This is my first "American" made car and definitely my last. FORD SUCKS! I received this car as a "gift" from my parents and thought I wouldn't have any problems with a new car bought right off the lot. The brakes haven't stopped squeaking since we bought it. I asked the dealer several times to look at it and I was always told it was normal for FORD brakes to squeak, its just how they were made. WHAT? I've never owned a car where brakes were made to squeak. I decided to take the car to a repair shop and he fixed the brakes ($200.00) and they stopped squeaking for 8 months. Then when I couldn't stand the squeaking any more I took the car to another brake shop. That when my entire brake world fell apart. It turned out that not only were by front brakes bad, but the back brakes and every little piece that makes them work was bad or leaking. I was told that had FORD looked at the situation earlier that some of the pieces would have been replaced at no cost since they looked bad to start with. That little brake job cost me $840.00!!! I love to know that FORD takes such care and time putting their vehicles together. Don't you feel safe driving your FORD. Bet you'll ask yourself that questions the next time you step on your brakes at at red light & pray you're car stops. I wonder how many FORD sales people actually drive FORD cars and never have any problems???
I had my car taken into the mechanic about 5 times because almost everytime I would stop, I would hear this really loud pitched annoying squeak. It made me not want to stop at all it got so bad. They replaced EVERYTHING that would do with the brakes and still nothing has helped. & now I'm hearing that it's normal for Focus's brakes to squeak a little? Who the hell wants to drive a squeaky car around? Especially for all the money spent already trying to repair it.
I have this so called Ford Built tough car, but it isn't. I one day had heard the squeaking in the rear so I took in to a Mechanic shop. They inspected the brakes and told me nothings wrong. So I drove away and still heard the squek so I then returned with a set of new brake pads and had them replace them. They went ahead and turned the drums and replaced the pads. Sooner than later teh brakes were squking again. I took it back to them and they inspected the brake system again and told me nothing is grinding all looks good. So I drove away again and sound came back. It is so annoying that I want to trade this Ford car for a Toyota Corolla, I think i just might. I just want a new car really so I hope my wife will agree with me. I drive in heavy traffic every day to and from work so this really SUCKS to hear the squek. Built ford tough Bullshit.
From the time I drove the car off the lot... I was annoyed by the squeaking each time I came to a stop. We had the extended Ford warranty and each time I took it in to be serviced I complained about the squeaking and was told that it was normal. I was told that I still had time on my warranty so they promised to check them before the warranty ran out. I trusted them to do so... but the last time I took the car in.. and the warranty had apparantly ran out.. they told me I needed new rotor and pads... and they also said "It just happened, it was not an ongoing problem".
My mother also has a 2004 Ford Focus Wagon that has squeaking brakes on both the front and back. We have taken it to three different dealers a total of four times to complain about the front brakes.. Once they did nothing, twice they replaced the rotors and once they took the grinder to the brakes. To say the least nothing is working. My mother is 84 years old and this is driving her nuts so in turn she is driving me nuts. Any ideas out there? I am not going to let them tell me this is normal. My husband thinks they need to replace with some different brake pads.
I purchased a 2004 Ford Focus brand new in April 2004. For the past couple of months everytime I step on the brakes they squeak until I come to a complete stop. I have an extended warranty on my car so I took the car to the Ford service department they stated that this is normal. They said that there is moisture on the rotors causing it to rust. I asked them if it was something that could be done about this they told me NO, this is normal. So for the past month I have sat back and just coped with the noise. But this is becoming annoying. especially knowing that this vehicle is not even a year old. I called them back today and I was told the same thing. They stated that it might get softer, stop or even get louder eventually. There is nothing that they can do about it.
This is my first "American" made car and definitely my last. FORD SUCKS! I received this car as a "gift" from my parents and thought I wouldn't have any problems with a new car bought right off the lot. The brakes haven't stopped squeaking since we bought it. I asked the dealer several times to look at it and I was always told it was normal for FORD brakes to squeak, its just how they were made. WHAT? I've never owned a car where brakes were made to squeak. I decided to take the car to a repair shop and he fixed the brakes ($200.00) and they stopped squeaking for 8 months. Then when I couldn't stand the squeaking any more I took the car to another brake shop. That when my entire brake world fell apart. It turned out that not only were by front brakes bad, but the back brakes and every little piece that makes them work was bad or leaking. I was told that had FORD looked at the situation earlier that some of the pieces would have been replaced at no cost since they looked bad to start with. That little brake job cost me $840.00!!! I love to know that FORD takes such care and time putting their vehicles together. Don't you feel safe driving your FORD. Bet you'll ask yourself that questions the next time you step on your brakes at at red light & pray you're car stops. I wonder how many FORD sales people actually drive FORD cars and never have any problems???
- Kelly G., Las Vegas, NV, US