Bought Fiesta for college age child to commute to school. Car shudders between gears and feels like transmission slips. Ford dealer says car was produced a few months before the warranty was extended when Ford acknowledged the problem. So basically told us TOO BAD that will be $1500 please....I'm so irate. Ford WILL NOT BE list for next vehicle choice!!!!!!!
I bought the auto in Dec of 2015. Since it was a low mileage, newer auto 2014, I am thinking "Damn what a deal, this newer auto for less than 10 grand and a warranty, now I won't have to worry about repairs for quite a while." "Wrong!" The second week of driving I noticed a noise, contacted the dealer, was told by the salesman, who sold me the auto, "That the noise was nothing to worry about, that was the kind of transmission it was and that all those transmission make that noise." This has turned out to be a crock of crap!
In May 2016 at 57690 miles, we took the auto to a different Ford dealer and they replace the transmission. They told us, it is not suppose to make that noise. Now just a little over a year later, problems with the transmission "AGAIN" I am afraid Ford is going to live up to their old reputation,"Found On Road Dead !" these transmission need to be put in the scrap pile and go with one that has proven to be good and stop with this crap of "new and better" bull crap. If something works you don't fix it. I am a 75 yr old female and I don't like the idea of my auto breaking down on the road, because, some idiot, thought a certain defective part was better.
We have only since 10/07/2016. Today is 02/03/2017, used from Ford dealer. Worried about the down the road of recurring again, if it does what can I do?
We have had problems with this transmission for several months. Every time we take it to Ford they say they had to reset transmission sensors and then vehicle seems to run worse as the days go by.
I bought a 2014 Fiesta in June of 2014 brand new and had transmission concerns from Day 1. I experienced every symptom that has been complained about on this site by other Ford Fiasco owners. I even have a card that stated that the problems were only temporary and they would go away once it adjusted to my driving habits. When the shaking and shuddering failed to go away I mentioned it to the service dept. and they had only poor excuses and no solutions. Ford was not honest about the miles per gallon to be expected and continue to be deceitful.
I have had this problem for the past two years. The car would shake while driving for a few minuted then stop. It would not move when the gas is pressed, it would instead shake. Instead I started off mild tremor, barely noticeable and has increasingly gotten worse. I have taken the car in for service at least 3 or 4 times for servicing and all they would do is reset the transmission and tell me to bring it back if the problem continues.
he last time I took it for service (the same problem) in October of last year, the service guy Phil told me that the car had a manual transmission in an automatic car (like I was stupid). I am about to take the car in for the same problem yet again to see what they are going to tell me this time. I pray every day that I drive this car that I would it to my destination and back without an accident.
Jerry's Ford in Leesburg are the ones who sold me the car and whom I have taken the car to be fixed. They tell me it's normal for the car to shudder and miss gear. Bologna. They do not want to admit or fix this problem because they know this car is defective. I opened a claim with the Ford Corporation and they called Jerry's Ford. Jerry's told them it was within the normal range. What a piece of crap. I am paying almost $400 a month for this vehicle. I hate it and would like to get rid of it. They do not seem to know how to fix it. I feel that I was taken and there is no recourse. Any suggestions? I'm tempted to just let the bank repo it but I'll probably still owe the bank money. I'll never buy a Ford again!!!
Bought Fiesta for college age child to commute to school. Car shudders between gears and feels like transmission slips. Ford dealer says car was produced a few months before the warranty was extended when Ford acknowledged the problem. So basically told us TOO BAD that will be $1500 please....I'm so irate. Ford WILL NOT BE list for next vehicle choice!!!!!!!
- Kimberly S., Sheboygan Falls, WI, US