Labor day 2012 we are returning from vacation and my low tire pressure light comes on. I stop and air up the left rear tire. Springfield MO is 60 miles ahead and the light comes on again. Labor day nothing open. We get a motel and I jack the tire up so it won't set on the rim. Next morning I inflate the tire with my auto compressor and go to a Good Year tire shop. They start to repair the tire but can't as the inside rim bead is bent and cracked. They get the spare and I learn it is an 18" rim and 2" shorter than the other tires. Great time to learn THIS. I go ahead and drive the truck 800 miles back to Colorado Spring. The dealer says it not covered IMPACT caused damage. Really!!! F350 with 11,500 gvw package, 75 lbs tire pressure and not a mark of any kind on the tire and other than the Wife and I and our 3 small dogs the truck is empty.
The dealers solution sell me a new rim for $600. I love my truck and have used the same Dealer ship since 1978. I remind them of the 2007 Expedition eI I traded in on this truck the 2002 Excursion I traded in on the Expedition and my loyalty starting in 1978. Pissed off but being a local insurance agent since 1974 I understand SH*T HAPPENS I chew ass bitch and pay.
Little did I know this was the beginning of tire and rim nightmare.
UPDATE: This is my 3rd complaint concerning issues with the 20" rim and Michelin tire up grade on my truck. Last Sunday I'm traveling from Colorado Springs CO to Branson MO. My low pressure light comes on near Topeka KA.I pull over and it's the left front tire. I fill it and continue on 50 miles later the light is back on. I stop in Lawrence KA and get a room. Next morning the tire is noticeable lower than the others. It's Sunday and Mothers Day not many options. I fill the tire and go on about every 100 miles I add air. Monday I take the truck to Good Year in Stone Ridge MO. The ------- rim is cracked and bent. This is the second rim and both times with the Michelin tires all OEM. My first complaint resulted in me paying and accepting the dealers IMPACT cause. I have never broke a rim in my life and now 18 months apart I have my second on a vehicle with less than 40,000 miles. I wrote off the 1st as sh*t happens will this is now bullshit.
I did go to the Dealer and they did the IMPACT no coverage again.
There is something not right with this wheel tire combo. Are the sidewalls not strong enough are the wheels to light weight?
I hope this doesn't get someone hurt if that rim explodes on a heavy load.
Labor day 2012 we are returning from vacation and my low tire pressure light comes on. I stop and air up the left rear tire. Springfield MO is 60 miles ahead and the light comes on again. Labor day nothing open. We get a motel and I jack the tire up so it won't set on the rim. Next morning I inflate the tire with my auto compressor and go to a Good Year tire shop. They start to repair the tire but can't as the inside rim bead is bent and cracked. They get the spare and I learn it is an 18" rim and 2" shorter than the other tires. Great time to learn THIS. I go ahead and drive the truck 800 miles back to Colorado Spring. The dealer says it not covered IMPACT caused damage. Really!!! F350 with 11,500 gvw package, 75 lbs tire pressure and not a mark of any kind on the tire and other than the Wife and I and our 3 small dogs the truck is empty.
The dealers solution sell me a new rim for $600. I love my truck and have used the same Dealer ship since 1978. I remind them of the 2007 Expedition eI I traded in on this truck the 2002 Excursion I traded in on the Expedition and my loyalty starting in 1978. Pissed off but being a local insurance agent since 1974 I understand SH*T HAPPENS I chew ass bitch and pay.
Little did I know this was the beginning of tire and rim nightmare.
UPDATE: This is my 3rd complaint concerning issues with the 20" rim and Michelin tire up grade on my truck. Last Sunday I'm traveling from Colorado Springs CO to Branson MO. My low pressure light comes on near Topeka KA.I pull over and it's the left front tire. I fill it and continue on 50 miles later the light is back on. I stop in Lawrence KA and get a room. Next morning the tire is noticeable lower than the others. It's Sunday and Mothers Day not many options. I fill the tire and go on about every 100 miles I add air. Monday I take the truck to Good Year in Stone Ridge MO. The ------- rim is cracked and bent. This is the second rim and both times with the Michelin tires all OEM. My first complaint resulted in me paying and accepting the dealers IMPACT cause. I have never broke a rim in my life and now 18 months apart I have my second on a vehicle with less than 40,000 miles. I wrote off the 1st as sh*t happens will this is now bullshit.
I did go to the Dealer and they did the IMPACT no coverage again.
There is something not right with this wheel tire combo. Are the sidewalls not strong enough are the wheels to light weight? I hope this doesn't get someone hurt if that rim explodes on a heavy load.
- Kenneth T., Colorado Springs, CO, US