I think this is total BS on Fords behalf by not doing anything or even acknowledging this problem. They say they know nothing about problem, but you talk to mechanics, auto part stores they all know its a common problem. I am doing repair myself, and can not find anyone that is willing to look at the head to see if it is repairable. As soon as you mention its a Ford F 150 they say "I wont even touch it". The mechanics I have talked to say that ford supposedly redesigned the spark plug, but I really don't know. I did get a couple estimates of about $3500.00 for the repair. There should be a recall on this and a class action lawsuit.
For the second time in a year, we have become part of the "spark plug poppin" club. Would really like to know how Ford can not be responsible for this faulty design. The frst time, was in the front of the head, was a $978 dollar repair. This time it is in the back and the mechanic says they will probably have to take off the head to repair, have not gotten an estimate yet. After reading all the complaints and how dangerous this issue is, I can not understand how Ford is not making this a recall on these vehicles, or why there is no class action law suit. When calling the dealership they say they have never heard of it, which is bull$#@%. Look on the internet, talk to other Ford truck owners, talk to your mechanic, they have all heard of it, and say it is a costly repair.
My F-150 Triton engine has spark plug ejection issues. Guys at work printed off information on this from FordProblems.com. It tells you not to let dealers charge you $700 or more for a simple HeliCoil Kit. It was too late. My truck started missing, making a noise like something hitting everytime the belt went around, it smelled of gas, couldn't seem to get any power and I felt like I had to keep one foot on the gas and the other on the brake when I came to a red light. I got it to the closest gargage, the one I bought it at. When I mentioned this report about being overcharged, the manager told me that it wasn't a Ford garage and it cost over $200 for the tool to fix it. I should have asked for the tool since I paid for it!! I guess they won't charge the next guy that much since I bought the tool. Yeah, right!! I had them call Ford and they claim that it isn't a problem and that they've only had it happen to three people. After talking about it at work, I found another employee that had this problem. He had it fixed between $200-$300. Apparently this is a Ford problem that they don't want to pay for.
I believe the problem is a manufacturing problem, not a design problem. The frequency appears to be too few for a design problem. #3 spark plug is the most common, mine too, but plug #4 also blows out.
driving along at 70 mph. Loud noise like blown tire. Pulled over, noticing no handling problem. Still heard the noise even at a stop with engine idling. Knew immediately it had spit out a spark plug. Internet research indicates I am far from along. Ford dealer says the only fix they'll warrant is to pull the engine and replace the head at a cost of about $2000.
I think this is total BS on Fords behalf by not doing anything or even acknowledging this problem. They say they know nothing about problem, but you talk to mechanics, auto part stores they all know its a common problem. I am doing repair myself, and can not find anyone that is willing to look at the head to see if it is repairable. As soon as you mention its a Ford F 150 they say "I wont even touch it". The mechanics I have talked to say that ford supposedly redesigned the spark plug, but I really don't know. I did get a couple estimates of about $3500.00 for the repair. There should be a recall on this and a class action lawsuit.
- Brad L., Delavan, IL, US