i have a 2000 ford focus se sohc it stalled only during hot/humid weather shut the car completely off and restart it ~it would run for about 15-20 minutes let it set for a hour or so it would run fine for another few hours ect... then it would do it again but only on hot days runs fine in the winter we replaced almost everything and it still did it ( for about a year and a half we delt with this BS) last month (feb 2012) the car acted up again same thing stalled but it was cold out (winter) started it rite back up ~then it stalled again about 500 ft from my house alternator quit did not bring up check engine light or code. once i replaced the alternator (which is no easy task to get to) car ran fine i even have bright headlights now which i did'nt for a year and a half. what was wrong all this time was the alternator voltage regulator and it won't bring up any codes or light the check engine lite u won't know its ur alternator until it quits and it can take awhile before it finally goes.
car would stall only during summer on hot days my car would buck hesitate like if i ran out of gas then my dash lights speedomater radio gas gage ect would quit then my car would die i'd pull over shut it off restart it then it would run for about 15 minutes then it would act up again no engine light/no codes. no machinic can figuar this out because of the no code/light thing and if the voltage regulator is going it won't show it so if u have this BS stalling problem have the alternator checked first before u sink in thousands of dollars in the car and for key getting stuck in the eginition u can solve this problem solved by a lock smith have them break the wheel so ur key will come out even while it's running, did it 3 years ago and key has not stuck yet
car dies on turns,fast stops.engine cranks but wont fire. wont start if parked on slight inclines that lean left or right.(down hill ok). move a few feet and usually can get started within 15 minutes. sometimes not. shop many times since new. cant find anything wrong. crank sensor shows up on code. if you drive slow and carefully problem is less likely. one to three times a month if careful.
I Bought my fuckus in 2005, it was a one owner car. It ran smoothly until around 2008, now my car dies on me every time i turn the air conditioner on & sometimes when i have the defrost on. It wont die as long as my foot is on the gas. The check engine light has been on forever!!
I cant afford to go have all this sh*t checked out & fixed because times are tough & the economy really sucks now!! I don't have any close friends or relatives that knows anything about cars to look at it for me either. I still think fords are good cars, because i realize you have to keep up with the maintenance on them (which i cant do) other than your basic oil changes,filters,etc.
I bought this car 2 years ago when it had 71775 miles on it and in that time I've had replaced:
PCV tube because it was shutting off while driving down the road... 2 weeks after i got it
clutch few months later
fuel filter
just 2 weeks ago ford went in to fix my cars lack of power and pick up and did a timing belt adjustment, replaced 2 ignition coils, a vapor canister, a valve attached to it, a motor mount, and an O2 sensor... i thought the car was fixed...
yesterday I'm 100 miles from home and now my brakes fail from the work they did and a vacuum hose was dislodged and its connector broken off in my engine and they're trying to tell me that i need a new catalytic converter and they don't know why my brakes are failing....
its ridiculous that in 2 years I have spent 4000 in repairs and my car is still f*cked up nothing ever lasts long as soon as one thing is fixed its broken again...
I'm not hard on the car I don't beat it into the ground... my car is destroying itself and my wallet at the same time and they never know what causes it.
I had a power train warranty that just expired last week and nothing they did to my engine was covered and the warranty should've covered my entire engine... they are incompetent idiots they never know what caused the problem only that they fixed the result and it happens again later and they don't take responsibility for it it is ALWAYS the owners fault not ford's... THAT IS BULL SH*T i should not have to spend 4 grand fixing a car over the course of 2 years when it has less than 100000 miles on it. F#CK FORD
- Patrick W.,
Seven Valleys, PA, US
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I have had problems with my car stalling out every time i put into gear or when i stop at stop sign red light ect.. i have taken it to many mechanics and they have no clue on what is wrong with it I even took it to FORD garage and they don't even know and my car is a ford.
To this day i still have no clue on the problem so if anyone could help it would be great bc it is a pain in the butt with it keep stalling out
Thanks, for posting your poor experience; I thought I was the only one with this problem! Its really dangerous when you suddenly have to turn or are backing up unexpectedly!
I bought this car when it was 3 years old with only 33,000kms on it. It had all that I wanted and was within my price budget being a single mom. The car was WONDERFUL to me until I was driving and it would stall. I would be driving down Main St. in the middle of the morning, day or night and it would just stall. All the lights would come on, my steering would freeze and my brakes VERY VERY hard to push in. And VERY VERY VERY scary. I took it to my mechanic many many times, he would keep it over night even to see how it ran after warming it up for 10-15 min as I would, and he advised that I needed to drive the car harder to get the carbon cleaned out of it.. He required me to drive it about 130km and up on the winter highways to prevent this from happening. After some time I took my car to another garage, my now new mechanic fixed the problem (I can't remember how now) for a low fee. However why on earth would Ford not take responsibility for this??????? Not like I'm the only one with the problem as I've noticed...Sad sad sad, needless to say I'm thinking I won't own another Ford after this one. I've had it for going on 8 years yes, however goodness only knows the amount of money it has sucked out of me, I understand the everyday issues a person has to deal with however not my car stalling. This hasn't been the only time either, when I lived in another province the mechanic was always having to change the spark plugs on the darn thing.
