assistance, when asking what I was suppose to do since Honda doesn't have any transmissions they said, we do they are just not available for you since you do not have a warranty. They are on hold for customers with a warranty.
I would like to know who still has a warranty on a 2003 car with 90,000 miles... no one. I will NEVER buy another Honda again because they do not stand behind their cars. They know there is an issue with the transmissions on the 2003 Honda Accords and they are doing nothing to fix this problem. There was a class action suit in California for a number of vehicles including the 1999-2002 Accords, because of the exact same issue with the transmissions. I think that Honda customer service is absolutely ridiculous. If they continue to ignore peoples cry for assistance because of the poor economy, they are going to have to foot the bill somewhere and it will be with their new vehicles not selling because they will not stand behind there cars. I have seen many comments that say the same as mine, I will not buy another Honda....
I hope anyone else with these issues has better luck than myself with any assistance from Honda.
Very similar to the other posts, my Accord slipped out of gear while driving Friday night. It went back in pretty quickly, and was working intermittently all weekend. The following Wednesday, it gave out completely, and I got it towed to the dealership.
The dealership said that the transmission was shot and needed to be replaced. I was very fortunate that it was covered under the Honda Certified Used warranty for the Powertrain. Marilyn, my service rep at Capital Honda (Lansing, MI) said that it would have an attached 36 month 36,000 mile warranty on the new one, and should be ready in a day or two. I hope that is correct.
From everything I've read on this site, I think I'll be selling the car before the warranty goes.
So has anyone ever received the so called "good will repair" for replacement of my transmission. I'm living overseas working for the US government. I bought my Accord in the US and had it shipped. Based upon rumors of the "good will repair", I called Honda Customer Service on 6 March. It sounded like if I were still in the US or on active duty military overseas, they might be able to help, but since I'm not, no dice. So, I wrote a letter detailing the problem. Last week, I received a letter from Ron Rubinoff, a regional case manager asking me to call him. I tried several times, leaving a message each time. He never called back. Finally, when I got his answering machine, I punched "zero" and got a person. She managed to track him down. Apparently, Honda doesn't want anything in writing as they won't deny a claim in a letter or via email - they want to tell you on the phone. All he had to say was due to the year and mileage of my vehicle, Honda couldn't do anything. Well, I could have saved about $ 25.00 in international calls had they just mailed that information.
Honda knows very well that there is a black mark on this car. It can cause a severe safety problem. I was lucky, my transmission failed during rush hour. So, at least I was able to slowly drive it home (it wouldn't shift out of 2nd). I had just exited a freeway - I could have been in an accident if the transmission had failed then.
In my letter to Honda, I noted that I would be buying another car upon return to the US this summer in hopes that if they didn't pay for my repair, they might at least offer me a coupon on a new car. Based upon this problem and Honda's lack of acknowledgment of responsibility, this is my first and last Honda.
I was driving down a very busy interstate during Friday afternoon rush hour when the engine began revving and the car slowed to 20mph. Nearly got rear ended, side swiped and just missed getting crushed by a semi trying to cross 2 lanes of traffic while "coasting". Got off to the side of the road and turned the car off. Cried a little, I was SCARED! Called my husband who stayed on the phone while I restarted car and much to my relief, made it home with no further incidents. Husband went to dealership and told them about the problem. They recommended a drain and fill but wanted way too much money so he bought the fluid from them and did the drain and fill at home the next day. Test drove alright, slipping a little but nothing like what happened to me that Friday. He drove the car a few days with no issues other than slippage so he called dealer and made an appointment for the following day, Tuesday.
I drove the car to take our son to school that Tuesday morning before the appointment. While traveling about 45mph down a very busy 2 lane "country" road the car jerked hard a couple of times then came to a dead stop. We ended up sideways in the road with cars running off the road around us to keep from hitting us. WE COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED. Had the car towed home and called a trusted mechanic who informed us about the recall and the "overall sh@!y tranny Honda put in those year models". Only took one google search to turn up what I'm guessing is thousands of complaints just like ours. Honda Customer Service stated the recall had been completed May 9, 2005. They only cover a recall once ya know. Couldn't tell me where or what was done to the car at that time. Advised me that it wasn't a recall on the transmission but on the "oil cooler jet" and they were usually just checked to make sure they functioned properly. What a complete load of crap! I found the actual recall on NHTSA and read a few of the 194 some odd complaints and decided to call back and request a goodwill repair. Boy, the agent didn't like it when I answered her "what do you want American Honda to do about it" question with "I'm requesting a goodwill repair." She immediately YELLED " A GOODWILL REPAIR, WHAT'S THAT? DID YOU READ THAT OFF SOME BLOG? WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT TERM? IT'S NOT LAYMANS TERMS SO WHO TOLD YOU TO ASK FOR THAT?" Apparently folks, we are all stupid. She then began grilling me about maintenance records and the mechanics that had serviced my car. Apparently folks, if you ain't a Honda tech you don't know what the hell you are doing.
