Having same problem with our 01 windstar. Put re manufactured alternator in and now it dies while driving. Tried the re-learning proccess it says to do in the owners manual when you unhook the batt. and it made it thirteen miles fine. But when I accelerated above 55mph it was like turning off a light.??? Pulled off road put in park and started right up. Then drove another 7 or 8 miles and died twice, once at 35mph and again at 25mph. Also have other electrical issues ( locks, windows, sliding door, etc.) but if I can get any ideas on how to fix this one I'll be content. This van is an electrical nightmare
Two times my car shut off while driving. Both times the car lost all electrical power. Nothing worked at all. lights, flashers,clock, radio, locks, as if the battery was disconected. The first time it happened, I had the car towed to a repair shop. When it arived there, there was nothing wrong with the car. It started right up. They kept it for two days and could not find any reason why this happened. The second time it happened my wife was driving it in a parking lot. She was able to push it into a parking spot and left it untill I got home from work 5 hours later. when I got to trhe car nothing work again just like the battery was disconected. even with a dead battey the lights would be dim or at least the clock would work. After checking everything over I decided to disconect the battery wait a few minutes and reconect it. When I did, it started right up. I hope this never happens when I'm driving on the highway. No one can figure out why this is happening.
This vehicle will shut off while driving, the break lights will be on by themselves, the hazards will come on on there own, the interior lights will be on sometimes, the passenger door will not unlock by the buttons, the check engine light comes on, the abs light comes on, the tire light comes on, an d the taillights come on. All of this is by itself, and most of these things will happen after you park the vehicle so the battery is dead when you try to use it. VERY STRATING!!!!!!!!!!!
There are many electrical problems with this vehicle. The driver side seat will not adjust. 2 days ago I could not get window to go up then today it worked. Lights go crazy ( Check engine lights stays on) We take very good care of this vehicle and have regular maintenance every year but light stays on. ABS light goes off and on as well as the tire light. Driver side headlights blow every other month.Sometimes parking lights just stay on even when the vehicle is not running. Today engine just quit while driving very scary. We have a Entertainment package with the VCR but the screen does not work now. Passenger door lock will not unlock by the button. Passenger rear window will not open. When at an Idle the vehicle misses and sometimes dies or acts like it is going to die.
The car was running fine until I replaced the alternator with a re manufactured alternator from Auto Zone. Auto Zone put a tester on the battery and said the alternator was not charging properly so I took their word for it and replaced it. Now the car will start fine and idle forever but as soon as you take it on the road without warning the engine will quit whether at 30 mph or 60 mph. While the engine is running it runs fine without missing or anything. On the road when it stalls I have to turn the key off first and then it will start right away. It has good power and then without warning the engine quits.
Having same problem with our 01 windstar. Put re manufactured alternator in and now it dies while driving. Tried the re-learning proccess it says to do in the owners manual when you unhook the batt. and it made it thirteen miles fine. But when I accelerated above 55mph it was like turning off a light.??? Pulled off road put in park and started right up. Then drove another 7 or 8 miles and died twice, once at 35mph and again at 25mph. Also have other electrical issues ( locks, windows, sliding door, etc.) but if I can get any ideas on how to fix this one I'll be content. This van is an electrical nightmare
- D. C., Belmont, MS, US