Notes: The 2013 Fusion doesn’t have the same track record of power steering failure as the previous 3 model years. Of course, those owners said their steering failed at 60k–100k miles. So this appears to be a classic "wait and see" scenario.
In the meantime, there’s plenty of interior accessory problems to complain about. By themselves, each is a barely a blip on the radar. But combined, they give you that feeling of what the hell have I gotten myself into?
I purchased a used 2013 Ford Fusion on Friday, March 17th, 2017 and the horn doesn't work but, the emergency horn works well. While driving the car back to the dealership I encountered a car in my lane and nearly had a head on collision but, the horn would not work at all! I nearly lost my life! The dealership is suppose to fix it for free but, I have to spend an entire day at the repair shop (75 miles from home). I'm not happy with anyone at this point. Since this has happened to others, shouldn't Ford have a recall on the faulty horn?
I had one instance that I thought for sure I was going to get into an accident because of this. I was backing out of a parking spot, and was about to start going forward, when the car next to me decided to start backing out as well. I tried my HARDEST to push down on the horn, but it wasn't working. The lady kept backing up until she was probably an inch away from my car when my horn finally worked and she stopped. I don't know if I had a bad angle on the horn or what, but it was very close and a horn shouldn't be hard to push.
I purchased a used 2013 Ford Fusion on Friday, March 17th, 2017 and the horn doesn't work but, the emergency horn works well. While driving the car back to the dealership I encountered a car in my lane and nearly had a head on collision but, the horn would not work at all! I nearly lost my life! The dealership is suppose to fix it for free but, I have to spend an entire day at the repair shop (75 miles from home). I'm not happy with anyone at this point. Since this has happened to others, shouldn't Ford have a recall on the faulty horn?
- gkhtoys, Chatham, US