Ford Five Hundred Compressor Fix $39 - Here's a compressor control valve that seems to fix lots of the poor cooling problems. Old valve sticks and appears to be bad compressor. Ford doesn't have the part and only wants to replace compressor $1200. Should be a $100 repair at a good ac shop if you bring the part.
I bought this car from Meegan Ford in Mount Pleasant PA. in June of 2017. I took it for a test drive and told the salesman the A/C wasn't working. He said they would check it out and fix the problem...Several days later when I went to pick up the car and test drove it the A/C seemed to be working the mile or so I drove it. On my way home from buying the car the A/C seemed to work ok about a mile and a half. I parked in the garage and didn't drive the vehicle until the weekend for about 2 hours. The A/C seemed to work okay on the trip the first hour. On the way home the second hour the A/C failed to threw cool air it was like just having the fan running but no A/C. I am taking the car in this Thursday July 13, 2017. The car has a 3,000 mile 4 month warranty. I hope they fix the problem this time even if it needs a new A/C compressor or whatever it needs done. Just adding Freon to the A/C is not working or the solution to this problem. If it is not fixed properly this time after 2 attempts for Meegan to fix this Problem. I am taking to another ford dealership in the area and have them find the problem and then going back to Meegan and telling them this is the problem with the A/C and to fix it properly. This is my first dealing with this dealership and I hope I didn't make a mistake by buying a vehicle there.
I will update the personal information about my vehicle later as this is a very valid claim. I've wasted money having anti-freeze put in at the shop multiple years before finding out in was the compressor in 2014 and would cost a little over $1500 to fix. This is my 3rd season without AC yet find myself fortunate the heat works. Waiting on the AC fairy driving pass me one evening as the sweat rolls done my face and offer to fix it at a discounted pity price....yeah, I know that will never happen but I can dream. In the meantime I wet my cooling towel before getting in the car and roll down the windows.
After researching this fairly common problem with this car and Ford's obvious refusal to do a recall and install a good compressor instead of this piece of crap they used I will never be buying a Ford again. Many people in my family have driven or do drive Fords now but that will be changing soon. I am done with them, no wonder the foreign market cars sell so well, they last.
Nice car, but A/C sucks. With all our latest hot weather, A/C only blows warm air, when still and in motion. Recall and Ford needs to Man Up to their AMERICAN Product. Class Action Sounds Good
Noticed the problem first as the air not cooling when the car was idling/sitting at a stop light, but it got progressively worse. I had to be driving on the interstate in order to get cool air. Then my partner was picking our son up from school when there was a bunch of black smoke coming from out underneath the hood of the car. We then had to get the compressor replaced because (according to the mechanic) it had seized up and with the one-belt engine we couldn't afford to leave it be. Not getting the compressor replaced would risk the entire engine seizing. Dished out $2000 to get it fixed without realizing it was a common issue with this car. But I'm here writing this two years later because now our car is doing the same thing again. I'll file that complaint separately...
- Cathy R.,
Statesboro, GA, US
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just had my car in the shop yesterday have had it for almost 5 years and i have had to constantly have work done on it costing me so much it drains my last dime literally i don't understand why there are so many problems with the ac compressor and nothing is being acted upon with it don't have a random 1,000 dollars sitting around just to fix something that should be lasting a lot longer than it is not sure if i will consider another ford from this point on too many issues with something your suppose to rely on more than what its actually doing
I just got the car in Feb...everything seemed to work. The air works good when its cool outside just when its above 75 it doesn't. When the car is sitting it blows warm air. I don't know why the Ford company won't repair all these cars as a recall! Not everyone has 1,000 bucks to spend after purchasing a car!
Update from Jul 5, 2011: Had this problem fixed. Apparently it was a valve inside the compressor and the compressor had to be replaced. $977
My compressor failed at approx. 89,000 miles. Ford estimated a replacement cost of $1,300. I'm dissatisfied with how ford is handling this problem, since there are numerous complaints with the compressor.
car is only 4 years old ,freon did not leak ,the compressor just stop working. two dealerships said same thing compressor failed every thing else in the air system checked good. i live in central florida 97 degrees. this my first ford and my last. ive had 15 year old hondas and toyotas with original working compressor i have a quite large family some have fords but not for long, there is no way this part should only last 4 years.
I bought this car from Meegan Ford in Mount Pleasant PA. in June of 2017. I took it for a test drive and told the salesman the A/C wasn't working. He said they would check it out and fix the problem...Several days later when I went to pick up the car and test drove it the A/C seemed to be working the mile or so I drove it. On my way home from buying the car the A/C seemed to work ok about a mile and a half. I parked in the garage and didn't drive the vehicle until the weekend for about 2 hours. The A/C seemed to work okay on the trip the first hour. On the way home the second hour the A/C failed to threw cool air it was like just having the fan running but no A/C. I am taking the car in this Thursday July 13, 2017. The car has a 3,000 mile 4 month warranty. I hope they fix the problem this time even if it needs a new A/C compressor or whatever it needs done. Just adding Freon to the A/C is not working or the solution to this problem. If it is not fixed properly this time after 2 attempts for Meegan to fix this Problem. I am taking to another ford dealership in the area and have them find the problem and then going back to Meegan and telling them this is the problem with the A/C and to fix it properly. This is my first dealing with this dealership and I hope I didn't make a mistake by buying a vehicle there.
- Al D., Montgomery, AL, US