everytime i try to start it it floods the spark plugs.. we clean them off.. they flood again and i get stuck at places like the gas station looking like an idiot trying to push my car
My 2000 SOHC Focus will start once a day. After that it's a roll of the dice. It starts when it is cool (under 50), but the problem is much in hot weather. It started all winter. This problem reared it's head last fall, and now that it's summer, it is back. The only noise I hear when I turn the key is the noise of the fuel pump. No clicks from the solenoid or the click click click that you hear when you have a bad battery. Occasionally, I have been able to jump start it, but only from my truck. Other vehicles just don't seem to be able to, and I have tried. When I can't get it to start, the only answer is to leave it to sit several hours (over night) and it will start when I come back to it. I have had the alternator, battery, and starter all tested at the local auto parts store and the only thing they noted was a "delay" when starting. I have two possible theories. First is the plunger on the solenoid (mounted on the top of the starter) is gunked up or has a broken spring. When it's cool, the plunger can slide, but when warm, a contaminant prevents the plunger from moving and starting. A cooler spring has more strength, so that is where the spring may be the problem. The other theory is that the bendix expands when warm and binds up the starter. Given that I don't even get the clicks, I am betting on the solenoid. The starter is nested under the intake manifold between the engine block and the fire wall, so it is almost impossible to access. I have spent several hours and removed 2 of the 3 bolts and can't get the lower one. I can get a socket on it, but I can't get any swing. I also can't get to the wires to remove the connections. If I ever do get this thing loose, I already know it will be a bear to snake the starter out from it's location, and another issue to reinstall it.
I have a 2000 ZX3 and it sometimes won't start. It comes and goes. Key turns all the idiot lights do their thing, I hear the fuel pump coming on and the relay is clicking to send voltage to the starter. I have swapped it as well. I think it might have something to do with the security system as it does not recognize the key.. I have tried both and nothing I just have to wait it out. Any suggestions.
Now that I replaced the ignition switch and the lock cylinder the damn car wont start. I have no idea what to do now. I have tried everything i can think of....any suggestions??
- pekrun,
Milwaukee, WI, US
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This car is a 2000 ford focus and it has so many recalls and one that should be and it the ignition that should be replaced, this will be my second time i have had to replace it and it still doesnt seem to help , i heard this keeps going on til your out of money, i need to sell this to someone that doesnt care about being stuck in the boondock, without a chance of getting a ride. thanks they need to fix this or else this car will never sell again, unhappy customer among many .
Car would start without phoblem and run smoothly. After a short trip to the market, you would find that it would not start. It would take several hours of down time before it would start again. The ignition system lights do go on, you could hear the fuel pump running but there is no engagement of the starter. I changed the starter relay and this has not helped.
Finally, after one of the incidents, I took it into Ford so that they could find the problem The car spent almost four working days in the shop and could not duplicate the problem. Found out that this has no relationship to the panel light problem that is also a pain in the ass.
All told the car is great -- but I guess this is beginning to sour my feeling on Ford cars.
My wife went to the movies. She came out and discovered that she couldn't turn the key in the ignition. She jiggled the key for a half an hour and then called a friend to pick her up. I drove out to the car and tried to get it to start for almost an hour. Now I have to pay a tow truck to take it to the dealer. A replacement is going to run me about $480 according to the dealership.
This is ridiculous. Never had any issue like this with any other car in my life!
I have a 2000 Ford Focus & I go to start it and the key ignition works for I had it replaced once already - all electrical is working; when I turn to start though; I get nothing - starter doesn't engage/so car doesn't start. No noise coming from starter - and intermittently it will start. Battery issue? Don't know - put a jumper to it & nothing - any suggestions??
after making an attempt to get my check engine light looked at i realized i had gone somewhere where they do not do engine diagnostics. as I am leaving the lot of the place, i put my key in the ignition and the car wont start, ignition locked couldn't even turn it. somehow it locked self from what it felt, the break and the wheel were locked my car is a manual so when parked and placed in neutral can be pushed, but with the steering wheel locked and the break pedal itself stiff pushing it was out of the question.
after 3 hours being stranded in Wilmington, California and a few boneheads later these were their solutions.
by the way if you have a chip in your key consider your expenses much more.
a couple mechanics suggested:
1) the grooves in the key are not being read by the pins in the ignition, and the anti-theft system locked itself and the codes from the chip reset; which these cars are known to do.
(only half way true...i was told by a rep of ford dealership to bang on the ignition NOT HARD but lightly then try turning the key again surprisingly this actually helped turning the car on i was able to get the to the dealership for more inspections.
2)ignition switch
the actual problem was the cylinder and the price to fix is estimated 356.00 total including labor.
This problem, we thought was an isolated problem until we called out a locksmith which in turn made the comment to us "I can't tell you how many of these I have changed out" !
We have a friend that recently bought a 2004 Ford Focus and she too is having the same problem. It is sitting and can't be taken in for repair because the steering wheel is locked. The Dealer tells her it will cost approximately $300.00 to fix it, and that's not towing included, ouch. Shame on you Ford.
