6.0 powerstroke diesel /truck has been in shop 7 times in last 4 months. a total of 23 days not counting the inconvience of being without a truck. i am self employed as a truckdriver. i depend on this truck. ford would not loan me a truck because of the miles that i drive per week. i have talked to several people about this problem who also have a truck with the same engine. i think ford needs to do a recall on this. truck has had both heads replaced, inter cooler, 6 injectors plus 2 of the injectors replaced have had to be replaced again 3 months later. this engine should last a least 300,000 miles. i had a 1996 with a 7.3 powerstroke engine that had 380,000 with out any engine problems. but ford had a better idea and came out with a 6.0 that is not as good as the 7.3 in dependability.
6.0 powerstroke diesel /truck has been in shop 7 times in last 4 months. a total of 23 days not counting the inconvience of being without a truck. i am self employed as a truckdriver. i depend on this truck. ford would not loan me a truck because of the miles that i drive per week. i have talked to several people about this problem who also have a truck with the same engine. i think ford needs to do a recall on this. truck has had both heads replaced, inter cooler, 6 injectors plus 2 of the injectors replaced have had to be replaced again 3 months later. this engine should last a least 300,000 miles. i had a 1996 with a 7.3 powerstroke engine that had 380,000 with out any engine problems. but ford had a better idea and came out with a 6.0 that is not as good as the 7.3 in dependability.
- ldr1951, Sherwood, Ar., US