I wasn't told when I bought my car that it could only be serviced at a Honda dealership.
I'm waiting for the regional case manager to call me back. Meanwhile the car is sitting at the dealership needing a new transmission. We have a 1995 Chevy pickup with 205k miles and we have NEVER had a major issue. Bought a Honda for the "dependability" and nearly got killed. I hope they see things my way and fix their screw up or there's gonna be one more Honda at a wholesale auction. I'll do my part to drive down resale value.
I spent a month researching when I bought my Honda (used) 18 months ago. Everyone told me that "Honda's last forever". I had no problems with it (as far as I was concerned) until last month. I did have to replace the brakes on it ($800+), but thought...."brakes wear out, seems reasonable". But, on March 8th - the same thing started happening to me as what all of you are reporting. Slipping transmission, no forward power, let it sit for a few minutes it'll take off again, but then suddenly lose power again. At first it was very, very slight - so I scheduled a service with my regular shop. Before my appointment, the transmission completely failed.
My regular shop told me I needed to replace the transmission (would be re manufactured), at a price of $4,000. I said I'm going to have to shop around at that price. Finally, I took it to a good friends shop (that I also trusted). He was aware that there was an issue with a "shifter module". He said bring it over and we'll see if that's what it is. Nope, it needed the transmission replaced - he said third gear was completely gone. Now we're having a hard time even finding a transmission to even replace it with. He said he might just have to rebuild it. I asked "what will that cost me". He said he wasn't even sure about that because it seems many of the parts have to come from the dealership (higher priced).
So right now I'm just stuck with a car payment and no car. I am going to try this route with both calling Honda and making them be responsible, as well as the attorney's phone number that is given below (please look for both numbers in the posts further down the page). Like everyone here says - maybe if enough of us complain we can get something done about this. I am appalled - this is my first Honda - I bought off their reputation and word of mouth "Honda's are so reliable and last forever", but so far that has not been my experience.
Well the transmission went out on me the other day on the way home from work. I had 78,500 miles on my 2003 Honda Accord EXL-V6 at the time of the breakdown. This actually occurred the day before I was to trade this vehicle in for a 2009 Honda Odyssey Touring edition minivan.
I had the vehicle towed to the local Honda dealer in my town and they advised me that the transmission had a internal failure and needed to be replaced. I was told that the repair would cost $ 3,800 to fix. I knew that this transmission had recall work done on it in 2004 and I also had the same transmission recall work done on my 2001 Acura 3.2 CL Type S. With my Acura they extended the warranty on that transmissions to 7 years and 9 months with 109,000 miles. I did not know if the Honda also had the same warranty extension so I called Honda Good Will repair and was advised that they did not have this extended warranty in place as Acura did, even though they are the same company and the transmissions had the same issues.
So I asked the shop manager if he had seen any problems with the 2003 Honda Accord transmissions before and he told me that he has never seen any of these problems before and has not heard anything about them either. This was an obvious lie. Come to find out I have a friend that works at another Honda dealer in the area and he told me that the 2003 Accords have horrible transmission problems. He advised me that Honda had problems with the transmissions when they were built here in the US. Now he told me that the transmissions are once again made in Japan and then shipped here to be assembled. This took care of the problem. This friend told me that he sees Accords come into the shop all the time for transmission problems and that many are on there 2nd or 3rd transmission by the time they get 100,000 miles.
So now I'm faced with a dilemma; do I fix the transmission or just trade it in as is. As is with the broken transmission they want to give me $ 3,000. I'm upset because I know they will put in a transmission for no cost and then turn around and sell this car for at least $ 9,000. I think Honda should recall these transmissions because there is obviously a problem with them. I was told that since it is not a safety hazard it would not be recalled. This is not acceptable. I am so upset at Honda right now I am thinking about purchasing another brand vehicle instead of the Odyssey that I ordered. There has to be a recall on these transmissions soon.
For now I'm waiting for a call back from Good Will repair to see if they will assist me with the repair. I have a feeling that they are not going to do anything as the first person that I spoke with told me that Honda will not be able to assist me as I was out of my warranty period. And I said " No sh*t.... If I was still under warranty I would not be calling you ." They obviously try to cut corners and hire less than average employees as well. Good luck and please do not buy a 2003 Honda Accord.
