Check Engine light was on. I took it to an auto parts store where they can connect and read the codes, and was given 4 codes that translated as "defective cam phaser." I took the truck to the dealer where they confirmed the code and explained the issue. They stated that this particular Ford engine has a variable cam system that is designed to burn less fuel and run more efficiently and continuous high rpm's such as when on the freeway. "Cam phasers" are parts that control the variable cam system and if they give out it's very expensive to fix and the mechanic said that it's common to have to change the whole engine, running about $10k at a dealer. So I didn't repair it, and after the oil change the Check Engine light went out.
About 18 months later I had a Check Engine light again, this time with engine noise, running rough, low power and occasional stalls. This time I went to another dealer who said the same thing, except that the engine doesn't have to be replaced. I was told unofficially that they'd have to remove the valve covers and get to the cam and timing system to find out if any teeth on the timing gears were missing. I opted again not to fix it in light of the fact that it's nearly at 200,000 miles. Once again an oil change addressed the running problem. The technician this time said that the engine was low about 2 quarts and after they changed the oil it ran well again. We are now shopping for a new car for local commuting but plan to decrease the usage of the truck to just occasional hauling that would account for extremely light usage. I will also check the oil myself regularly and top up if its burning oil.
don't know how i missed this in my research, but between the spark plug issue and the cam phaser problem, i am not a happy camper. ford will give back some of the cost on the spark plugs, but have not heard of any lawsuits on the cam phaser. if i have missed that, please let me know. i am out $3400.
ford wanted to replace the engine for $8K, but told them just to make the necessary repairs. made me sign that i am aware that the repair is temporary. it's been around 10K miles and so far, so good.
checked with the legal team that pursued the spark plug issue and asked them to take on the cam phaser problem, but did not receive a reply. won't be buying FORD products again unless they come through and make things right.
Purchased Vehicle from upstate individual which would not fit into his garage, Community Zoning, wit 18000 miles in 2005. At 35000 miles noticed slight ticking from engine, was told by dealer techs, not to worry about as it was normal. Vehicle has 68000k now, 12/2016 still ticking, with dealer telling to drive it, as it is normal?? Need to sell vehicle or replace engine was told. Have never replaced plugs at this time. Services have been at dealership up to 2015 Ford needed to have recall and correct the issue
the truck sounds like its a diesel. really noisy on start up especially in the morning after sitting all night.
what really pisses me off, is Ford new about the problems with this type of engine before they put the 5.4L into production. and it also burned a quart of oil about every 250 miles or so, and it didn't smoke at all.
sold the truck, couldn't afford $6600.00 for a new engine
I have two 2004 Ford F150 trucks with the 5.4 triton motor. Both have had the cam phasers go bad. This in turn takes out the chain guides, which allows the chain to flop into the from cover. This puts pieces of plastic and aluminum into the oil pan and oil pump intake screen. One engine was so bad I had to replace it with another engine. But I replaced all the timing components on the replacement engine before installing. Spent a total of $5500 to repair both trucks. What a pain in the ass and checkbook. Along with spark plug lawsuits, why can't we also hold ford liable for this very costly issue
I have driving Ford F-series for the past 35 years and have never experienced an issue that put such a bitter taste in my mouth toward Ford as this 2004 F150 5.4 3v Triton has. At about 107560 mile the engine started to miss at an idle and the check engine light came on. The engine started ticking (sounded like a diesel) at about 3500 mile and was told that was normal for this engine.
After taking it to three separated mechanics including FORD all three said it was the cam phaser and I needed a new engine. After doing some extensive research over the internet I have found out that this particular year and motor is the worst truck FORD has every made and is known for the cam phaser failure, oil passage ways getting clogged, the oil pump not working properly, along with the spark plug stripping out.
At this point I purchased a re-manufacture motor in June 2015 and I have the same issues with the check engine light coming on and an error code saying the cam phaser. The company I purchased the motor from is just as flaky as FORD is when it comes to owning up to their responsibility putting all the burden onto the consumer. I now have $4800 invested into this new motor and still has basically the same issues.
Bought a used 2004 5.4 L Triton Lariat with 60,000 miles, I should have investigated the issue when the dealer informed me they just installed a new timing chain. Truck ran great, towed good enough for my hobbies and looked great.