Alright, I purchased a 2000 Ford Focus SE last year in March, the engine had been blown by the previous owners and thusly the dealership I obtained the car from had a motor placed in it, the car was cheap ($3,000). First off just a couple months ago we had to replace the starter in an engine with less than 60,000 on it! I have no F*ckin idea what is wrong with this car! I put the key in the ignition cylinder turn it back the engine starts but when I release the key it dies!!!! I cannot begin to count the times this has happend to me and no one knows whats wrong with the car...Ford will not even look at it without I pay them $100 for the use of their d@n computer and $100 for an hour of time from a mechanic that wont tell me Sit...this is sad. My family has bought nothing but Fords, and I have never had a problem like this where the dealership continously ignores and or denies the saftey issues of this! I was stranded at the grocery store today because of this car with three kids for an hour! before it would start. Ford refuses to help us and I've taken it to more than one mechanic and the stupid thing starts and runs like a dream for them so there left just as clueless as we are! Ford can kiss my *ss! I am never buying another Ford seeing as to how their customer service is apparently no longer exhistant.
Alright this makes the thrid complaitn about the infamous Ford Focus SE....LEMON!!! i bought the car in March of 2008, the previous owners had burnt up the motor so the dealership I had obtained it from had the motor replaced. The motor in the car had only 40,000 miles on it when purchased. I drove the car back and forth to work on a highway till May 2009 when suddenly the car does not start...my poor husband had to stick his hands down in that tight motor area to see if he could figure out what was wrong, of course we start with the easy fixes; ie. fuses, battery, battery cables....(by the by the old battery we took out is still being used in our WD 40 tractor) finally he decides it's the starter, so we replace it two days worth of time and involving me crawling under the car to put it in since my husband's hands wouldn't fit in the tight space and it starts...Well guess what, a few months later we have a new problem which I also reported on this web site....Ford has been no help at all I ask about recalls they always give the run around as in oh the man that handles that isn't here now call back later, obviously this man is either non existent or Ford doesn't want to fess up to their mistakes! In my honest opinion Focus should be taken off the road they are not safe cars...I understand there's regular wear and tear but come on people!!! Lets get realistic here the car cost me 3,000 and it isn't worth fixing. I think if one more thing goes wrong Im going to start a bon fire with it and go buy a Toyota.
When I turn the key, the ignition system doesn't seem to be even connected to the engine-- zero response, no matter what I try. The first time, I let it sit awhile and it settled itself out. Three times this has happened, and now nothing works... getting a new battery on the advice of the repair shop, but unsure that is the problem.
On vacation in a rural area my engine would have trouble starting. I finally diagnosed it as an alternator/solenoid problem. So I used an old golf club to make the arc until I could get it fixed at a more reasonable price. It still was a chunk of change (even with a huge discount the family-friend mechanic gave me). You can't change the alternator on your own, you have to take out the whole engine practically to get to it. Bad designing.
This car ran beautifully for one whole year then the piece of sh*t started to fall apart first the exhaust fell off, had it repaired 475.00, and after pulling off the lot headed to work to work a couple of double shift to pay for the piece of sh*t the ignition locks up. "UP YOURS FORD" who said American made was the best. Going back to foreign made cars.
Alright, and so...this winter the temps reached 30 and below. There is much moisture in the air. It is my belief that the combination effected the engine...it simply wouldn't start or keep running without applying gas. At this point, there has been only ONE occasion in which it wouldn't start AT ALL. No lights, no sound. Like many other complaints the problem is resolved by letting it sit...sometimes overnight. (VERY PROBLEMATIC when stuck in a garage after a 13 hour day). I've taken it to a reputable mechanic who says he can't find the problem unless the engine light is on (sending the signal identifying the problem). Today, i'm picking up my car from the mechanic who is unable to find the source. A friend is suggesting putting in a car of FUEL INJECTION CLEANER. I'll let you know if it works...
i went to start the car this morning and the key wouldn't turn. i tapped on the key with a hammer and got to turn but then when i went to start it i did't get anything!!! no clicks, nothing i have no idea what the hell could be wrong with this thing
My Ford Focus was purchased used in 2002. This car was the model car for six years and truly I have had no trouble. However, two weeks ago, my key wouldn't turn the ignition. This problem was fixed and it turned out that I needed a new cylinder. This was not an electrical or a battery problem. I knew this to be true because my lights and radio were working. This incident happened again in the parking lot of my job. Auto mechanics have troubleshooted this problem to a problem tumbler.
Several mechanics and locksmiths have told me that the 2000 Ford Focus has a design flaw in the steering column. 50 - 60% of these cars have this problem, or will have this problem in the future. .
Every time it rains or gets cold out my door locks lock themselves or when you hit the door lock button once on your keys the horn beeps doesn't do this when it is hot out or normal weather...also get shocked all the time getting in and out of the car...also had short in driver's tail light but ford says my VIN# isn't under recall so $180 to fix it and then half of dash lights blew $125 from Ford to replace light bulb...list of way to many things with this car Ford should pay me for driving it...
i have changed the crank sensor 3 times and it will start for a bit and then stops running soon after.. i just want my car to run
- Courtney G., Knoxville, TN, US