Hi! Just bought used 1998 Ford Windstar minivan 3.8L 200k miles, and the check engine showed 4 weeks later. The CAM alignment sensor diag showed CAM alignment synchronizer, paid mechanic to replace. Pulled out of garage and stuck pedal to metal 4500 RPM. Turned around drove quarter mile sputtered to stop. Stalling loss of power, back to garage, brownish oil high on dipstick, mechanic ordered/installed Blue Devil head gasket sealer.
It sat overnight. Engine will run from cold about 15 minutes then stalls out, sputters, hard to start. After 20 min cool down will run for 5 minutes. Drove 60 miles like this! Paid for oil change, tech said "intake manifold/valve cover gaskets appear to be leaking". $125/hour diagnose with no time estimate... internet is free how 'bout it?
Can be going down the highway or driving through town and the engine will just die, no matter what speed. It won't do it if it's just sitting there at an idle. Have changed the fuel filter thinking that was the problem, but nope. After it dies, you can pop it into Neutral and it will start back up no problem. What's the deal?
Okay so my other half and i have had this van for a good min. ran great, then one day it stalled at walmart, we tried to start would not turn over so we waited for a bit then tried again it started ran good for awhile then started dying almost every time we pressed on the brakes. this problem has been going on now forever
We have gotten it diagnosed and fixed everything the computer has said was wrong with it still a piece of you know what
We now have our baby and cannot keep putting up with this no wonder so many americans are proud owners of foreign cars
This is the 2nd complain on the same 98 Windstar GL. It happens that one day the check engine light turns on, giving me the "start saving money" sensation. After a PAID scan (25 USD), the guy at Greasenmonkey told me that one IMRC valve was shut closed and had to be changed. I bought the part after sone research and asked the same man to install it (130 USD part, 30 USD labor). After resetting the codes, me and my family headed to a 250 mile trip to Acapulco, when suddenly every electric device including stereo, lights and many other electrical aids began to fail interruptedly. We pulled over after turning everything off, and (sunday morning) we had enough time to buy a new Battery for $100 USD). Odd because battery was less than 7 months old and HAD a warranty. After installing the Battery and before I started the engine, I noticed a loose connection BEHIND the alternator. I plugged it back (guess what was the cause of the unplugged cable and the dead battery!!!). I packed the "old" battery in the trunk and resumed our one week trip with no problems. After we returned home, I visited Grease Monkey to get a refund of the expensive battery, all I got was a free oil change voucher. My advice: Check all connections after IMRC valve change, specially if they had to take out the alternator. ALso check if fan belt is properly installed, tensioned, etc. I will never return to that Shop again. Thanks for reading. Gabriel Zamora. Mexico City.
this van has been the worst nightmare of my driving experience. i had a problem that when I took my foot off the gas the car would die. no matter if I was traveling 65 of the highway or 25 in the city. the dealer told me there was not problem. I asked if they could kindly remove this special feature. they were not happy. amongst other problems were, door alarms would go off with no cause. interior lights would come on for not reason, powere steering problems, tie rods and other related problems. radio died, brake lights come on with no reason,transmission skipped but they fixed that. too many problems to mention. I would suggest that everyone stay away from the Windstar. But from what I am reading, all the vans seem to have the same problems or worse. so where do you go from here
Hi! Just bought used 1998 Ford Windstar minivan 3.8L 200k miles, and the check engine showed 4 weeks later. The CAM alignment sensor diag showed CAM alignment synchronizer, paid mechanic to replace. Pulled out of garage and stuck pedal to metal 4500 RPM. Turned around drove quarter mile sputtered to stop. Stalling loss of power, back to garage, brownish oil high on dipstick, mechanic ordered/installed Blue Devil head gasket sealer.
It sat overnight. Engine will run from cold about 15 minutes then stalls out, sputters, hard to start. After 20 min cool down will run for 5 minutes. Drove 60 miles like this! Paid for oil change, tech said "intake manifold/valve cover gaskets appear to be leaking". $125/hour diagnose with no time estimate... internet is free how 'bout it?
- rhock, Idyllwild, US