I just bought this car 1.5 months ago so it is still covered under the 60-day warranty issued by the seller. I purchased this vehicle as our families only source of transportation. I owned a 1995 Ford Windstar for 6 years previous and never had transmission problems an thought it was time to upgrade. As we returned from a weekend trip 3 hrs from home suddenly the O/D light starts flashing. Closer to home i smell something burning. Three blocks from my home the entire back of car is smoking!!! I mean its SMOKING. Fluid gushing from underneath the car. My neighbors come out cause of the smell. Thank goodness this didn't erupt on the highway. Thank goodness for that! I go to MY mechanic an he tells me directly my transmission needs to be fixed/replace. I then bring it back to the dealer who holds the warranty, he keeps it for 2hrs, calls me and says they see nothing wrong with it. They just put fluid in an it's driving fine. Their only explanation is "This model has a history of boiling out transmission fluid sometimes, keep extra bottles in back an pull over to refill if this happens again." "Its just something that happens with Ford vans."
Are you kidding me!!! I have NEVER had a car that requires such constant pacifying. I told the dealer this is NOT a solution. I am not happy at all. I will drive it off the lot today, an when the trans dies in another week they will have to replace it than. I guess my next option after my warranty is to buy an extended warranty an face that it may need constant fixes.
I think it is ridiculous that Ford will not pay for this, considering how many complaints they have on this trans. My vehicle just stopped having any forward gears at a stop light. No noise, no lights. They have a problem and you can bet I won't buy another Ford.
This van has had the transmission built twice. The second time the seals went out and lost all the fluid. Had to be towed in of course.Would not buy another Ford van.
No 1st,2nd, or drive -- only reverse. never had a transmission go at this low of mileage. Got lucky on the rebuild price by what I see on the net. Dealer should have recalled this problem.
We have put a lot of money into this Windstar. In 2003 the back sliding doors, which are not automatic, would not open from the inside. This problem obviously had to be addressed immediately due to the danger to my children in the back seats. It cost over $1,000 to fix the doors, and they still don't work perfectly. Our warranty was only up by a couple of months when this problem occurred and Ford would not work with us at all. Then we were absolutely sick that we had to put a new transmission in a vehicle that had only been paid off for one year and only had 55,000 miles on it and cost nearly $25,000 when we bought it in 2000!!! Then just last month when we took the Windstar in for State Inspection we were informed that we needed a new rear axle, that the one on our van had completely rusted through and we were lucky our back wheels had not fallen off, another $700 to repair that problem. I have come to one conclusion after owning this Windstar, that it is my first and last Ford that I will ever own!!
- ekirby,
Pittsburgh, PA, US
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There was no sign of any problem. I took the car in to have a timer repaired and picked up the car. The next day I was turning onto a main street, something felt like I went over a curb and the car just stopped going forward. It was like the gears were stuck. No signal or symptoms. That really bites. If one knew a problem was developing, then at least one could make the decision to trade-in or repair. Now I'm just stuck with an expensive repair. I try to buy American made, but Ford just doesn't make the cut. I won't purchase a Ford again.
My problems with my Windstar began 5 years ago when it was two years young and had only 40 000km. shy of a month that i had purchased it , the trany went and it was still under warranty. at 70 000km i had to replace it once again myself. five days ago at 125 000kms the trany died again. I hate all Windstars !
While driving my van suddenly a really loud bang happened. Then I had no gears except reverse. Had the car towed to Lee Myles. Needed Another new tranny. This is my second tranney replacement in 4 years. My van has only 71000 miles on it. This is ridiculous. Ford should have done a recall on these faulty tranneys. Ford does not stand behind it's crummy product. I will not ever be buying a Ford again. Ford products are pieces of crap. Sad that that is the best American made car manufacturers can do. It's no wonder America is falling behind other countries in manufacturing etc. Ford is not loyal to it's customers. I see no reason to be loyal to them. No more Fords in my house.
Since I hit 60,000 miles on our Windstar I've had nothing but problems. I took it to the dealer at least 5 times complaining of a trans fluid leak and had the pan and gasket replaced 2 times. The problem still comes and goes, the more we drive it the more it leaks. The mechanic said he can't find any problem but just today I noticed a pool of fluid under the car again. I checked the fluid but the level is good. I drove it down the street and came home and it's like someone cracked the faucet on the sink. It's a steady stream of red fluid. I spend close to $600 having the trans looked at not to mention all the other crap that I had done and I've decided today it's time to sell. I had a Chevy Astro and put close to 200K miles on it and never had these kind of problems. I'm Done With Ford....
My Brother was right, FORD = Fix Or Repair Daily, And he works for Ford!!
purchase the van in 2003 with appx. 20,000 miles. had problems with trans from day one. Noise, loud bangs and slippage. Brought to Coccia Ford on 3 separate occasions concerning this and was told nothing was wrong. Five years later with only an additional 17000 miles the trans completely failed. the extended warranty had expired 6 months earlier. Spoke to salesmen, service manager, general manager,and ford directly.... No one would do a thing. Left 3 messages for the own but never got a return call.
stay clear of ford and if you live in northeastern pa ... make sure to stay away from coccia ford. have never be treated so poorly in my entire life.... thanks for your time.
I bought this car new and kept the maintenance on schedule. At 53,000 miles the transmission went out while driving on the interstate on vacation. Of course the warranty had expired and I was out of pocket over $2600 for replacement. This should not have happened to a car with this low mileage. I will not purchase another Ford product.
Really annoying how my 2000 Windstar transmission gave out just several weeks after my regular service check. died at 118k, despite regular service. Quite frankly, wasn't aware of the need for a flush and the dealership never mentioned it either despite the fact I bought from them in 2004 and have brought it to them for service at least twice a year since.
