Car was drifting brought it to mechanic and paid $650 for struts, alignment, 2 tires, drove 20 miles and the rear axle BROKE. Just broke, the mechanic says it has nothing to do with the work he did and the axle wasn't rusted. What's the deal Ford? I see from this site there are lots of people with this problem. I'm lucky it didn't happen when I was on the highway as some of the others here. Everyone I speak to says this should never happen regardless of the mileage on the vehicle.
this happened to my mom tonight she was coming home from work and was driving 75 mph and she heard to bumps and the next thing you know shes doing 360 down the jersey parkway luckily shes okay because she went into a grass median but she started off in the left lane of the locals and landed right next to the express and when she saw the cars in the express flying down she was very scared because she lost all control of the car
We experienced fish tailing in the rear of our 2000 Ford Windstar while traveling in heavy holiday traffic during a torrential rain storm on NJ Garden State Parkway - we thought it was the rain on a very cold day. Ten miles after 400 miles of parkway travel over the holidays with my entire family in the van, the rear axle broke in half, off center to left. My investigation shows me that this has happened to many other Windstar owners around the 100,000 mile mark. We, like many others who posted it here and other complaint sites, thank god that it did not happen while going 65 mph in heavy traffic. There have been many near accidents sited and Ford claims they know nothing about this issue. As many more Windstar approach this milestone - word needs to get about to have them and their mechanics watch for this. I was without transportation for a week and it cost us almost $1,000 to replace it and our mechanic could not find anywhere where it is advised to check this out on routine maintenance — he was horrified. In the broken rear axle category for 2000 Windstars reported on the NHTSA site, there are only six less number of complaints (57 vs. 51) as there is the speed control issue that FORD just sent out a recall for and in 2001 there were eight more complaints — 45 broken axles vs. 38 speed control! Ford customer service was less than concerned when I called to report it. THIS IS A FATALITY LOOKING TO HAPPEN - IF IT HASN'T ALREADY!
i was was coming home from a trip to AL. on I-65 between KY and IN just over the bridge (hate that bridge) so going about 60 mph. i felt like i had just hit a bump in the road . after the bump my steering felt like i was on ICE . no control. tried to get over to side of road no one would let me over ever when i had almost stopped . traffic was heavy on a Saturday night. then my tire blew out knew then it was a flat tire felt like was on ice more.finely got to side of road. not until we went to change the tire did we realize the axle was busted. ford wont help over 100,000 miles . I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE before FORD will do some thing???? im glad i was driving not my teen. and that i was not in KY in the mountains or was driving faster than what i was.
On Dec.23,2009 on my way to work I noticed my 2000 Windstar starting to lose control around a bend. Thinking I must have hit some ice I proceeded at a slower pace. Then as I made a right hand turn a loud screeching noise could be heard from the rear as the van struggled to gain speed. I pulled over as far as I could on the road which had no shoulder. I exited the vehicle to the smell of burning rubber to find the rear wheels flared bottom side out. Looking under the vehicle I could see the rear axle beam nearly split in two. After a week finally repaired for $934. My mechanic said I was the 4th or 5th Windstar he has replaced the rear end with this same problem. This is a dangerous problem that needs to be addressed. I reported this problem to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). I encourage other Windstar owners with this dangerous problem to go to and file a complaint. If enough of us do this maybe Ford will be forced to take action and do a recall on the Windstars before someone gets killed if it hasn't happened already.
- John L.,
Staten Island, NY, US
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While driving in the car with 6 children I heard a loud whistling noise and I could tell something was very wrong by the way it handled. Something felt wrong with the tires in the back. I crawled the short distance home and discovered that the rear axle was now 6 inches above the ground and digging into the tire on the driver side. As I later followed my husband to the mechanic's, the rear tires were visibly tilted in at the top and out at the bottom. We had to stop and flatbed it the rest of the way to the garage. The mechanic said the axle was cracked 3/4 of the way through and looked as though it had rusted from the inside out. I was thankful I was not on a highway when this happened.
Well, It all started a couple of weeks ago. I noticed some swaying in the rear end and some really loud squeaking in the rear end when I would make turns , especially right turns. I really thought nothing of it at first. I just thought it was getting old and starting to make some noises. It got worse as days went by. My wife and I use this as our primary transportation. We need a van because we have four children 12 and under. Well the noises continued to get worse so today I decided it was time to get underneath and see what was going on under there. I pulled it in my garage and jacked up the passenger side and pulled off the wheel and started looking at my shocks and springs with a flashlight. There didn't seem to be any problems. All the while I was hoping and praying there wouldn't be a major problem. It turned out to be really bad news. My axel was broken almost all the way through.Only about 1 1/2 left connected. That little bit probably saved our lives because I just made 2 trips to the movies with my 4 kids 2 days ago. This involved a highway drive (65mph) and about 15 miles each way. I thank GOD it didn't break through all the way on that highway. I started shaking when I read some of these posts about this problem. I believe there is a MAJOR problem with these axles. If you check all the pictures that are posted. The break occurs in the SAME spot in all the posts. There is a flaw in the making of this part. Something has to be done. I have to get it fixed. It's of no good just to junk it. I just spent over 1600.00 to fix the transmission in July. I an going to have it looked at on Monday and I hope for the best. Again, I just thanks GOD none of us got hurt and I decided to get under there today even though it is 12 degrees outside and find this problem before it was too late !!!
