I own a few ford trucks. I own a Towing business. We buy Ford Tow Trucks because they run better and hold there value when you trade them in. I wanted to go green because of what is happening to the world. I started to put Bio Diesel in my Tow Trucks. I filled up one time. I wanted to see if the trucks would run better. A month later the 2 trucks wouldn't start. I changed the filters thinking I might have gotten bad gas. When I took off the filter I noticed a silver substance. I thought someone must of put something in my tanks. I took the vehicles to my ford diesel tech. He told me what happened and that it was common with the fords when Bio Diesel is used. I asked him if Ford was going to take care of the problem. He said Ford will not. That it is our problem. I have never received any news letter from Ford on this matter. I do not feel that this is a consumers problem. Ford should take care of this problem. How can we worry about our kids future when Ford does not even care. This is costing me $3800.00 to fix. Bad enough the EGR problems in the 6.0 are a head ache, now we have to deal with the insides of the fuel tanks liners pealing off. I would just like Ford to fix there own problems. They have lost me as a future customer. I spent about $400.000 so far. I will not any more. I am going to sell the rest of my Ford products and go else where.
I own a few ford trucks. I own a Towing business. We buy Ford Tow Trucks because they run better and hold there value when you trade them in. I wanted to go green because of what is happening to the world. I started to put Bio Diesel in my Tow Trucks. I filled up one time. I wanted to see if the trucks would run better. A month later the 2 trucks wouldn't start. I changed the filters thinking I might have gotten bad gas. When I took off the filter I noticed a silver substance. I thought someone must of put something in my tanks. I took the vehicles to my ford diesel tech. He told me what happened and that it was common with the fords when Bio Diesel is used. I asked him if Ford was going to take care of the problem. He said Ford will not. That it is our problem. I have never received any news letter from Ford on this matter. I do not feel that this is a consumers problem. Ford should take care of this problem. How can we worry about our kids future when Ford does not even care. This is costing me $3800.00 to fix. Bad enough the EGR problems in the 6.0 are a head ache, now we have to deal with the insides of the fuel tanks liners pealing off. I would just like Ford to fix there own problems. They have lost me as a future customer. I spent about $400.000 so far. I will not any more. I am going to sell the rest of my Ford products and go else where.
- rogernj, Springfield, NJ, US