Notes: Ford changed a lot of things for its 3rd generation, just none of them were a good idea.
The transmission tends to hesitate and jerk when accelerating. The new electronically-driven power steering can fail suddenly and without warning. Even Ford's SYNC can be a headache. Actually, scratch that last one — it's always been a headache.
I purchased car used July 2015. Six weeks later took it back to the dealer that I bought it from in regards to the shudder. I was told that this was normal and not to be concerned. The dealership did not even put it in their computer system stating that I had brought the car in. Then a few weeks later I get notice to take my car to another dealership (which owned the dealership I bought the car from) to bring the car in. I was told that the automatic clutch in the transmission was recalled and needed to be replaced. This was in December 2015.
The clutch was not replaced until over six weeks later because they were waiting on the parts. The car has ongoing issues with the clutch. The car was back in the shop a few months later for the same problem. Then October 2016 it was diagnosed with a main rear seal leak. It was repaired but I was back in 3 weeks later because of the shudder. Now told the clutch had to be replaced yet again.
The car was taken back in following January with same problems. They put die in it to find out where leak was could not find so they just replaced it and the clutch again. I would have to get a service printout because now I have lost track of how many times I have had the car in for the leak and clutch. I have also had the TCM replaced 2 times and it failed again this past Friday and now they are saying the throw out bearing has failed. I have asked repeatedly if there were going to be major transmission problems and was told no. Luckily I have not had to pay out for repairs and they have always given me a loaner to which I believe I had one up to a week while my car was being repaired. I feel they have yanked me round time and time again. They even tried to get me to trade the car in for another car. I have $10,000 in negative equity and they would only want to give me $4500 in trade-in so I would have to refinance $600
Update from Feb 26, 2018: dang computer problems so I am adding more info. I would have to refinance $6000. I cannot afford a high payment. I went ahead and spoke to a salesperson and by time all was said and done I was offered a payment I could live with but ended up not getting it as the finance manager had made a mistake. In the end they did 9 hits on my credit report after I originally said no more than 2. I found out nothing you can do about it either. In the end they wanted me to pay almost $400 a month on a 16000 loan. Sorry got off track but this is how thing have went.
Anyways, now every oil change the leak is yet discovered again and I have to pay for the oil change and when they fix it a week later they change the oil again. Now I had the car out of the shop maybe 10 days and it quit on me on the interstate when i was driving 65 mph. It had to be towed in and two days later same thing happened after the TCM was fixed. Now they are saying it is the throw out bearing. I went to the service manager and he is going to try to get the repair done without my having to pay for it. I am so disgusted and frustrated. I spoke to Ford Motor corporation and the most they would do was Plan A which if I said I wanted it would give me 30 days to replace the car and it had to be from Ford.
I have been doing research and appears this is all related starting with the darn clutch problem. When the rear seal leaks it contaminates the clutch which in turn has to be replaced. All I want is a fair deal to get out of this car where it wont cost me an arm and a leg. I am living on a fixed income and trying to get my daughter through college.
I purchased car used July 2015. Six weeks later took it back to the dealer that I bought it from in regards to the shudder. I was told that this was normal and not to be concerned. The dealership did not even put it in their computer system stating that I had brought the car in. Then a few weeks later I get notice to take my car to another dealership (which owned the dealership I bought the car from) to bring the car in. I was told that the automatic clutch in the transmission was recalled and needed to be replaced. This was in December 2015.
The clutch was not replaced until over six weeks later because they were waiting on the parts. The car has ongoing issues with the clutch. The car was back in the shop a few months later for the same problem. Then October 2016 it was diagnosed with a main rear seal leak. It was repaired but I was back in 3 weeks later because of the shudder. Now told the clutch had to be replaced yet again.
The car was taken back in following January with same problems. They put die in it to find out where leak was could not find so they just replaced it and the clutch again. I would have to get a service printout because now I have lost track of how many times I have had the car in for the leak and clutch. I have also had the TCM replaced 2 times and it failed again this past Friday and now they are saying the throw out bearing has failed. I have asked repeatedly if there were going to be major transmission problems and was told no. Luckily I have not had to pay out for repairs and they have always given me a loaner to which I believe I had one up to a week while my car was being repaired. I feel they have yanked me round time and time again. They even tried to get me to trade the car in for another car. I have $10,000 in negative equity and they would only want to give me $4500 in trade-in so I would have to refinance $600
Update from Feb 26, 2018: dang computer problems so I am adding more info. I would have to refinance $6000. I cannot afford a high payment. I went ahead and spoke to a salesperson and by time all was said and done I was offered a payment I could live with but ended up not getting it as the finance manager had made a mistake. In the end they did 9 hits on my credit report after I originally said no more than 2. I found out nothing you can do about it either. In the end they wanted me to pay almost $400 a month on a 16000 loan. Sorry got off track but this is how thing have went.
Anyways, now every oil change the leak is yet discovered again and I have to pay for the oil change and when they fix it a week later they change the oil again. Now I had the car out of the shop maybe 10 days and it quit on me on the interstate when i was driving 65 mph. It had to be towed in and two days later same thing happened after the TCM was fixed. Now they are saying it is the throw out bearing. I went to the service manager and he is going to try to get the repair done without my having to pay for it. I am so disgusted and frustrated. I spoke to Ford Motor corporation and the most they would do was Plan A which if I said I wanted it would give me 30 days to replace the car and it had to be from Ford.
I have been doing research and appears this is all related starting with the darn clutch problem. When the rear seal leaks it contaminates the clutch which in turn has to be replaced. All I want is a fair deal to get out of this car where it wont cost me an arm and a leg. I am living on a fixed income and trying to get my daughter through college.
- peggy0554, Wapakoneta, US