40 miles per hour , swerved to miss item in road . After returning to right lane rear tires began screeching. Both rear tires tilted inward and right rear tire was forward almost 2 inches compared to left. Had to travel an additional 30 miles with this condition. This needs to be sent to Ford for them to know they have an issue that needs to be addresses with a recall or to help consumers pay some of the bill!!!!!!!
My wife told me, about a month ago, that her friend at work had a problem with her ford windstar. She said that the rear axel just snapped in half. When she brought it to her mechanic, he told her that he has found this to be a common problem. I did not believe that it would happen to my van, so I did not get it inspected. Two days ago, my wife called me at my job and told me she was driving the car and heard a loud bang. She felt like the tire was flat and pulled over to the side of the road. I left work, picked up my air compressor at home, and went to her. When I pulled up to the car, the rear tires did not look right. They were crooked, so I looked under the back of the car,and sure enough the axel was broken in half! We had to have it towed to the mechanic, and the repair is going to cost us $1100.00. There should be a recall on the rear axle because of the frequency of occurrences with this car make.
With no warning whatsoever, my dealer-maintained Windstar's rear axle broke completely in two pieces(one of them dragging on the ground). Ford won't pay a cent of the repair cost. New axle at the Ford dealer ~$1200. Sure seems like a dangerous defect, if this had happened on the highway who knows how it would turn out.
Car started to shake in rear last week. Thought it was low tire pressure or bad shocks. Yesterday I went over a bump and the car fishtailed and scared me. A few minutes later I heard a noise and looked in the rear mirror to see lots of smoke coming from the driver side rear wheel. After loading onto tow truck we could see the axle had snapped about 2 feet from the drivers side. Not a good feeling. I will check with my mechanic as to availability of used axle.
traveling on highway 60mph. luckily in right hand lane. rear axle broke, able to pull off road safely. very dangerous situation. ford motor co will do what?????
The rear axle of my sons Windstar split in two pieces approx. 12" from the drivers side rear tire.Seperation accured on interstate 287 in NJ. Speed was apporx. 60mph.His wife was driving.Smelled rubber burning,tire was shredding on wheel well.She got off main road,during which she heard metal scrapping. The axle fully seperated at this time.Had car towed to home.Having had owned my own towing/repair service I repaired the axle with help of old friends in salvage yard buisness.I now known why I sold buisness.Approx cost with parts was about $500,had to replace an almost new tire. The axle gave no warning sounds or signs readily visable or audiable. Axle was rusted at brake approx. 75% Clean metal was very little..
Cracked 3/4 the way around. Bottom is still together but about 1/2 inch above that its cracked and the rear tires are tilting inward. Will update on cost...
We had been hearing a bump for a few weeks. I could not find the cause until the other morning, My wife was backing out of the driveway and the rear axle snapped. I thank god we were not going down the highway. Ford should definitely be liable for the fix with an immediate recall. What will it take?
We could of been killed and I cant believe Ford hasn't offered a recall on this. My back axle just snapped in half and luckily we were not on a major highway or freeway, we could of lost control and been killed. My neighbor, who also has a 2000 Windstar, had the same problem happen to them 3 months ago and the collision center that fixed it said they had never seen anything like it and that it never should of happened. Ford needs to take responsibility for this proble before someone gets killed or is that what they are waiting for in order to respond. How many lives cost before Ford picks up their cost?
the car dealer sold me this car and at no time they tell me of this problem and they said this is not cover under the warranty and they want me to pay for the repairs. No way jose am not going to pay anything
I made a 7 hour trip in my 2000 Ford Windstar and as I was turning into my drive the rear axle broke. I have contacted Ford 800-392-3673 and NHTSA (888) 327-4236 ; both have began investigating the problem. I would encourage everyone that has had this problem to contact them as well. The more complaints that are logged the better our chances of getting some results such as a recall.
This is a very serious problem and could cause a major accident if it continues!
first it was 3 transmissions, electrical shorts, 2 ABS systems, 2 intake manifold gaskets and now the rear axle snapped in half on the highway. Can Ford be the reason the US is falling so far behind in car sales?
Car was drifting brought it to mechanic and paid $650 for struts, alignment, 2 tires, drove 20 miles and the rear axle BROKE. Just broke, the mechanic says it has nothing to do with the work he did and the axle wasn't rusted. What's the deal Ford? I see from this site there are lots of people with this problem. I'm lucky it didn't happen when I was on the highway as some of the others here. Everyone I speak to says this should never happen regardless of the mileage on the vehicle.
- Colleen M., Brielle, NJ, US