fairly significant- Typical Repair Cost:
- $120
- Average Mileage:
- 68,700 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 4 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- new tail light housings and bulb sockets (2 reports)
- not sure (2 reports)

lights problem
Helpful websites
- No one has added a helpful site for this 2005 Focus problem yet. Be the first!
This is my wife's automobile. She gets regular maintenance on the vehicle including inspections. She reported to me that for a second time she was going to have to get the entire lens of the rear light assembly replaced at a cost in excess or $100 dollars. I found it improbable that this was happening to both rearlight in a random fashion and had her tell me the problem. She reported that were unable to remove the bulb because the heat from the bulb had warped the housing, (as it had done previously to the other side). I will detail below how the problem was solved below, but the point is, for this to occur in near identicle fashion to the light on the opposite side of this vehicle (and in the same fashion that many owners previosly posted this Complaint Thread), points to it being a Ford design fault, and as such should be covered by the company. Instead of owning up to the fact that this is a known problem with this model, the dealership in our case, implied the heat warping of the lens housing and the socket as a part of wear and tear on an aging vehicle. REALLY?
As noted by someone's previous post, this could be a potential fire hazard if the reported heating set the lens on fire.
I took the assembly apart and could see the heat warpage that made the removal of the bulb and socket difficult, but with 1 min. of jiggling I was able to remove the socket and bulb. The socket showed heat damage but appeared to be still functional. After first putting a new bulb into the socket I struggled to get the unit back into the lens. Replacing the Socket/bulb into the housing took about 25 min as I had to reshape the housing in small increments with a dremel tool to permit the bulb and socket to slip back into the lens, yet still allow it to seat firmly. Reinstalled the lens cover and the unit functioned fine. I suspect depending on the amount of warpage some will not be able to remove the socket/bulb from the lens housing without first figuring out a way to reshape the housing with a dremel of application of heat.
- fordfocus2005, Mount Vernon, US