Rough idle and engine killing. Ford Motor Co. sent a letter to owners of the 2000 and 2002 advising that they would extend a free fix warranty to those the experienced problems with engine kill. surging rough idle etc.good for 10 years from date purchased regardless of mileage . My focus died 3 months after the ten year warranty. The defect product is the fuel delivery module or carburetor located in the gas tank. Call Ford at 1-800392-3673 refer to campaign no$ 03N01. Too late for me, but maybe not for you. Bob L
Talked with Ford, they stated that Ford Focus has a 10 year extended warranty program(from DATE OF PURCHASE) to help correct this problem by replacing the fuel pump. I am not convinced that this is the solution. My car died the first time and the mechanic not a Ford Dealer indicated that the alternator died. SInce, I realize that replacing a Focus Alternator is akin to triple bypass surgery. The symptoms are intermittant failure of the engine dying. (VERY DANGEROUS) especially on freeways. My wife is terrified to drive. I have seen similar reports from Focus owners in Europe on the web. I wonder if this problem was due to replacing the alternator or associated modules that control the electrical system. I do not have a check engine light warning on.Also the enigine makes a soft whine from the engine compartment,since replacing the alternator. Hope this helps.
Ok. So at the beginning of this year (2010) I've had my PVC hose changed, new braking system, regular oil changes and a vacuum hose changed. Yesterday (8/11/2010) my steering wheel locked up on me and my key wouldn't budge. I called my mechanic of many many years and he told me I had to wiggle the steering wheel and turn the key at the same time. I'm weak (LOL) so I couldn't do it. I did some research online and found out I can call a locksmith to help fix the problem. I did just that. The locksmith came to my house and fixed my ignition so my key turns the ignition with ease. $260 later :(
After the repair and payment was all finished and done, I decided to go out. My key went in fine, the ignition turned with ease and I took off down the street. I live about 5 mins from down town. As I was driving down the street, my car shut off, the steering wheel locked up and then the car turned back on. It went quick. I thought, umm ok this is just a little fluke. I went to the bank and then to CVS. As I was pulling into a parking spot, my car completely shut off on me and the steering wheel locked up. I put the car in park, turn the car back on and pulled into the parking spot. I ran into CVS cause I really needed something and came back out. I turned the car back on and let it sit there for 10mins. I started my journey back home and as I was about to make a right hand turn, my car turned off on me AGAIN but then turned back on. I slowly took my time to get home. I called the locksmith and told him he didn't to come back to the house and explain in detail every little detail he did to my car. My car was fine before he messed around with it. He came back and did just that. He had to shave a part down in order for the key to slide in with ease and turn the ignition. (At this time, no lights came on to warn me of anything). He went to turn the car on to see if he could hear anything funny with the ignition and the car went dead. Wouldn't turn on what so ever. I automatically thought it was the battery. I've had the battery in my car for 2 years this month. I called my mechanic, explained the problem and he suggested that he could also be the alternator. UGGGGGHHHH
I called AAA so they can run a test and check the battery. My car was sitting in my driveway untouched for about 2 hours. AAA guy came and turned my car on WITH EASE! shocked He revved the engine left it running for 10mins, turned if off, let it sit for 10mins, then repeated. Car sounded like it normally does and turned on like it normally does. He told me in about 45mins, to turn the car on, let it run for 10mins drive it around for about 20mins, then park it and let it sit for 10mins. He said he could just be the battery died and needed time to recoup. (Still, no warning lights came on to let me know anything)
Later on last night, I went to turn my car on but it didnt turn on. The key went all the way to the start position and the only lights that came on was the oil light and that yellow light with the little person sitting in the sit and that big ball in front of it. I figured I needed to put some oil in my car so I did just that. I then started the car with EASE! I thought, problem solved it just needed some oil. I let it run for 10mins, took it up and down the street for 20mins and then parked it still on for 10mins. Everything felt and sounded fine. This morning, I did the same thing and everything seems to be going on.
Could it of just been that it needed oil? If thats the case, wouldn't it tell me before all these problems happened? Anyone have this same problem? If so, can you tell me whats going on? I have a 1 year old and I work overnights about 30mins from my house (taking the highway) I don't want my car to give out on me like it did before with the steering wheel locking up..especially on the highway and especially at night. After spending $260 on repairs, I'm broke and can't afford to bring my car into the shop until I get paid next week...what do you think I should do? Please help :(
my focus shuts off every time you turn, sometimes while idling, it runs rough, gets bad gas mil., and is almost not drivable. None of the mechanics I have taken it to can find what the problem is. I feel stuck.