My Accord was just over 5 years old with only 30,000 miles. The transmission failed, like so many others. Even though I was only out of warranty by two months, they did not offer any assistance. I took it to an independent shop, and had it repaired. The next day, I went and bought a Ford Fusion, given what I had read on here and in Consumer Reports. I've only done oil changes, at $35 each time. They haven't tried to sell me $250 "maintenance packages." It's been completely trouble free and costs very little to maintain. I never thought I'd go back to a domestic car, but I really could not be happier.
Started about 2 weeks ago, transmission started slipping at around 20-25 miles per hour. Engine would rev, but no power. Once I would back off gas pedal, tranny would kick in and I would be off and going again. Decided to stay in right lane while driving so I could get off the road if necessary until I could get car in.
Took car to my local, trustworthy mechanic- LEVON AT ARK AUTOMOTIVE-here in San Marcos, who advised me that Honda knows their transmissions from the early 2000 model years suck and that I should go to my local dealer. Well, on April 1st, I was at Cush Honda in Escondido, bright and early and after keeping my car ALL DAY, I was told they could do nothing to fix it, it's an "internal failure" and replacement of the tranny is the only option. Oh ya, by the way, it will be about 4 grand!
Service adviser was great, very sympathetic to me. Flat out told me that Honda knows there is a problem with these transmissions but because there hasn't been a "safety issue" there will be no recall and thus, for those of us out of warranty, there will be no assistance in paying for new transmission. He advised me to call American Honda to see if they would at least cover a portion of replacement.
Today, called American Honda. Rep on phone nearly laughed when I told her my story and asked for assistance paying for repair. Said that 113 thousand miles is good reliability and I should be happy. She told me Honda never claims high mileage reliability and that the consumer/Honda owners are the ones saying that Honda vehicles will last a long time. She "regrets to inform me that American Honda can offer no assistance at this time."
Anyway, my mechanic at ARK says it should be worth it for me to go ahead and replace tranny rather than take the plunge and buy a new car. For me, though, it's hard to invest another 4 grand into a car that is 6 years old and has over 100K miles. UGGGGGH-I'm soooo ticked off!
No one has been under the hood of my Honda except the mechanics at the Honda Dealership. I have had my Honda transmission serviced 2 times @ 30,000 miles & 70,000 and now with only 104,000 miles my transmission completely goes out on me. I have complained to the Honda Dealership in the past about my car lacking speed/power and they simply told me they were unable to duplicate the problem & there were no error codes found. I feel that I have done all the expected service to my car and that this failure should not fall on me seeing as I have done everything in my control to maintain the life of my transmission and car. I will be calling the (800) number for Honda Customer Service first thing Monday morning to complain & I pray that they will help me resolve this problem.
Well I filed a case with American Honda Customer Care (800) 999-1009 on Monday 4/06 and today 4/09 I received their offer to cover 70% of the cost ($4000) with me ending up spending $1200. I will be receiving a remanufactured Transmission with a 3yr/36K Warranty which is something that I'm really interested in since I'm still paying on the car and I sure don't want to get stuck in the situation a year or 2 from now. I'm not as happy as I would like to be but I'm glad that they fit the bill for something. But now that they are admitting some of the blame there should be something more that can be done. I added my name to the Class Action List with the Lawyer from New York that another member listed.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that this solves my Transmission problem.
I had the car go from 60 to 20 mph on the interstate. AAA towed me to one of their service centers and told me it was the brakes. So after paying $877.06, I go 30 miles onto the NJ Turnpike where it happened again. AAA customer service would only tow me 3 miles, not back to the service center. The mechanic drove it and said there was no problem. I told him it only happened above 60 mph. He went on the Garden State Parkway and he was not happy when he called.
This problem is not about quality or cost, both of which are ridiculous. This is a safety issue. Any car that locks up at this speed is UNSAFE. I wonder what Honda would have paid if I was rear-ended by a semi. Sorry to rant, but I am calling Honda, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and my congressman tomorrow. I suggest you all do the same.
My car would not go more than 20 mph and the engine was revving, making an awful noise and jumping forward once it would go into 3rd gear. I called the dealer immediately and was told to bring the car in. I called Honda North America (1-800-999-1009) immediately and filed a claim after reading an abundance of complaints about the same model year as my vehicle on this site. Unfortunately, the Honda employee assigned to my case was rude and not compassionate to say the least and automatically told me, “Honda cannot cover the cost of your transmission because your car is over warranty.” If they tell you this do not except it as the final offer.
