I have 1995 Ford Windstar with 277000 km. Head gasket was replaced at 120000 km. Recently was having trouble that I would get no heat or very little when the engine was idling or driving at low speed but was fine when at a higher. I took it in to my local mechanic. He replaced the thermostat and flushed the system. I picked it up at night it was fine lots of heat. The next day I was driving the temperature gauge flew to hot and stayed there. i pulled over and turned off the car. Restarted and took it back to the mechanic. At this point there was lots of heat and seemed to be no problem. They worked on it and concluded it was a head gasket problem. I am not satisfied with this because it is worst shape then when I brought it in. Right now the gauge fluctuates up and down sometimes heat sometimes not. Can you help me. Thanks
I have 1995 Ford Windstar with 277000 km. Head gasket was replaced at 120000 km. Recently was having trouble that I would get no heat or very little when the engine was idling or driving at low speed but was fine when at a higher. I took it in to my local mechanic. He replaced the thermostat and flushed the system. I picked it up at night it was fine lots of heat. The next day I was driving the temperature gauge flew to hot and stayed there. i pulled over and turned off the car. Restarted and took it back to the mechanic. At this point there was lots of heat and seemed to be no problem. They worked on it and concluded it was a head gasket problem. I am not satisfied with this because it is worst shape then when I brought it in. Right now the gauge fluctuates up and down sometimes heat sometimes not. Can you help me. Thanks
- Gerry D., Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada