Well I had my engine replaced a little over a year ago. It cost about 3,000 dollars, and unfortunately it was a complete wast of money! The piece of sh*t has been in and out of the shop regularly ever since the three months it spent getting the engine replaced. It broke down at hour 11 of a 13 hour trip. I was moving, had yet to secure a job, and the engine blew. I had no option at the time but to fix it, but it was a complete waste of money. I've been reading the other problems and it's pretty sad that I was actually considering myself lucky for the car to last 80,000 miles! I'm currently still driving to vehicle, after spending so much money on it, I keep thinking that it'll eventually run right for a while. I probably should just take it for a swim in the river
this car has been a real pain in the ass. I replaced the $700 clutch and then less than two months later with no warning a piston breaks. the shop I took it to said it would be over three thousand dollars to put a new engine in it. that is more than the car is worth.
I have owned couple of fords in the past,they had there problems but, this is an outrage...
I have never driven the car hard or missed a service. I drove to work to get my check everything was normal. then when I went to start it to leave,it made a clicking sound and wouldn't start. I waited for a friend to show up and take a look. he had me try and start it and it did barely made another different horrible racket and the whole front end shook and it was dead. FORD MAKES CRAP AND SELLS IT! now I have a used drive way ornament. thanks ford motor company for making quality number one! I will never own another ford. I am however looking at an old vw at least I can afford the mechanic this time!!!
2000 ford focus valve seats fell apart and dropped onto pistons destroying motor. Lots of other people having the same problem.Ford needs to address this major fault. Problem happens with low or high miles-very well known problem .Ford stresses customer maintenance but cannot build quality parts for their vehicles to make it worth maintaining them as they insist. I will not buy another ford product until they can come back into the quality car business by fixing their known product faults and prove they can actually build a quality (reliable )vehicles with quality materials.
We purchased our 2000 Ford Focus LX three years ago used. One month into ownership, the car started stalling during hot weather. What made it so bad was that I had my infant son with me each time it did this. In the winter it ran fine til the heater went out. The next Spring my hubby replaced plugs and hoses and it ran fine. Then we took off to FL. Ran fine on the way down there. But on the way back, it started it's stalling crap again. We finally made it home. Then June of this year I was at Walmart and just bought groceries, and when I went to start the car, it made a horrible clicking sound, then it wouldn't start. Had it towed to a shop, and the engine was blown! No one is willing to drop another engine in it with a warranty. Four mechanics have told us that they are junk cars,. Even Jasper Engines said that they could drop one in for $2000 with no warranty!!! What a joke!
Hunk of Junk waste of money vehicle. I now have a 1987 Mercury Tracer wagon, and she runs like a dream... No more Fords for me.. Broken Focus in the drive, and a broken 1987 Ford T-Bird in the backyard! Hissssss. Ford.....
the car is not fix yet, sitting. i email ford, they told me to go buy a new car or take to the dealer to find out the problem . its just wrong for a motor to blow at that kind of miles on it. we change the oil when it called for and we hear that a lot of people have same problem. now that just ,,,, up ford used to be a good name. what happen to that name? it go out the door. ya have a good day.
- Quatkemeyer V.,
Cin, OH, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
The head gasket blown up at 38000 and my car has to be towed to the dealer who advised me to replace the engine. The problem is that Ford does not have the engine ready and
does not want to give me a loaner or a car rental assistance.
This means that FORD can not support the cars that they sell!!. This should serve as warning to those planning to buy Ford cars. Dont!!
I had just gotten my focus from a private owner (of course the warranty was no good.) who kept it in very good condition both inside and outside.
Well about a month after getting the car the steering wheel would lock up and the car would start to decrease in speed on its own (not allowing me to accelerate.)
I took it to two different auto shops, both ran diagnostics and could find nothing wrong. (one place actually told me "to come back when it breaks.")
Well about two weeks later-I did come back, with my car on a tow-truck.
The engine had pretty much went BOOM.
I had to get a new engine which took 3 months.
They said that the problem was the number 5 spark plug!
This had happened again in the past few months and I went right away to get the spark plug fixed. now the problem is no more.
If you do buy a focus beat yourself in the head and make sure the number 5 spark plug is changed every 4 months or so.
I'm not sure if this car is even worth fixing! I have put so much $ into this car between new ignitions (2x), a new transmission and numerous other problems. I would advise anyone looking into buying a Ford Focus to think twice about it!!!The valve snapped off into engine destroying engine
we averaged less then 10,000 miles a year. we changed the oil as scheduled. 73,000 miles. it's done. dealer offered 1500.00 scam trade in on another new ford piece of crap. got a better deal from Suburu with no trade in. another ford buyer waves bye bye. we had many problems on the car glad it ended our ford relationship.
Well I had my engine replaced a little over a year ago. It cost about 3,000 dollars, and unfortunately it was a complete wast of money! The piece of sh*t has been in and out of the shop regularly ever since the three months it spent getting the engine replaced. It broke down at hour 11 of a 13 hour trip. I was moving, had yet to secure a job, and the engine blew. I had no option at the time but to fix it, but it was a complete waste of money. I've been reading the other problems and it's pretty sad that I was actually considering myself lucky for the car to last 80,000 miles! I'm currently still driving to vehicle, after spending so much money on it, I keep thinking that it'll eventually run right for a while. I probably should just take it for a swim in the river
- Wesley W., Conway, AR, US