Print this page Notes: The 2011 Fusion builds off the 2010's reputation. That's not a good thing.

The first thing that jumps out is the ridiculous amount of power steering complaints. It grinds, it squeals, and it eventually just fails.

And if losing power steering isn’t enough for you, how about a sudden loss of engine power? That combination is enough to achieve clunker status.


really awful
Crashes / Fires:
4 / 1
Injuries / Deaths:
5 / 0
Average Mileage:
46,556 miles

About These NHTSA Complaints:

This data is from the NHTSA — the US gov't agency tasked with vehicle safety. Complaints are spread across multiple & redundant categories, & are not organized by problem.

So how do you find out what problems are occurring? For this NHTSA complaint data, the only way is to read through the comments below. Any duplicates or errors? It's not us.

2011 Ford Fusion fuel system problems

fuel system problem

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2011 Ford Fusion Owner Comments (Page 4 of 8)

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problem #87

Dec 152013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 26,800 miles


Car went into limp mode. Lost almost all power. Will move on flat road with limited RPM about 1000. No power and car shakes while moving. This repeat of what happen year back while driving at 40 mph - lost power. At that time dealer change throttle body to correct the problem. In less that year I see same systems and car is back to dealer.

- Newtown, PA, USA

problem #86

Nov 162013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 46,984 miles
The error occurred as I was driving on a major 8-lane highway. I was about a quarter-mile from my exit (after being on the highway for 60 miles) when I felt a "clunk" and an orange-lit wrench appeared on my dash. As I turned onto the exit ramp, I slowed to a stop at a stop-light, waiting to turn left. While the brake was depressed, the car was attempting to move forward very abruptly, as part of it's "limp home" feature. When the light turned green, I released the brake and attempted to accelerate through the intersection, but pressing the gas pedal produced no response from the car. After limping through the intersection, I shifted the car into park and turned the engine off. After waiting 10-15 seconds, I restarted the car and the throttle issue and dash light were both gone. I have since driven ~100 miles without seeing the issue re-appear.

- Carlsbad, CA, USA

problem #85

Nov 072013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 30,974 miles
I was driving in the pittsburgh area when my 2011 Ford Fusion lost acceleration. I was fortunate enough to be able to pull off into an abandoned car wash and out of heavy traffic. I shut the engine off and 30 seconds later was able to restart the car. I then drove 15 miles to my dealer. Today on November 14 my dealer found a code indicating a problem with the electronic-throttle body which they replaced under warranty. They also cleaned the fuel system for which I was charged $137 because this was supposedly not covered under Ford's warranty. I have a 2011 Ford escape which can also have the same problem. Needless to say this is cause for worry as I now can stall out in any one of two vehicles. This would appear to be a very serious problem with Ford vehicles.

- Belle Vernon, PA, USA

problem #84

Nov 032013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 41,000 miles


We were going down a major roadway at about 45 mph when the car just decelerated to about 1 mph. It took us awhile to get over 2 lanes of heavy traffic to the side of road where we stopped the car. The wrench light came on. With it still running we popped open hood and car appeared to be running just fine. We could not get the RPM's to go up at all. We turned off car completely, and the wrench light went off and car drove normal. 2 hrs later the car did the exact same thing and we pulled over and started it up again and got home. We believe it has to do with the electronic throttle body, bc other complaints are exactly as ours with this year, make, and model of car.

- Fountain, CO, USA

problem #83

Oct 242013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 42,600 miles
I was on my way to work yesterday morning (appx 7:30am so it was dark out) and I was slowing down with traffic (took pressure off the gas pedal) while crossing a bridge and when I went to accelerate again the car stopped moving and the wrench light lit up on the dashboard. My car was still running, but I had the gas pedal to the floor and the car would not move. When I realized I wasn't moving I hit the hazard button and braced myself for impact as cars were swerving around both sides of me. I put the car in park, shut it off, and tried to re-start it. It did not start right away, but when it did I revved the engine, put the car in gear and pulled off the road. I restarted the car again and proceeded to work. I learned that this is a common issue for this particular vehicle, yet it is not a recall issue at this point in time. Based on my experience yesterday, it seems negligent that this particular issue has not yet warranted an action for a recall. I was fortunate that I reacted quickly and turned on the hazards and was not struck by another vehicle, especially being on a bridge over a body of water.

