Originally, my dealership used to send me notices and make telephone calls to tell me when to schedule maintenance. This system was effective for 6 brand new Ford Mustangs and 2 Dealerships in 7 model years. Then on the 7th new Mustang COBRA, the Dealership sold out and the new Dealership did not give me a maintenance schedule. As a result, I took the car in with 13,000 miles for my first oil change not knowing any better.
The Dealership kept the car 3 weeks and still did not change the oil due to what they termed a "miscommuncation". When I insisted they heard engine noise and immediately said I needed a new engine. FORD MOTOR COMPANY sent an engineer and he cancelled my warranty saying I had violated the warranty in the owner's manual and refusing any other discussion. Now I was faced with only the decision to buy a new engine for a car with only 13,000 miles on it. Frankly, I did not trust the Dealership nor the Ford engineer after seeing that neither would talk with me or help me in any way IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT I PURCHASED 7 BRAND NEW FORD MUSTANGS in 8 MODEL YEARS AND NEVER HAD A PREVIOUS WARRANTY CLAIM OF ANY KIND!!!
Now, go back and read that last statement and you will see what has brought me to the conclusion that FORD MOTOR COMPANY does not care for its customers in any way...and since I have read and studied and learned that FORD MOTOR COMPANY DOES NOT CARE ABOUT ITS CUSTOMERS IN ANY WAY...and THAT INCLUDES WHETHER OR NOT THEY LIVE OR DIE!!!
So now I wonder specifically why we Americans still buy FORD MOTOR COMPANY PRODUCTS at all????
I have called the Dealership owner on 15 occasions and NEVER ONCE HAS HE RETURNED ANY OF MY TELEPHONE CALLS!!! His name is Steve Germain...his company GERMAIN FORD...
Further, I have written to FORD MOTOR COMPANY on 7 occasions including Mr. William Ford who, by the way, has never written back to me.
Further, I have telephoned FORD MOTOR COMPANY on more than 20 occasions and have been told that "the matter has been closed and the decision made is final...warranty cancelled"
I also wrote to the Arbitration Board and they will not hear my case because FORD MOTOR COMPANY has cancelled the engine warranty.
The Ohio Attorney General forwarded my complaint to the Better Business Bureau and they did absolutely nothing.
Now, with no one looking into the matter on my behalf I had the car examined by neutral mechanics and was shocked to be told that "there is nothing wrong with your engine whatsoever...the car does not need a new engine"...in fact, it was diagnosed that the "engine noise" was due to a part in the clutch assembly and that a new clutch assembly would fix the car. This same mechanic then took the car to another Ford Dealership and that Dealership refused to look at the clutch assembly (even though it was supposed to be under warranty since Ford only cancelled the engine warranty and not the rest of the warranty). Further, an employee of the other Ford Dealership said that this car was "blacklisted" by Ford and the Dealership was told not to get involved in the engine problem since I had threatened a lawsuit.
Further, this FORD Dealership charged $100 for its diagnosis which proved incorrect by two other neutral mechanics.
Now 1 full year later...I have never driven the car...had to use another car for work for 3 months since the GERMAIN FORD Dealership Service Manager said "it would be dangerous to drive this car without a new engine".
Then 6 months later I had to have a work car so I went out and purchased a new car (from a company who has an enormously great reputation) and I have found out first hand how an excellent company operates versus FORD MOTOR COMPANY who I consider to be a lying, failing, and dying company.
Now after one full year and losses of more than $12000 in loss of value, use of other vehicles, etc. through no fault of my own, I cannot sell the car for anywhere near its true value thanks to the cancelled warranty and am losing money on it daily.
FORD MOTOR COMPANY refuses to talk with me about it. GERMAIN FORD Dealership also refuses to speak with me about it. So I am stuck with needing to file a lawsuit to attempt to recover losses.
This will cost a great deal and I am already suffering financial hardship from making (2) car payments on a car I need and that does perform plus the 2001 Mustang COBRA that I was told "is dangerous to drive" without a new engine.
Now I maintain that both of these companies have broken several laws and including moral laws by damaging me and doing absolutely nothing responsible to solve the problem...a problem entirely of their own making.
GERMAIN FORD offered me a new engine that they said should cost $6500 for $3900 for "goodwill"...but remember I have 2 independent mechanics who say there is absolutely nothing wrong with the engine and after installing a new clutch assembly there is not even engine noise in this car.
There you have it...100% rip off...I swear to you I have given you accurate facts...now when you combine this type of thing and then read and read about all of those innocent FORD BUYERS who died...and then consider that our Government has fined and chastised FORD continuously...I believe it is high time we the American people STOP BUYING FORD MOTOR PRODUCTS altogether and lets work together to get the word out to others that there are several decent, law abiding, and capable auto manufacturers available and we have no real reason to patronize these nasty people who insist of breaking the law with NO REGARD FOR CUSTOMERS WHATSOEVER!!!
