Notes: The 1999 Honda Accord suffers from widespread transmission failure, subframe rust, engine shuts off while driving, & peeling paint. We recommend avoiding this model year like the plague. Read more »
The transmission begins slipping & eventually has to be replaced, typically soon after 100,000 miles & with a repair cost of over $2,000.
Subframe rust near the front passenger side wheel has become a problem recently, due to the poorly positioned A/C drain hose directly above that area. Repair cost to the subframe is over $2,000.
Engine stalling while driving in the 1999 Accord is typically caused by a defective ignition switch -- inexpensive to repair (under $200) but dangerous.
Peeling paint has also been an issue for these Accords. Most of the complaints are with darker paint colors -- especially green & blue.
1999 Honda Accord Stalls While Driving - It just cuts out without warning. Doesn't matter if you are going fast or slow or if engine is hot or cold. No warning light ever comes on. - Seems to be a faulty design of the ignition switch. - Need to replace immobilizer unit of ignition.
So I'm reading down the list and my mind is blown by how many people are having this very same issue with the very same model and year of Honda. Driving over a bridge is NOT the place where you want your rpms to fall off and your car to shut down but thats what happened to me. Seeing I was far from home, I had no other choice but to try and drive... in traffic where the car cut off 15 times more. I would have to turn the key and restart (and fortunately this worked). I'd recently changed the relay, plugs, distributor, and had a lot of work done so it was especially galling. But this? This is terrifying.
I've read about the ignition recall which may or may not address the issue. I'd like to see about that but when I took the car to PLAZA HONDA in Brooklyn, they would not address the recall!!! So to hell with them and I'm putting them on blast.
Any help folks can offer, or else I'll continue to read the hundreds of other disgruntled 99 accord owners reports. Damn.
I first started noticing that the engine's rpm would lower when driving or accelerating at slow speeds on hills. At first, I thought it was just because I had no gas but it would happen every couple of months when ever I would drive slowly or reverse on a hill. The engine's rpm would just drop and sometimes stall but if I can catch it quick enough to step on the gas, it wouldn't stall. It still happens to this day in July 2018 but I don't care enough to get it fixed because it only happens once every couple of months and is a junk car anyways. Also, it doesn't happen at high speeds like on some complaints that I have read about this same problem.
Driving on freeway at around 65 mph, periodically engine would shut off for about 1 or 2 seconds, rather hair-raising. Part wasn't that expensive, but mechanic had to tear the dash apart to fix it.
It seems that this particular Honda year was plagued with these problems. Many People have reported the same problem. It is a very very dangerous and potentially life threatening problem as the car stalls out while driving and at Intersections. I have had the Distributor replaced, total major tune up, spark plugs, wires cleaned.. the car is still stalling out.
What bothers me the most is that despite these many reports about this particular problem there has not been any solid advice from Honda on what to do and what the problem part would be. Nothing codes on the diagnostic test. The car runs fine otherwise.. but it stalls . I want to get this fixed but do not know what the problem part is and neither do my mechanics who have replaced any and all parts that they saw as needing replacing or possibly being the culprit of the Problem with the stalling. So.. what do I do now???
Update from May 25, 2014: This Car is a Night Mare.. replaced entire distributor, relaxed Fuel Pressure Gauge, not one of the repairs has fixed the stalling problem.. After 3 full diagnostics they still do not know what causes it to stall intermittently even when driving.
Have to do another Diagnostics at the dealer which will be costlier than the previous ones. I bought this car used and it only has 131 000 Miles on it.. sent 3500 Dollars on the car and now close to a 1000 for these repairs which still haven't fixed the problem. I am going to race the car in for something better.. This Honda year must have produced a serious lemon!! Unfortunately I ended up with one!