- Oregon, OH, USA

problem #82

Oct 212013


  • 41,735 miles
I pulled out of my driveway and made it about 40 yards when the car lurched twice and shut off. I let it sit for a few minutes and started it back up. Was able to go about a quarter of a mile and it died again. I called a tow truck because I was too afraid to try to drive it anywhere. Luckily I was in my neighborhood and was not on a busy road or a highway like so many others have complained about. I was also very fortunate that I did not have my children with me - one who is currently recovering from surgery and cannot walk. After doing research and finding the very common issues with the Fusion, I asked them to check the throttle when running the diagnostics. Sure enough, that was the reason. $450+ after the repairs and the tow. My car only has 41,000 miles on it, but is unfortunately outside of the warranty period. Ford should step up and pay for these repairs due to the dangerous and fatal issues that this problem can cause. I'm very nervous about this issue and am shocked that there is not a recall after so many reported incidents. I'm considering selling this car - I planned to keep it for many years, but my safety and my families is much more important. I would urge that there be a recall on this extremely serious and dangerous problem being experienced so frequently.

- Liberty Twp. , OH, USA

problem #81

Oct 062013


  • miles


This issue is a big safety concern!! I have seen many statements online about the throttle body issue and their should be a recall!! I personally have had to have my car towed twice within a 2 week period because of this issue. Every time my car broke down it was the same thing. I was going along fine and then the car all of a sudden dies, chugs, I drift to the side of the road so I don't get hit and then the engine light comes on with the wrench tool! how scary and unsafe! I am just so glad I wasn't in an intersection or hit by another car because my Ford Fusion decided to die out of no where! I have had to go through two tows, days of waiting for my car to get fixed and my warranty deciding they aren't going to cover my cost!! unbelievable!!! Ford needs to take some action now! many people from what I have seen are going through the same thing and something needs to change. This issue shouldn't be on the customers shoulder and Ford needs to take responsibility before someone is seriously injured from an issue their cars are making. Please do something about this!

- Milwaukie, OR, USA

problem #80

Oct 082013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 27,980 miles
Traveling at a steady speed and the engine cut out. Not completely but had no acceleration control. Have read on-line that this is called "limp" mode. Was able to pull safely off the road and then restarted the car after which the vehicle operated ok. This has happened 3 times in the last week. Took car to dealer who replaced the throttle body at no charge since the vehicle was still under warranty. Although I was lucky enough to avoid an accident or injury, I could see this being a serious safety issue for a driver on the expressway or pulling in to heavy traffic.

- Kalamazoo, MI, USA

problem #79

Oct 072013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 60,717 miles
My wife had my 6 month old sign in the backseat when she was pulling out from a stop sign into a 4way when the car lurched and the accelerator quit responding in the middle of the street a truck nearly T boned her on the driver side where our son was in his car seat upon diagnostics the electronic throttle body was stuck open. I've found similar issues with similar vehicles although the dealership informed me my vehicle is not currently on a recall list.

- Cherokee Village, AR, USA

problem #78

Sep 252013


  • 45,000 miles
This has happened multiple times varying from accelerating from a stop to highway speeds of 60+ mph. 2011 Ford Fusion sel suddenly loses all power and wrench icon illuminates and no acceleration happens at all. The engine remains at idle with fluctuations from 800-1200 rpms. Had to cross multiple lanes and was almost ran into by three cars going a lot faster than me while I was listing to the emergency lane. Once car is turned off and restarted the problem will go away. After much research and the one time it showed a check engine light I ran the codes and it all was pointing to a defective throttle body. I noticed that there are a lot of complaints with this aspect on this car and just hope someone doesn't have to get killed on the road like I almost did to get a recall on this car and part.

- Atlanta, GA, USA

problem #77

Sep 012013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 47,365 miles


As with most of the above filings, throttle body quit working while traveling, causing the gas to not function. Turned on yield lights, and luckily there was a shoulder to pull onto. Replaced the throttle body at a cost of the part $171, while the dealership offered to install for $600, an installation that takes literally five minutes. It seems Ford is fully aware of this issue, and the safety hazards it causes, yet chooses to do nothing about it.