F*kin FORD!! I'm so sick of this PITA i could seriously run it off a bridge... i have had many many many(should i go on) issues with this car and now my car is stalling... the transmission light comes on.... the engine cuts off and i am left sitting there trying to restart it just for it to cut out when i try to accelerate again.... seriously... WE SHOULD ALL PROTEST AT THE FORD HEADQUARTERS because this car is unsafe... I have a 7 year old and a newborn and now my car can't even get me home so right this moment i am stuck 3 hours from home with no way there and i start back to work Tuesday because my maternity leave has ended.... tomorrow is memorial day and do you think ford will be open... not so sure... not to mention all the money i will pay in repairs i haven't gotten a check in 6 weeks assholes... if this FCK US as i like to call it.... actually ran i could get my girls safely home in bed and start making money.... but no... i have to figure out something else and probably be fired all because ford hates us.... money hungry bastards... they shouldnt have been helped out of bankruptcy.... they should have been shut to for pure competence.... Any car i buy from here on out will never be a ford again.... and if this car kills me and my family in the meantime... the lawsuit will be on their hands!!
In relation to another complaint I reported about my engine revving every few seconds when the AC/Heater was on, my car lost power all of a sudden while driving, it wouldnt accelerate when I had the gas floored and the RPMs were gradually dropping, I coasted fortunately into an Advance Auto Parts before it putted to a stop. I got it running again when I put some concentrated fuel injector cleaner in it and cleaned out the throttle valve and since then I havent had a problem with the stalling but the engine still revs when the AC/Heater is on. BTW before the stalling, the engine was reving constantly even with the AC off, it would rev up and down by itself every few seconds.
We bought this car back in October 2009 for $500 from someone who was moving and couldn't invest the time to repair. It was damaged on the front fender and was covered in bumper stickers and my boyfriend wanted a project car. That's exactly what he got. We have a 4 month old and it's winter, I can't afford to get stranded or have an accident because the car shuts off while in motion. Not to mention the many other minor issues with this vehicle.
I am filing this on the 26th of october. my problem started yesterday on the 25th. i was driving my car when i heard a loud knock like something fell apart it wasnt my rod. but my engine light did come on. but it still was not my rod. next thing i know when i start to slow down is that my car is shuttin down on me. so i tried to start my car and my battery is dead. so i pulled someone over and asked for a jump. i got the car started and started driving it. while driving my car had huge hesitation like the car didnt want to shift and my transmission was bad. so next thing i have to now is tow it to my shop and find the problem. all i have to say is F*** FORD.
First off if you buy a car from a tow yard, and it has a lean sale on it make sure the that all the information is correct,because it will save you a lot of time. I had my car for about two weeks, and one day came out side to pick my kids up from school and my car was gone.I thought my car was stolen, but when I called the police department they told me that my car was repoed,well so happened the car had a lowjack system on it and the party that owned the car was never put on the leansale paper work,but the tow yard people told me that they were looking for the car,but told them that they had sold it,and had did the lean on the car,and that was that,but they didn't stop there they found out were the car was and came and repoed it from my house.In the end the repoe company and the other party were on the phone with the Arizona police department and asked who has the current title,and since I had justed got my title in the mail that day they told them that I was the owner of that car amen.Well the other party is going to sue the tow yard,and the leansale company for false paper work,and I asked if they could send me a letter saying that I have nothing to worry about, and they said that they couln't do that for me because there going to sue the tow yard,and the leansale company. What would you have done?Well anyways the car has been doing great since I changed the crankshaft censior,nock-nock on wood.
First time it happened I had been driving for a long time and the heat had caused the MAIN VACUUM HOSE to come off the car causing a leak and not allowing the engine to get a proper air supply. Fixed it with a FORD ONLY PART (the parts seller expert at Smith Ford in Conway didn't know if the part he sold me was correct or not. Come to find out he was trying to install it UPSIDE DOWN!!!) An old school mate of mine (Thanks Brian!) fixed it with a piece of water hose. Part cost $40.00. Problem went away.
Second time, after driving for a long time, car started to stall/sputter/go really slow even with the accelerator floored. Made it home, took it to a mechanic. Engine light had also come on which was new this time around. Searched and searched and decided to replace FUEL FILTER. $9.00 part and 20 minutes later my engine light goes off and the car runs fine. I was also told to check the spark plug wires, plugs, PVC(PCV?) valve and fuel pump. The mechanic said that he replaced the filters all the time but that it was the fuel pump that ultimately went out on the Ford Focus'. $250.00+ part so I haven't replaced it yet. Hope this helps people out here on this forum even though some of the posts are a bit old.
This problem occurred when I would turn on the A/C. I took it in to my friend, experienced mechanic, and he said it was the A/C system licked so that's why my car was dying randomly while driving. They also mentioned that a connection was a little rusted and the fan was running all the time fast so they "removed" the rust from the connection. This connection is the one that plugs just in front of the fan. Well, after 2 weeks that I took the car in for service, the car started doing the same thing again. So I said let me have a look at the connection. It was rusted badly. So I took my little flat file and took all the rust out and the car since then, almost 2 years hasn't had a problem.
Car stalled at slow (10 mph) speed. This has happened several times before. Mechanic doesn't know for sure what the problem is.
- Laura E., San Francisco, CA, US