As soon as I hit 129,600 miles a ticking noise arouse from the engine. Took it to a private outfit and was told timing chain is slugged up causing the phasers to wear and create that noise, solution was to replace the cam phaser and timing chain, just a 2500 dollar quote. I took it to the Ford dealership and they tested it for a hundred dollar diagnose, got the truck back and it sounded worse than ever. Ford told me new engine and that this is a common occurrence and could have been avoided with proper oil throughout the lifetime of the truck. I informed them I have been putting the oil in the truck they recommend when it was changed at the dealership.
I have been having minor repairs on the truck for the last 40,000 miles so I thought maybe a new truck. I shopped around at Toyota, GM and a different Ford dealerships and found GM would give me the best for the trade in at 6000 dollars, but the trucks and financing didn't work. Toyota would only give me 1000 dollars and they had the best deal for the buck. Couldn't take 1000 dollars cause I still owed 9300 on the Triton. Finally I came back to Ford, they offered 3400 dollars and best financing for what I was looking for in a new truck. I was told by the salesman that this was the eighth or ninth time he has seen the cam phasor issue, and this is a Montana dealership, not a lot of movement of vehicles.
I only ask if Ford has looked into this damn issue and would love to see them help out those who have dealt with this issue. I know they could do something, after all, it is the government's money they are playing with to create these vehicles.
I've been a Ford owner for 25 yrs. This Ford truck has really turned me against Ford vehicles. This Ford will be the last Ford ever parked in my driveway. Sorry Ford but you did this to yourself by not standing behind your cheap ass engines.
Just wanted to see what others were having problems with their 2004 Ford F150 with the 5.4 Triton engine and it's just not right that all the problems with this engine and Ford is doing nothing for us. I bought this truck from an older gentleman that had never used the 4x4 for anything and had never had anyone sit in the back seat. Mint, always changed oil at 3,000 miles using synthetic oil and with only 55,000 miles.
Well since I have heard stories about the spark plug issues I decided to put new ones in before the engine had so many miles this was at 60,000 miles. Now the big hit, thought it was a coil issue but when we change the coil the problem did not go away. Now they tell me about the cam problem, wow, what next? I looked here and I see I am not the only one. Someone in the higher powers should see all these problems and get them to Ford for a recall, THAT IS WHAT HENRY WOULD DO so please Ford do something with our problems.
I would like to hear from the lawyers on this one to be in the lawsuit when Ford is taken to court
Ford knows about the existing issues they have with cam phasers in this model and has done nothing about it. I took the truck in to have the phasers replaced and it ran fine then all of the sudden they couldn't get it to run, came back and told me that the inside of the motor had been scored and needed a new motor. Pretty sad that a vehicle with only 57k on it needed a new motor and no help what so ever from Ford. I was so sick to my stomach having to fork out that much money for a truck that had low miles and was in excellent shape.
On a happy note the dealer did offer me a whopping $6,000 for my truck as was and wanted to sell me a new truck for $54k (sounded like a great deal, NOT!). I keep hoping that some day Ford will will stand up for the mistakes that they knowingly and make it right. I don't think I'll be buying another Ford anytime soon!
Poor quality equipment installed at the factory. Junk like that 6.0 diesel! 45 year loyal customer left to foot the bill for Ford's lousy manufacturing and quality control!
Check Engine light was on. I took it to an auto parts store where they can connect and read the codes, and was given 4 codes that translated as "defective cam phaser." I took the truck to the dealer where they confirmed the code and explained the issue. They stated that this particular Ford engine has a variable cam system that is designed to burn less fuel and run more efficiently and continuous high rpm's such as when on the freeway. "Cam phasers" are parts that control the variable cam system and if they give out it's very expensive to fix and the mechanic said that it's common to have to change the whole engine, running about $10k at a dealer. So I didn't repair it, and after the oil change the Check Engine light went out.
About 18 months later I had a Check Engine light again, this time with engine noise, running rough, low power and occasional stalls. This time I went to another dealer who said the same thing, except that the engine doesn't have to be replaced. I was told unofficially that they'd have to remove the valve covers and get to the cam and timing system to find out if any teeth on the timing gears were missing. I opted again not to fix it in light of the fact that it's nearly at 200,000 miles. Once again an oil change addressed the running problem. The technician this time said that the engine was low about 2 quarts and after they changed the oil it ran well again. We are now shopping for a new car for local commuting but plan to decrease the usage of the truck to just occasional hauling that would account for extremely light usage. I will also check the oil myself regularly and top up if its burning oil.
- Chris B., Greendale, IN, US