- Pia M.,
Upper Arlington, OH, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
My Honda started stalling when I was driving. Then, it was hard to start, it took sometimes 5 or 6 times of trying. Took it to the mechanic down the road, and he said it was the variable valve timing solenoid, so he replaced it. That night it started dying again. Called him, and he said to bring it back in. Two weeks later, he had replaced, the oil pump, oil pan gasket, main bearings, oil change and filter, Timing belt kit. Coming to parts- $757.28, labor- $801.99 Total with tax $1,705.84. and guess what? It's still dying! worse than ever. I'm afraid to drive it. Last night I went across the street to get gas, and it died when I turned into the gas station. So, it's not when it's cold, or when it's warmed up. I've had it. after all the money I spent, don't tell me it's an electrical problem, and is covered by recall? SH*T!!! Thank's for your time. Skamser1
This shutting down of my car without warning has been going on for over a year. It stops dead with no power steering or anything so I can only drift a small distance. I have had it to the Honda dealership two times(one time for six weeks) they said it never shut off...had it to my local mechanic twice(they kept it for a week) and didn't get it to stop....The ignition switch was recalled and I had it replaced twice. It didn't happen after the second recall for eight months but that might have been due to the weather?? It was winter. I contacted the Honda maine nothing. Filled out a report with the state of Pa (got nothing) It's my only car,it's a dangerous situation and I think Honda knows they have a problem because I've read about this same thing over and over again but no help. I have invested in Honda's for 35 yrs and have loved them but I feel like marching on Corporate( and I'm not the marching type) Mechanics have mentioned relays, fuel injectors, ignition switches but I can't afford to try all these things on a whim. they hook my car up to computers,,,,,nothing, What good are those computers if they detect the problem? I'm at my wits!!!! The only thing I have noticed is that I think it shuts down after a gear change (maybe second,,,it's an automatic) But there is never ANY warning which is the scary thing!!!!Thanks
Was a pain on ass while driving. would die for no reason but if you grabbed the key switch and twisted the key like starting motor real fast when done it and held key on starting position it would run and you could drive but you could only drive with one hand because other hand had stay on key . I did replace myself. it was scary to drive, very unsafe.
Should be covered as a recall. I would of liked to been able to disconnect this feature, and go back to a standard key. Really who wants to steal a 1999 Accord ? $350 for a security feature that requires a $70 key, brilliant. Just make it run.
I called Honda to see if my VIN was covered under the recall to get a new switch. They said there is no recalls under this VIN. BULLSHIT!!!! Anyway I changed the switch myself and the problem persists.
I read another solution on another site:
I had this same issue. The PCM and fuel pressure regulator is the correct fix. It is not cheap, but it does address the problem.
If i recall, the issue has to do with ethanol having a lower boiling point than traditional gas. This causes it to vaporize on the fuel rail when the car's warm, but no long pumping gas because it's off. When you go to re-start the car, instead of liquid gas, you are spurting on fumes on the rail. Once the car cools sufficiently, the vapor re-condenses to liquid so you can start again.
The new PCM and fuel pressure regulator (i think that's what it is) creates a higher pressure inside the fuel system and the higher pressure increases the boiling point of the fuel, eliminating the problem.
I have issues with taking a gamble on this fix, There should be a TSB on the issue. Please let me know where I can find it
After paying the $90 plus diagnostic fee, the dealership told me that they could not find the problem. The customer service rep suggested that I talk to sales about purchasing a new car.
this sucks! this was a recall for my year and make of car and honda and nhtsa say my vin# was not included! yet others were, so i am out the $$- thanks honda.
problem got progressively worse as time went on. nearly wiped out by tractor trailer cause car just shuts down at any time, any speed, and is sometimes not easy to restart.
I have 1999 Honda Accord, i bought it used in March'11 one day i was heading to office during the day and car engine stopped and within a moment it kicked back in. didn't do anything. As days passed this problem became more and more frequent. on highways, stop lights. parking every where. cold or hot doesn't matter. I checked online and found that this may be due to bad ignition switch and its under recall. I called customer service and they said recall is complete and now i have to pay 275$ to get it done once again. Now the only way to keep the car running is to leave the key slowly once the engine starts. But sometimes this also fails and i am left only to try it again and again. This is very dangerous situation and honda customer service should do something about it. i think the problem is not only the ignition switch but also the main relay which should also be replaced under this recall. I gave another shot and twitted Honda Customer service about the problem and they asked me to go to Honda Dealer to confirm about the cause of problem. I am hopeful to have it done without any cost to me but not sure. i am scheduled to visit Honda Dealership for diagnosis in few days. will update if they come up with proper solution for this problem.
Update from Sep 27, 2012: Finally it was a bad ingition switch, that means the earlier recall/replacement done for this was not good. But I am happy as the dealership at Capital Honda at OKEMOS,MI .. did it with no cost to me.
Car dies while driving a varying speeds and conditions. At first car would restart right away, but now seems to take 20-30 minutes and sometimes won't restart without a jump.
Bought the car with 135,000 mi in March 10. Ran great. One year later, it started dying while I was traveling 40 mph, sometimes after a few miles of driving, sometimes it dies before I leave the parking lot.
It's REALLY DANGEROUS. Brought it to mechanic 2-3 times but it always works fine for them. They've done different things - costing me about $1,000 - but have no idea what's causing it.