After filing the claim with Honda North America I left work to take my car into the dealer and again the car would not go past 20 mph except this time I was driving in an intersection when the car COMPLETELY STOPPED WOULD NOT SHIFT GEARS AND I WAS LEFT IN THE INTERSECTION WITH PEOPLE HONKING AND SWERVING TO GET OUT OF THE WAY OF MY CAR. The transmission had failed and I got the call the next day from the dealer. Come to find out the policy is that new transmissions aren’t built and put in but only remanufactured. Luckily for me I have been a loyal customer and always taken my car to the same dealer and It was decided through the regional manager (I believe my dealer had a big part in this as well and I am very thankful for my service adviser) that Honda would pick up all costs except for $300.00 that I would be responsible for. I was also given a 3yr / 36,000 mile warranty on the transmission.
On Wednesday, March 25 the transmission is giving me problems again and I am taking my car back to the dealer to have it looked at AGAIN. The light is flashing while in drive and is showing signs of slipping. I found out today, Thursday March 26 that the transmission needed a new 3rd Gear Pressure Switch because the one that was in the remanufactured transmission is defective. The remanufactured transmission has only been in my car for a few weeks.
I am in utter disbelief that a car company that prides itself on quality and reliability isn't owning up to placing faulty transmissions in their cars. This is indeed a saftey hazard and these transmissions need to be a safety recall!!!
Large prominent Honda dealer sold the car as not having a warranty. I asked about one, but dealer stated "It's a Honda, you don't need one." Having had several Honda's in the past I hesitated and then agreed. Only 3 days after I had the car I was on the interstate and the car made a loud noise and then came to almost a complete stop. Without my seat belt on I would have gone straight through the windshield. I was able to get the car back up to approx 30 mph and drove to the next exit - where thankfully - there was a Honda dealership. They took a look at it the next day and stated the transmission had totally failed and it would have to be completely replaced at a cost of over $3,300.
Being out of state, I called the dealership I purchased it from and they stated as I had not purchased a warranty that it was not their issue and that I would have to pay for the repair. I finally spoke to the GM of the dealership and he stated he would replace it for cost $2,600, throwing out the labor charges. I still ended up having to pay $100 for a night in a hotel and I had to get a U-haul truck and trailer the next day (costing an additional $300) so I could tow the vehicle back to the dealership in Richmond.
Watch out on this model year, if the transmission is original, make sure you have a warranty!
i wont waste my time with the details because if you read one you have read them all. its obvious there's a manufacturers defect with this line of transmission. so while American Honda gives you their standardized spill about your service records on your transmission and the fact that you are out of warranty and its all your fault and they may or may not give you any GOODWILL Assistance . I'm convinced that American Honda has taken the position of their bottom line is more important than our life.
come on people wake up the i truly understand this situation has placed us all in some difficult situations with no vehicle or really pressed to get it fixed. This i know for sure Honda doesn't care about lost of life, expense, inconvenience as a result of their neglect .The only loss they care about is yes you guessed their bottom line. Can you see those top executives in their lavished board rooms smoking a cigars and saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me lol.
American Honda doesn't care about independent web sites that have negative complaints about their product what we need to do is expose American Honda and start a class action law suit it is my mission to do just that . No one has to die to get this matter resolved as for me im not going to keep this vehicle repaired or not but i know this American Honda will reap what they have sown. I will keep my fellow brothers and sisters posted united we must stand
Update from May 16, 2009: just an update on the current status of my 03 accord tranmission. its is currently being repaired at a honda dealership after a GOODWILL assistance of 25 % discount I will have a bill of $2,149.00 its about the average. Like many of the other consumers im still not satisfied , so I insist we get the word out on a national level and try to get a signature list of willing class action participants. I have spoken to several lawyers and before they will take the case he/she must see figures to justify the time and expense that it will take for a class action like this. As i said before it is now my mission to be proactive in this matter no one has to die or get hurt before any action is taken unless someone wants to be a sacrificial lamb for the team (just kidding). I have emailed various major tv networks and talk shows that can get the word out nationally if they choose to investagate our situation , such as CNN investagate, oprah show, inside edition, NHTSA, congressman, attorney general and the BBB . The way i see it we pay for american honda negligence now but they will pay us later so i would advise everyone to do the same. One complaint may turn a head but thousand of emails may open their eyes. United we must stand , if anyone has started a class action please post the info.
Update from May 28, 2009: I now have my car fixed now that I have something to ride in I can handle the business at hand. To all whom feel American Honda has willfully put their lives at risk I would advise everyone to call Stamell & Schager law firm
at (212) 566-4356 and have your name added to the list of concerned consumers. If they get enough complaints they can move forward on pursuing a class action. I also recommend that you record all losses incurred as a result of this problem
- vborden, Gadsden, AL, US