Driving to meet daughter for brunch about 12 miles away. Made it about 4 miles and engine started running very rough as if it was coming out of truck. Pulled off the road as soon as possible and called AAA. Couldn't think of any place to take it other than the local dealer, Moyer's Ford. They kept car for 5 days and then told me it lost some compression on 2 cylinders, 8 and ?. I was told mechanic would have to tear down engine to find the problem for a mere $5500 or could replace the engine for $8500.
Paid for the diagnosis and had it towed home where it sits. The only problem I have had with this Mexican Ford was to have both front window regulators replace while still under warranty. I had just changed the oil about a week prior and used Ffull synthetic rather than 50/50 blend I had been using. Thought maybe this had something to do with it, so was going to get more oil and change again but my 2001 Ford Escape shifter cable came apart and locked up in park. Since I had no way to get new oil I drained the oil and put the old oil back in until I could get more. Now I read problem could be the cam phasers but from what I read here that is obviously not a fix. Pissed!!
When I bought this truck I noticed a rough engine noise. A lot of people ask me if I had a diesel truck. I took the truck back and Ford told me the truck was fine and that's the way this type of engine works. Later a local mechanic told me that engine needs to be checked. I took it back to Soo Motors. They never checked the noise. I love the truck, so I kept it the way it was. Now the noise is getting louder! I am very dissatisfied with Ford. I wanted to buy another Ford truck but I do not trust Ford anymore, I would like Ford to fix my truck or pay half of the cost to fix it, seen it was a manufacturer error!
Truck ran great up to about 155,000 miles, all of the sudden came a horrible rough idle. I've had it to the shop, $430.00 later they say mass air flow sensor. Change MAF,, ( not the problem) changed EGR (not the problem) changed TPS (not the problem). And of course Ford Motor Co. Will do nothing to help you...
I've bought Ford trucks and nothing else my whole life . ( THAT'S ABOUT TO CHANGE ) These trucks have a huge problem with the rear end too. Replaced mine, jasper blows Ford away, the Ford rear wined from almost new then self destructed and I can name 3 other people who also needed a rear.
Truck started running really rough at about 134,000 miles, changed throttle body, cam sensor, O2 sensor, fuel filter. with no fix. I then took it to Ford Dealer who wanted $1000.00 to replace a $200 part but could not guarantee it will fix the problem. This truck was a headaches from the day I bought it. Spark plugs all broke while changing them. Stay away from the 2004 Ford F150.
It all began when I first bought the truck from a used dealer in Clarksville tn. I had no idea about the issues surrounding the 5.4 liter motors other than the cam phaser problems many had posted on ford forums online. I had the typical codes but did the commonly used things that others had done which included changing many parts trying to correct the issues myself. This of course began to get costly but I loved my truck and hoped I would eventually correct the problem. Now my truck sits crippled in my front yard with a possible broken timing chain guide and a scored cam follower bearing due to Fords unwillingness to correct the problem by issuing a recall for their more than obvious mistake. Their chief argument is that the issue only exist in but a few trucks and requires no recall which to me is complete bullshit. I say if its only related to but a few vehicles then they aren't at a loss to issue the recall for the customers who were left dealing with this issue. After working as a salesman at a Ford dealership I can say with confidence that they will certainly not be stripped of any financial pain considering the markup on their product. I was raised on Chevrolet and was warned most of my life about purchasing a Ford but I had no idea that this was way they handled business. All makes have their issues and this is to be expected but it is the integrity of the provider at stake when such a matter arises and they resort to hiding behind their Pros as they ignore the cons of the matter at hand. I think they should act upon this matter and correct as hard working Americans like myself being a disabled veteran of the US Army depend on them to do while I am on a fixed income at the time. I have a broken truck due to a poor choice made by ford which could have been corrected for the former owner of my truck so that I might not be left dealing with the matter with no way of fixing it due to lack of funds. The ball has been checked to you Ford motor company will you continue to act as if this problem never existed as you replace the powertrain in your more recent models because you know it always has existed? In as early as 2006 you corrected the engine issues in your 5.4 but you only issued a TSB for your former models which was designed to discover what you already knew all while charging your customers a second time to correct your obvious defect. I say correct your faults while you still can before you lose more loyal customers to your competitors. More and more Japanese fullsize trucks fill American driveways because of poor commitment on the part of American providers. Is this how you want to see the future of the American workforce to go. Correct your mistake please.