Originally, my dealership used to send me notices and make telephone calls to tell me when to schedule maintenance. This system was effective for 6 brand new Ford Mustangs and 2 Dealerships in 7 model years. Then on the 7th new Mustang COBRA, the Dealership sold out and the new Dealership did not give me a maintenance schedule. As a result, I took the car in with 13,000 miles for my first oil change not knowing any better. The Dealership kept the car 3 weeks and still did not change the oil due to what they termed a "miscommuncation". When I insisted they heard engine noise and immediately said I needed a new engine. FORD MOTOR COMPANY sent an engineer and he cancelled my warranty saying I had violated the warranty in the owner's manual and refusing any other discussion. Now I was faced with only the decision to buy a new engine for a car with only 13,000 miles on it. Frankly, I did not trust the Dealership nor the Ford engineer after seeing that neither would talk with me or help me in any way IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT I PURCHASED 7 BRAND NEW FORD MUSTANGS in 8 MODEL YEARS AND NEVER HAD A PREVIOUS WARRANTY CLAIM OF ANY KIND!!!
Now, go back and read that last statement and you will see what has brought me to the conclusion that FORD MOTOR COMPANY does not care for its customers in any way...and since I have read and studied and learned that FORD MOTOR COMPANY DOES NOT CARE ABOUT ITS CUSTOMERS IN ANY WAY...and THAT INCLUDES WHETHER OR NOT THEY LIVE OR DIE!!!
So now I wonder specifically why we Americans still buy FORD MOTOR COMPANY PRODUCTS at all????
I have called the Dealership owner on 15 occasions and NEVER ONCE HAS HE RETURNED ANY OF MY TELEPHONE CALLS!!! His name is Steve Germain...his company GERMAIN FORD...
Further, I have written to FORD MOTOR COMPANY on 7 occasions including Mr. William Ford who, by the way, has never written back to me.
Further, I have telephoned FORD MOTOR COMPANY on more than 20 occasions and have been told that "the matter has been closed and the decision made is final...warranty cancelled"
I also wrote to the Arbitration Board and they will not hear my case because FORD MOTOR COMPANY has cancelled the engine warranty.
The Ohio Attorney General forwarded my complaint to the Better Business Bureau and they did absolutely nothing.
Now, with no one looking into the matter on my behalf I had the car examined by neutral mechanics and was shocked to be told that "there is nothing wrong with your engine whatsoever...the car does not need a new engine"...in fact, it was diagnosed that the "engine noise" was due to a part in the clutch assembly and that a new clutch assembly would fix the car. This same mechanic then took the car to another Ford Dealership and that Dealership refused to look at the clutch assembly (even though it was supposed to be under warranty since Ford only cancelled the engine warranty and not the rest of the warranty). Further, an employee of the other Ford Dealership said that this car was "blacklisted" by Ford and the Dealership was told not to get involved in the engine problem since I had threatened a lawsuit. Further, this FORD Dealership charged $100 for its diagnosis which proved incorrect by two other neutral mechanics.
Now 1 full year later...I have never driven the car...had to use another car for work for 3 months since the GERMAIN FORD Dealership Service Manager said "it would be dangerous to drive this car without a new engine".
Then 6 months later I had to have a work car so I went out and purchased a new car (from a company who has an enormously great reputation) and I have found out first hand how an excellent company operates versus FORD MOTOR COMPANY who I consider to be a lying, failing, and dying company.
Now after one full year and losses of more than $12000 in loss of value, use of other vehicles, etc. through no fault of my own, I cannot sell the car for anywhere near its true value thanks to the cancelled warranty and am losing money on it daily.
FORD MOTOR COMPANY refuses to talk with me about it. GERMAIN FORD Dealership also refuses to speak with me about it. So I am stuck with needing to file a lawsuit to attempt to recover losses.
This will cost a great deal and I am already suffering financial hardship from making (2) car payments on a car I need and that does perform plus the 2001 Mustang COBRA that I was told "is dangerous to drive" without a new engine.
Now I maintain that both of these companies have broken several laws and including moral laws by damaging me and doing absolutely nothing responsible to solve the problem...a problem entirely of their own making.
GERMAIN FORD offered me a new engine that they said should cost $6500 for $3900 for "goodwill"...but remember I have 2 independent mechanics who say there is absolutely nothing wrong with the engine and after installing a new clutch assembly there is not even engine noise in this car.
There you have it...100% rip off...I swear to you I have given you accurate facts...now when you combine this type of thing and then read and read about all of those innocent FORD BUYERS who died...and then consider that our Government has fined and chastised FORD continuously...I believe it is high time we the American people STOP BUYING FORD MOTOR PRODUCTS altogether and lets work together to get the word out to others that there are several decent, law abiding, and capable auto manufacturers available and we have no real reason to patronize these nasty people who insist of breaking the law with NO REGARD FOR CUSTOMERS WHATSOEVER!!!
Sincerely, Louis J. Asmo
- Louis A., Dublin, OH, US