Notes: The 2002 Ford Focus 2.0L SOHC engine has a defect where the intake valve seat fails. The valve then falls into the cylinder, destroying the engine & most owner relationships with Ford in the process.
I repeatly told the dealership about the problem and they did surface work only in my opinion. This went on for a year or so. Until I just said the heack with this. When the radio stops working I would put in a CD guess what the cd will stop too or when you eject it will be hot to the touch. I just want to know and I realized it has been some time passed since this problem took place. What can be done on Ford part.
The weirdest thing happened will driving my '02 Focus. I noticed the radio wasn't coming on when I turn the knob. I tried it again and again. Still nothing happened. It was getting dark so I decided to turn on my lights and suddenly the radio came on. I was startled. I turn the the lights off and no radio. I turned the lights back on again and the radio came back to life.
As if that episode was not weird enough, eventually the radio could not be operated by the lights and returned to be operated by the knob.
Soon, no matter what station I tune the radio to, I received nothing but static. I tried to remove the radio. I unplugged and replugged all the cords and still received static.
Now every once in awhile I can tune in one channel with a lot of static. Oddly enough it was a Christian Rock station out of South Bend, Indiana.
Maybe God is trying to reach to me through my radio.
I took my car in while it was under warranty but it would never short out for the technician, they said they couldn't fix a problem that didn't exist. That was when i first got it and still even today the problem exist. The passenger’s rear window came off track yesterday 11/25/2007, 3 months ago the rear drivers passenger window came off track too. The ignition key gets stuck. The back door has locking issues along with the trunk. FORD is living up to it's name "FIXED ON ROAD DAILY"!
When my car warms up and my heater has been on for about 10 minutes my radio shuts off and will not come back on for at least 15 minutes. Any help would be appreciated.
I repeatly told the dealership about the problem and they did surface work only in my opinion. This went on for a year or so. Until I just said the heack with this. When the radio stops working I would put in a CD guess what the cd will stop too or when you eject it will be hot to the touch. I just want to know and I realized it has been some time passed since this problem took place. What can be done on Ford part.
- Deborah M., Louisville, MS, US