Left taillight had condensation when I bought it out of the loaner program with 3K miles. The salesman said it had a recall on it and they would call me when the new one thy had ordered came in. Waited three weeks and called the service department who didn't know anything about a recall or ordering one. They had one in stock and replaced it. The condensation showed up the next day inside the new one. I took it back again today and the service department said it was "normal". I disagreed that water should be inside a taillight of a brand new vehicle. They ordered a new one under warranty today Its my guess after reading this forum that the new one will also have condensation soon. This is Southtown in Newnan Georgia. I really don't like someone blowing smoke at me. Reinforced my view of auto salesman and car dealers. I am really disappointed.
Left taillight had condensation when I bought it out of the loaner program with 3K miles. The salesman said it had a recall on it and they would call me when the new one thy had ordered came in. Waited three weeks and called the service department who didn't know anything about a recall or ordering one. They had one in stock and replaced it. The condensation showed up the next day inside the new one. I took it back again today and the service department said it was "normal". I disagreed that water should be inside a taillight of a brand new vehicle. They ordered a new one under warranty today Its my guess after reading this forum that the new one will also have condensation soon. This is Southtown in Newnan Georgia. I really don't like someone blowing smoke at me. Reinforced my view of auto salesman and car dealers. I am really disappointed.
- James D., Newnan, GA, US