- Charlotte, NC, USA

problem #76

Sep 182013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 34,260 miles
I was driving home going 45 mph when my car stalled without warning. When I tried to give it gas, it started jumping and jerking the wrench light came on. I was able inch by inch to move my car to the adjacent turning lane, turn on my flashers and call my husband on my cell phone. He was on his way home also and pulled up behind me. He tried to give it gas too but it would not budge. He turned the ignition off and then cranked the car. The wrench light went off and the car had power - just like turning it off had reset something. We were only a couple of miles from our house, so he drove by 2011 Ford Fusion home and I followed in his truck. I then called my dealer, jim tidwell Ford on barrett parkway and told them what had happened. They suggested that I call a wrecker and have it towed to their location as driving the car might due further damage or the incident might re-occur. So, that's what I did. A service technician called me first thing this morning and I went over what had happened with him. He called me this afternoon and said my car was ready for pick up. The problem was the throttle body and motor assembly and since it was under warranty there would be no charge to me. I can't believe Ford isn't declaring a recall on this part. If I had been on the expressway, I feel certain I would have been rear ended. This problem will cause someone to get killed. I'm just lucky no one hit me. It happened so suddenly and without warning. This type of situation will make you fall out of love with your Ford product. I don't believe I will ever buy a Ford product again, even though I prefer to buy american products.

- Acworth, GA, USA

problem #75

Sep 152013


  • 34,000 miles
On September 15, 2013 I was driving on a major surface street at approximately 35 miles per hour when the car just stopped working. Completely powerless. I saw two lights on the dashboard: The battery and the oil. There may have been more but I was more focused on safety and oncoming traffic than the lights on the dash. I decided not to take a chance of getting rear ended (injured or killed) so at the first big break in traffic I safely exited the vehicle and walked over to the sidewalk (one lane over). A local apartment resident saw the incident and grabbed a safety cone to put behind my car as a warning. Thankfully there were no accidents but there were some close calls and last minute lane changes as drivers came upon my car. I called Ford roadside assistance and they sent a tow truck to get the vehicle. It started up perfectly for the driver, but I had it towed anyway. It has been at the dealer for two days. They have been unable to duplicate the situation and have received no "codes" to indicate a problem with the vehicle. They have called Ford to ask for assistance and Ford has asked them questions regarding lights going on, my speed at the time of the incident, how far I had been driving the car before the incident, etc. This is the second time I have had a problem with my 2011 Fusion completely failing. The first time was in September 2012 when the throttle failed on the freeway. It was supposedly fixed. This time the lost of power did not feel like the throttle. It just stopped working. Had power. Didn't have power. I am extremely concerned that the dealer will find nothing wrong with the vehicle and it will be returned to me in an unsafe condition. Others have reported this and similar issues. Please get these vehicles recalled before someone loses a life.

- Santa Ana, CA, USA

problem #74

Sep 042012


  • 19,095 miles
While driving in the center lane on the southbound I-5 freeway my 2011 Ford Fusion began to feel like it was driving through mud and lost acceleration. When I attempted to compensate by accelerating the car, it resisted and continued to slow significantly. Thankfully traffic was not extremely heavy at the time and I was close to a freeway exit. I pulled to the right, avoiding oncoming traffic (barely) and coasted down the off ramp. By the time I got to the off ramp (about 10 seconds) the car had gone from 65 mph to less than 5 mph. If it wasn't for the momentum of the vehicle I would not have been able to make it and would have been at a dead stop in the middle of the freeway with oncoming traffic (and semi trucks) going between 60 and 75 mph. The engine was throbbing, the car was shaking, and I had no acceleration capability at all. I had enough momentum on the off ramp downslope to turn right and stop my vehicle at the side of the road. I called a tow truck and the car was taken to a dealership for repairs. I was told the throttle was the problem and it was replaced under warranty. Had timing not been exactly right, this problem could have caused a very serious or even deadly accident for me and for other drivers on the road. I have since learned about this ongoing issue online and wish I would have known at the time that it was a problem and known how / that I could submit a concern to the NHTSA.

