I bought the car in February 2016. It was the sales manager's wife's car and I was told it was in immaculate condition. The day after we bought it started having issues. 2 months later all 4 axles were replaced. At that time I mentioned I thought it was the transmission. The sale team told me no way, this transmission is AWESOME! Now 6 months later, it is making this crazy whining noise. I get stopped everywhere I go and get comments, " Hey there's something wrong with your car! " Every stop light!!! I took it to a local mechanic and in 30 seconds told me it was the intake shaft to the transmission. He researched it and found tons of complaints and FORD hasn't done squat to take care of good loyal customers! I have bought 5 cars from this dealership and I am making an appointment ASAP. I hope the management does the right thing.
Update from Jan 24, 2017: The dealership called and said it was the main shaft of the transmission and they couldn't locate a rebuilt transmission for the car due to the high repair volume. They then sent it to Tradeway Transmissions in Modesto. Thank goodness! Roger, the owner, new right off what was needed and ordered a rebuilt unit, installed it and we are back on the road again.
PS- to those that have this vehicle, check the motor mounts, they are the reason the motor and transmisssion vibrate too much causing this issue. Sure enough our was broken and the dealer didn't even notice it.
Thanks to the dealer for helping with repair costs and Tradeway, we are good to go with a rebuilt unit with a 3 year/50,000 mile warranty!!!!
Why is Ford not recalling this transmission? There are complaints EVERYWHERE!!! I would've NEVER purchased this had I known... They don't even make a part to fix it, it cost approx. $6,000 to replace the transmission.. Which tells me they know there is a problem and they make it to expensive to fix so people just sell or junk the car... Ford should take responsibility for a poor design...
We have a 2007 Ford Freestyle with only 23,000 miles on it. It obviously sits in the garage most of the time. This car belongs to my 83 year old father who is living on his social security, the transmission started whining so he took it to the Ford dealership and they said the transmission was going out and do not drive it. The quote they gave him was $4300.00. This is outrageous to us so I called Ford and of course they said sorry but you are out of warranty.
I do not care about the time of the warranty, I do however think that it is reasonable for us to think this transmission should be capable of going more than 23,000 miles. We bought a extended warranty that was good for 6 years and now of course the car is 7 years old. NICE JOB FORD. this WILL be the last FORD product that we buy if this is how they stand behind things. The sad part is all we asked for was discounted parts!!!, We are getting the transmission fixed at our local shop right now. By the way my dad worked for Ford for 30 years, VERY NICE
Own a 2007 Ford Freestyle that is in great shape body wise and interior. The only problem is the transmission started making a helicopter noise when in park which we have been told is a sign of transmission failure and we would need a replacement at the tune of 6200.00 dollars which is what the car is worth ...
My Ford freestyle 2007 has been having transmission issues since we bought it brand new. It has been in the service department several times. Now right at 100,00 I am being told I need a new transmission repairs cost they are saying is 6300. No shop has wanted to touch my car. The said the Cvc transmission is nothing but issues. I am lost I don't know what to do.
- Michelle A.,
Robinson, TX, US
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I found this site very interesting. I happen to love Ford products, but I can't believe that I am having issues with the transmission, with under 57,000 miles. I purchased the best extended warranty that was offered, and am glad I did so, due to this issue. I wondered why they stopped making this vehicle, apparently this is the reason (or at least one of them). I am upset because it is paid off, I have maintained it as required and taken care of it. After reading everyone's complaints, I feel that I should be looking into a new vehicle, however, I do not want a car payment. How frustrating this is to take care of something and have it fail. The dealership has been super and of course, given me a rental car, but, they have had my car for 10 days and I keep hearing, "We are just waiting on approval from FORD to put in a new transmission." From what it sounds like on this site, I won't be getting a "new" transmission and quite possibly, they are having an issue finding a replacement?????
