After having my truck sit over night, when I start it up and hit the gas to go, the engine will start knocking and then completely shut off leaving me rolling, without power steering, down the street. I stop the truck, park it, and start it up again, and it will be fine until i sit at a stop light for too long, and then it will repeat itself. One dangerous encounter I had was when I was pulling out of my neighborhood. It died right as I pulled onto the REALLY busy road that has a 55mph speed limit. I had to stop it, park it, and start it up again before a car rammed into me. I tried replacing the fuel filter because I though it was a fuel system problem. It still has the same problem. I'm going to try to replace the fuel pressure regulator next....
After having my truck sit over night, when I start it up and hit the gas to go, the engine will start knocking and then completely shut off leaving me rolling, without power steering, down the street. I stop the truck, park it, and start it up again, and it will be fine until i sit at a stop light for too long, and then it will repeat itself. One dangerous encounter I had was when I was pulling out of my neighborhood. It died right as I pulled onto the REALLY busy road that has a 55mph speed limit. I had to stop it, park it, and start it up again before a car rammed into me. I tried replacing the fuel filter because I though it was a fuel system problem. It still has the same problem. I'm going to try to replace the fuel pressure regulator next....
- Steven P., Columbia, SC, US