Was wondering about the person who wrote to this site in 2004 and got Ford/the dealership to cover 75% of the cost of a new transmission. I phoned Ford Customer Service today and they were polite but said they couln't help, said it was more a dealership/workmanship issue, despite my referencing the aforementioned case.
Any advice? Anybody else get help from Ford or their dealership to cover the cost?
No signs of impending problem. No slippage, fluid leakage, etc... Was away from home and after pulling out of a parking lot, stopping at a light. there was a big bang and I lost everything except reverse. Had towed to nearest AAmco dealer and had rebuilt transmission and torque converter replaced. There is no reason I should have lost the transmission and torque converter at 74000 miles as I do not drive hard and I am very conscientious about maintenance on my vehicle. After getting the car back to New York, from New Jersey, the transmission failed again and I had to take it to the local AAmaco to have it repaired under warranty this time. After going on the web I have since found out this is quite a common problem with this car.
I was driving up the hwy 70mph and it just shift out of OD and in between drive and OD and stay there it slips out of OD all the time but not quite into drive it causes the trans to get really hot and start stinking. My millage is about 12mpg this is nice since gas is so cheap! I was told it was my planetary gears which would cost at the least $2500 if I could afford that I would just trade it in for a TOYOTA at least they stand behind their product. With as many "defects" as I have read and heard of one would think the GOV would get involved and make them make it right!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've got lots more problems with this van than I do time and $$$ so it will just sit and look good for the neighborhood! Someone HELP!!!!
I too bought a wonderful van or someone else's headache. When I bought the van it had about 74000miles when it started shuttering at low speeds it gradually got worse it the shop said it was some sensor in the trans and changed it which did fix that problem sort of. I have many more complaints though!
My transmission was replaced under warranty at 32,500. Like clockwork, the transmission failed again at 64,000. The dealer understands goodwill and did not charge me any labor and only charged me about $50 over his cost for the transmission. Although I'm still arguing with Ford, they are refusing to pay the balance on the transmission replacement that the dealer did not already discount. I would except, but not be happy about, replacing the transmission for the first time at 64,000 and having to pay for it because it is out of warranty. But since it was replaced at 32,000 miles, I don't think it is right that I pay for this.
No more Fords for me if FMC doesn't come up with the balance.
Mixed emotions. Bought Windstar in march of 07,w/ 78,000 miles. Today at 84,000 miles no warning, no noise, no smell, just hit the gas pedal and pop: going nowhere fast. Good news is certified Ford dealership service dept. manager stopped and checked on us. Looked at van, made 2 phone calls and had a tow truck coming and a free Taurus loner car waiting for us at the dealership all on his day off in less than five minutes. Tow truck dropped us and van off at dealer and in less than ten minutes we were on our way with brand new Taurus loner no questions asked. I've always been a Ford man, had a 77,78 Ford f-150 good trucks, flew a 88 Taurus 90 ft. through air after hitting guard rail at est. 70mph., landed on roof and skid 45 more feet, good car held together well. Owned a '97 Expedition Eddie Bauer ed.4x4 excellent truck. Windstar and new Tauruses I dont know about I think Ford needs to fess up and admit they screwed up and put out a recall. What happened to standing behind your product. As for manager that stopped, Ford should take some of there money from fixing transmissions and give this man a big bonus.
I bought the car at 118000 miles. Two or three weeks later, I was without a vehicle. No warning, no nothing just "POP" and it the transmission would only go in reverse and nothing else. So the dealership sent it to a top named transmission repair place where they rebuilt the transmission for $1100 and gave a six month warranty. Well it hasn't been six months, and the transmission is out again. Can I get a vehicle that will actually run long enough for me to enjoy it??? Not if its a FORD. Last time I sent it to this transmission place, it took them two weeks to fix, I wonder how long it will take when they aren't getting any money for the job?
Well, at 117,000 miles and no warning what so ever my transmission just took a big crap!!!! It will only go in Reverse!!!! no drive no 2nd no 1st only REVERSE!!!! What the heck. No funny noises all fluids fine it just won't go FORWARD!!! a 2000 windstar which I am still making payments on. I can barley afford to keep gas in the thing let alone replace a whole transmission. I am PISSED that auto manufactures are selling us CRAP at insanely high prices. Where is the justice? I guess all I can do is post this on the internet so maybe someone else won't be in my shoes!
I just bought this car 1.5 months ago so it is still covered under the 60-day warranty issued by the seller. I purchased this vehicle as our families only source of transportation. I owned a 1995 Ford Windstar for 6 years previous and never had transmission problems an thought it was time to upgrade. As we returned from a weekend trip 3 hrs from home suddenly the O/D light starts flashing. Closer to home i smell something burning. Three blocks from my home the entire back of car is smoking!!! I mean its SMOKING. Fluid gushing from underneath the car. My neighbors come out cause of the smell. Thank goodness this didn't erupt on the highway. Thank goodness for that! I go to MY mechanic an he tells me directly my transmission needs to be fixed/replace. I then bring it back to the dealer who holds the warranty, he keeps it for 2hrs, calls me and says they see nothing wrong with it. They just put fluid in an it's driving fine. Their only explanation is "This model has a history of boiling out transmission fluid sometimes, keep extra bottles in back an pull over to refill if this happens again." "Its just something that happens with Ford vans."
Are you kidding me!!! I have NEVER had a car that requires such constant pacifying. I told the dealer this is NOT a solution. I am not happy at all. I will drive it off the lot today, an when the trans dies in another week they will have to replace it than. I guess my next option after my warranty is to buy an extended warranty an face that it may need constant fixes.
- rv, Albany, NY, US