I find that when I take my foot off the gas, the car feels heavy and pulls back, isn't smooth until I hit the gas again. It used to just happen once a week, the past few days it's happened 3-4 times.
Found out about the recall but Honda told me my VIN was already brought in and the recall problem corrected.
I see from other sites (Civic Honda) that this is a recurring problem for many Honda drivers.
In 2002 the ignition switch was replaced due to a recall, which should last pretty much the lifetime of the car. My car only has 89,000 miles on it, which for a Honda isn't much. I called the customer service line and was told this would not be covered under a recall due to it being done already once. I asked them "Even though the second one was faulty you still won't cover it." And was politely told by the man on the phone, "Sorry, but no". So as I drove down the road yesterday to get it to the garage, I almost got into two accidents due to the constant stalling and restarting itself. I find it hard to believe that on the website ahm-ownerlink they have the nerve to put "Honda is concerned with safety". I beg to differ! When/if I get killed while driving down the road when this faulty part goes yet again, my husband and daughter will be set for life with the lawsuit they will slap on Honda. I am disgusted thinking I have owned and driven Hondas for the last 15 years with pride. NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I too, have had problems with my 1999 Honda Accord stopping while driving. It first occurred in July of 2010. I put up with it most of the summer, as it seemed to only happen when it was very hot and/or humid, and would also happen only when I had stopped or slowed down, and then "gave it gas" again. Until one day in September, it happened on the highway when I changed lanes going about 65 mph. Thank goodness, there was no one behind me, and I was able to cruise to the breakdown lane (with no power steering) to restart it. I drove directly to my mechanic. He could find nothing specific wrong with it, but he replaced the fuel injector, and sparkplugs, etc.
The car ran beautifully after that, until about a month ago, when it began happening again! Again, it is during hot/humid weather. It has happened four times since then. I brought it to my mechanic again, but he can't even get the problem to dupicate for him. I just realized that I had received a recall notice about the ignition switch interlock, but had not had it fixed due to pressing family matters at the time, and then forgot about it. I just called Honda now to find out if I could still have this repaired. They said yes, but that it would have NOTHING to to with the problem of my car shutting off. Where to turn now????
Ok, so i drive a 99 3.0L V6 Honda Accord and it just randomly dies on me. After this happened, i couldn't restart the car for about 15 minutes. I replaced the Main Relay and it stopped for a while. Now its doing it again, except now, it will start right back up when i turn the key, worst case scenario, it takes me about 3 tries, but regardless, it still dies. Ive tried putting higher octane fuel in it, didn't help. I checked the distributor contacts and everything seems to be fine. The battery and alternator are still fairly new. It especially likes to do this to me when the weather changes from cold to warm/hot. It also does it if my A/C is on at max, or when the defroster is on at max. This is really frustrating, especially when on the freeway or in stop and go traffic. Ive checked the battery with a voltage meter and its perfectly in spec. I also hooked up a $6000 scanner from my school, assuming that with it being as expensive as it is, if there was a problem, it should be able to find it... NOTHING! It couldn't find a single damn thing wrong with the car, according to the scanner. Everything is within spec too, (timing advance, short term fuel trim, long term fuel trim, etc. ANY HELP OR SUGGESTIONS WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED.
i think this is a recall i didn't know about, now i think it led to all four cylinders misfiring because i can always start it in transit, it stalled a couple times then it wouldn't start after i toke the positive terminal off then on started it started misfiring.
3 times in 2 days this happend. to day was the worst . rite in rush hour traffic i was blocking the road with hazzards on im getting dicks from behind beeping , wot the hell r u blind. this problem makes me wont to get a new car cant trust it at all tramming it to work from now on.
So I'm reading down the list and my mind is blown by how many people are having this very same issue with the very same model and year of Honda. Driving over a bridge is NOT the place where you want your rpms to fall off and your car to shut down but thats what happened to me. Seeing I was far from home, I had no other choice but to try and drive... in traffic where the car cut off 15 times more. I would have to turn the key and restart (and fortunately this worked). I'd recently changed the relay, plugs, distributor, and had a lot of work done so it was especially galling. But this? This is terrifying.
I've read about the ignition recall which may or may not address the issue. I'd like to see about that but when I took the car to PLAZA HONDA in Brooklyn, they would not address the recall!!! So to hell with them and I'm putting them on blast.
Any help folks can offer, or else I'll continue to read the hundreds of other disgruntled 99 accord owners reports. Damn.
- Paul J., Brooklyn, US