- Santa Ana, CA, USA

problem #73

Sep 122013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 55,000 miles
I was driving 35mph when the vehicle lurched a couple of times and decelerated on its own to 2mph. No matter how much I pressed on the gas or let off on the gas, the vehicle stayed at 2mph. The "wrench" icon illuminated on the dash. The engine stayed mid-way between hot and cold, but the RPM's never got above 1 & 1/2. took the car to a dealer and found out that the throttle body is going out. I was so thankful I was not driving on the interstate at 70mph (or turning into traffic) when the deceleration suddenly occurred. I was powerless.

- Benton, AR, USA

problem #72

Mar 052013


  • 37,245 miles
Car dies while driving, surges at times, had been happening on and off. Died part way through a large intersection on 7-13-13, luckily I just avoided a collision. It would start and go a few feet, then surge and die. Called crater lake Ford in medford, or, they stated very busy that day and had not heard of the symptoms I described. Placed a call to dave's import service they said they would look at the car. Within 45 min they had diagnosed failed throttle body.

- Medford, OR, USA

problem #71

Sep 122013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 34,194 miles
I have been sensing a surge in engine power for several months in my 2011 Fusion. I suspected a throttle body problem and googled for information. I found all of the information on the NHTSA website about throttle body problems for this car as well as information in other forums. It was a good thing as I was prepared for what happened today. I had just left my house when the dreaded (and expected) loss of engine power with the wrench light being illuminated. I experienced the same symptoms reported by so many complaints logged for this issue: Loss of power, rough idle, just enough power to barely move the car, certainly not enough to limp anywhere, much less home, even though the engine was in "limp home" mode. I had my code scanner with me and was able to retrieve the P2111 (throttle stuck open) code before I restarted the car to restore full power. This only worked enough to get the car turned around when limp home was triggered again. I restarted again and was able to get within a block of my house when limp home triggered once more. The third time I was able to get to my house. I called the dealer and then roadside assistance to get my car towed to the local Ford dealer after verifying that they had a throttle body in stock. The car was towed there and a defective throttle body was diagnosed and replaced. This is not a case of if the failure will happen, but rather when. I was fully expecting it any day and sure enough, it happened. I was extremely fortunate as I was less than a mile from home, knew what to expect and how to deal with it, and my car was still in warranty, but only by 1,806 miles! any other situation would have resulted in me being in a very dangerous predicament with a car that was basically dead in the water. I was almost to the point of purchasing a new throttle body on my own in the interest of being proactive rather than being stranded.

- Little Rock, AR, USA

problem #70

Sep 102013


  • 37,500 miles
Vehicle stalled out during highway speeds. Took car to Ford and they said it was the throttle body and it was not covered under warranty.

- Saint Cloud, FL, USA

problem #69

Sep 072013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 66,000 miles
My 11 Fusion died in gear (lemp mode they call it) in the middle of an intersection where I was almost hit and stopped traffic for a good amount of time due to it being in gear and unable to move. After being towed to a dealer and being told it was my battery; I left the dealer paying for the tow, diagnostic and a battery. I went back a week later for an oil change and was told my car was in good running condition. Around the corner from the dealership is the on ramp to go home. As I was accelerating up the on ramp to highway speed it went into lemp mode again leaving me with no power entering onto the highway. Thank god the semi and other vehicles behind me were paying attention and avoided rear ending me at high speed. I was again towed around the block from to the dealer where they have informed me that it is my throttle body position sensor and is not covered under my extended warranty, or the federal emissions warranty. $600 later; I am trading this car in because it is not safe to be driving with this possibility of losing all power at a critical time. Some one needs to have them account for this error and get these cars off the road. I was close to being killed because of this and sooner or later this will cause a death.

- Saint Louis , MO, USA

problem #68

Aug 282013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 28,000 miles
While driving at low speed, the vehicle slowed and stopped, requiring me to pull off the road. The engine remained running, but at a very low RPM - applying gas did nothing to rev the engine. After turning the vehicle off, I was able to restart it and limp it home. The next time I drove it, approximately 3 days later, it acted similarly, threatening to cut off when not applying gas. I took it to the Ford dealer for diagnosis and was immediately told this was probably a "throttle body" problem. The dealer confirmed this the next day and placed an order for the part. The part is on back order, I suppose due to the demand for correction on this part. I left the vehicle with the dealer for the 5-7 business days needed to get the part as I was not comfortable driving the vehicle without the repair. Thankfully it is still under warranty. I understand this is a $500+ part.

- Fernandina Beach, FL, USA

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