I got this van when it was only 2 years old. It broke down in the first month I got it and time and time again. Now I go to start it the other day for the first time that day and the engine locked up and was smoking really bad. This was the first sign of smoke ever. We have always done 3 oil changes a year and it has never had a oil leak. They are telling me it is Hydro locked on cylinder 2. The cost to have them to remove the heads and checked them is so far out of our reach.
This van is not drove a lot, just a few times a week on short runs. We got this van because we have a disabled son who uses a wheelchair and has doctor appointments a hour away. I try to keep the miles down to make sure it will last a long time because it is so important to have it for him and I cannot afford another van. Thanks Ford for letting me down I have no way to get my son to his doctor appointments because the van is broke and a power wheelchair will not fit in our car trunk.I paid over $18,000 for this junk and I have a folder over filled with repair receipts but this is one repair we can not pay for. I can't work because my son needs round the clock care and my husband's pay check is the only income we have. Never will I buy Ford again.
I'm a single mother of two I purchased this van because of the convenience and so called dependability. I had a typical oil changed done and my vehicle sounded like a diesel truck!! I turned the corner it stalled....from there we found that the engine was done and had to be replaced. As a single parent I couldn't afford a new vehicle so I had to invest back $1,100.00 for another engine (which I actually got a deal!) What's next: I used my rent money for my transportation so I didn't loose my job.Thanks a lot Ford I thought you were an AMERICAN made car....suppose to be something a family could depend on not something a family went in debt on!!!!
I got this van when it was only 2 years old. It broke down in the first month I got it and time and time again. Now I go to start it the other day for the first time that day and the engine locked up and was smoking really bad. This was the first sign of smoke ever. We have always done 3 oil changes a year and it has never had a oil leak. They are telling me it is Hydro locked on cylinder 2. The cost to have them to remove the heads and checked them is so far out of our reach.
This van is not drove a lot, just a few times a week on short runs. We got this van because we have a disabled son who uses a wheelchair and has doctor appointments a hour away. I try to keep the miles down to make sure it will last a long time because it is so important to have it for him and I cannot afford another van. Thanks Ford for letting me down I have no way to get my son to his doctor appointments because the van is broke and a power wheelchair will not fit in our car trunk.I paid over $18,000 for this junk and I have a folder over filled with repair receipts but this is one repair we can not pay for. I can't work because my son needs round the clock care and my husband's pay check is the only income we have. Never will I buy Ford again.
- Connie W., Ocala, FL, US