- Robert S.,
Clarksville, TN, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
It started when my wife drove the truck about 60 miles round trip. She called me and said that the truck was chugging and shaking and died at the stop lights. I drive this truck 98% of the time and had not experienced these symptoms. My trip is short both ways under 12 miles. About 4 days later it started on the short trips and would come and go. It got worse and the Engine light came on. I took it to my garage they ran the codes and didn't want to touch this engine?? I started going on line and I now know why. So I changed my VCT's and cam sensors fairly easy job if you are mechanically inclined. The codes reset and I took the truck for a ride. It was not responsive and about 8 miles later started killing at stops. The shaking and chugging weren't there though. I figured plugs next at 108K so my garage agreed to do it, hesitantly. Once they got it they checked and no codes and no misses. He pulled the belt and let me know my timing chain and/or tensioners are bad. He didn't do the plugs and basically told me to either spend the 3k to fix it or get rid of it. Again he would not do this job and suggested that if I keep it take it to a Ford dealer and get the warranty. I've read enough to agree with him. Ford knows this is an issue and it does go back to the constant loud pinging I reported earlier. Why are they not offering the customers at least a parts and low labor rate to do these repairs that are inherent to the Triton motor? I have always stayed with the proper oil, filter etc. I may have waited to 4k once in a while. This is a TRUCK and shouldn't be doing this at 100K or less in a lot of instances. I am maybe was a Ford man all my life and I am disgusted with this. Anyone looking on line can see the issues and should stay away from the Ford line. I also had an issue similar to this back in '09 on the road and it cost me a fortune. Don't have details at this time but will post this issue in the near future along with the drivers window motor replacement.
Could not answer some of the questions , because the truck is still in the shop. I think they have replaced everything but the Radio.... They fix the Miss,,,, then it starts over, it has been the shop for a Month.... No telling what they are doing.... They say the fix what the computer says , drive it , it runs for a couple miles then starts missing again on another cylinder..or two or four... They say this ford engine is a factory screw up.
I am stuck! Any Hints? dale
Update from Feb 13, 2012: Well it in now 2/13/12. Truck still in the shop, so far new plugs,cam censors,battery,coils,new oil,timing change etc., not sure what else, sent to the Ford Dealer, they know what to do .... back to the other shop, Looks like we are back on the rack. I saw something on the Blogs , about the Timing Ring in the Differential What the hell would that have to do with the engine missing? HELP...dk
I bought my 2004 f150 crewcab truck with high expectations, after all ford is the number 1 selling truck in America. I had no problems with it untill 3 days before going on my annual hunting trip from Kansas to Wyoming. The truck would run fine untill it came to an idle, at which point it sounded more like a diesel. I took it to several shops and heard everything from "we need to change the engine" to "have you tried different oil?" I finally had enough and had to bite the bullet. $1700 later the mechanic had changed both cam phasers, both tensioners, both guides and both timing chains. Oh and not to mention the high dollar spark plug from hell that broke off.
Need less to say I was and am not impressed with Fords new motors. I did test drive a Toyota Tundra while my truck was down and I will tell you this.....NICE. My next truck will be a Toyota. Check them out I think you will agree.
I can't believe at 43,000 miles I had to have major engine work done because of a problem that I didn't cause or could prevent. I asked the dealership what caused this and they said, "poor design, they changed it after 2005 and it will be fixed with the new design." Ford Tough, this thing has been babied unlike my Chevy 3/4 ton work truck with over 136,000mi and just a water pump replacement!
It started at around 100,000 miles. Hadnt really caused any problems but it was an obvious problem. We didnt mess with it for a while but when it came time for a tune up we had it fixed. We were told not to worry about it until it triggered a check engine light. I dont believe it ever did but we had it fixed anyways.
Son had a 2004 F150 lariat 5.4 engine, auto trans, with 108.000 miles on it, changed the oil every 3000 miles with ford motor oil and motor craft filter. It started getting engine code misfire. Local mechanic said he thought it was maybe the coils or plugs. We took it to a Ford dealership, they thought it was something internally in the engine so we took it to a Ford dealership I trusted. They said it was If I remember correctly the left bank cam was bad. They had worked on 2 other 2004 F150 just like my sons, one a week before and I think another about 3 weeks before that. They said to really fix it they suggested a new engine. My brother inlaw working for an oil company as a pumper drove a 2004 5.4 and the same thing happened, and the engine was replaced. A friend of my sons 2004 5.4 engine had to have a new engine due to the same problem, the cam.
I had just had truck in shop for tapping noise and they replaced coil assy and spark plugs at 20,387. The engine was still running rough, so I had to replace gaskets, spark plugs, valve rocker arm, reset engine timing, reinstalled valve covers and timing cover, recharged AC system. Next I will do more work on the spark plugs and gaskets to see if that fixes it.
Driving to meet daughter for brunch about 12 miles away. Made it about 4 miles and engine started running very rough as if it was coming out of truck. Pulled off the road as soon as possible and called AAA. Couldn't think of any place to take it other than the local dealer, Moyer's Ford. They kept car for 5 days and then told me it lost some compression on 2 cylinders, 8 and ?. I was told mechanic would have to tear down engine to find the problem for a mere $5500 or could replace the engine for $8500.
Paid for the diagnosis and had it towed home where it sits. The only problem I have had with this Mexican Ford was to have both front window regulators replace while still under warranty. I had just changed the oil about a week prior and used Ffull synthetic rather than 50/50 blend I had been using. Thought maybe this had something to do with it, so was going to get more oil and change again but my 2001 Ford Escape shifter cable came apart and locked up in park. Since I had no way to get new oil I drained the oil and put the old oil back in until I could get more. Now I read problem could be the cam phasers but from what I read here that is obviously not a fix. Pissed!!
- Jack F., Foley, AL, US