Well I purchased this car Feb 2011 . The car is in excellent condition leather seats ,all interior excellent outer a little rust . Had expected this car to last me a couple more years . just put new tires on for the tune of $900 plus fixed other minor things normal one s brakes etc . But now it is making a loud whining noise I m told it s the transmission est cost to fix approximately $5000 give or take . I am still paying on this car and live out of town . We have no bus transportation a taxi would cost me $50 a day to get to work and back .
I called Ford customer service they were sorry for my troubles then I emailed them and again sorry for my troubles and expense but nothing they can do .
I am in a real bind will have to borrow the money to fix it and cant a afford another car payment
I am wondering if anyone has any advice on weather to go ahead with the transmission fix . If that would fix it and I could drive it for a few more years with no more expensive repairs that would not be to bad . but can definitely not afford to keep fixing .
PS Ford told me to keep my receipts in case of any recalls or rebates not going to do me any good if I cant drive the thing . so disappointed with Ford
Typical CVT transmission problem that all the other complaints report. First grinding while in Park and Neutral. Then, the helicopter noise while driving and de-accelerating. Ford dealer today said only way to fix was with a reman cvt transmission at $4900, plus $1000 labor. Needless to say I do not have the money to fix the car, and still owe $9k on it. It started around the time the surging problem happened, which I did fix because of the recall. There needs to be a recall for this horrible excuse for a transmission. I've had tires that have lasted longer than the 62,000 babied miles this car has. Inexcusable that Ford turns a blind eye to this problem.
I took the car into the dealer on a Friday. They called on Monday indicating the problem was the power steering pump. Then they call back and said that the noise wasn't fixed. So I indicated that I would not pay for a repair that did not fix the problem. So they put my old power steering pump back on. Then they said it was the transmission. That I originally told them was the problem.Now were in to looking for a transmission replacement or parts to fix it. Ford has ignored the problem as a not frequent to have a recall. They now have run out of repair parts and replacement full units with nothing in the pipeline to fix or replace the CVT transmission. Ford must have known that the CVT was not going to last because they replaced it after only a short run of a few years. The replacement is an 6 speed which appeared in the renamed Taurus from the Freestyle. Now I'm stuck with no car and no help in the near future. Ford has discontinued manufacture of all replacement parts. The dealership tells me that they are looking for parts. I have called transmission repair shops and the indicate they cannot get repair parts or full transmission units for replacement. I'm a Ford retiree that has always had good quality cars from Ford. This is the First real problem I've had in 40 years of buy and driving Fords. I still have hope there will be some attention paid to the problem of the CVT transmission. Lastly I hope I can get this problem resolved. Thanks for letting me vent.
I bought the car in February 2016. It was the sales manager's wife's car and I was told it was in immaculate condition. The day after we bought it started having issues. 2 months later all 4 axles were replaced. At that time I mentioned I thought it was the transmission. The sale team told me no way, this transmission is AWESOME! Now 6 months later, it is making this crazy whining noise. I get stopped everywhere I go and get comments, " Hey there's something wrong with your car! " Every stop light!!! I took it to a local mechanic and in 30 seconds told me it was the intake shaft to the transmission. He researched it and found tons of complaints and FORD hasn't done squat to take care of good loyal customers! I have bought 5 cars from this dealership and I am making an appointment ASAP. I hope the management does the right thing.
Update from Jan 24, 2017: The dealership called and said it was the main shaft of the transmission and they couldn't locate a rebuilt transmission for the car due to the high repair volume. They then sent it to Tradeway Transmissions in Modesto. Thank goodness! Roger, the owner, new right off what was needed and ordered a rebuilt unit, installed it and we are back on the road again.
PS- to those that have this vehicle, check the motor mounts, they are the reason the motor and transmisssion vibrate too much causing this issue. Sure enough our was broken and the dealer didn't even notice it.
Thanks to the dealer for helping with repair costs and Tradeway, we are good to go with a rebuilt unit with a 3 year/50,000 mile warranty!!!!
- 70mach1, Oakdale, CA, US