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TSB Document:

Affected Component: SEATS

Some 2021 Explorer Limited vehicles built on or before 10-Dec-2020 may exhibit an inoperative second row seat power fold function. This may be due to the configuration of the body control module c (BCMC) and the power fold seat module (SCMJ). To correct the condition, reconfigure the BCMC using the latest software level of the appropriate Ford diagnostic scan tool. Once the BCMC is reconfigured, perform the SCMJ reconfiguration routine using the latest software level of the appropriate Ford diagnostic scan tool. For claiming, use causal part 14F042 and applicable service labor times found in Section 10 of the Service Labor Time Standards (SLTS) Manual.

Some 2021 Explorer Limited vehicles built on or before 10-Dec-2020 may exhibit an inoperative second row seat power fold function. This may be due to the configuration of the body control module c (BCMC) and the power fold seat module (SCMJ). To correct the condition, reconfigure the BCMC using the latest software level of the appropriate Ford diagnostic scan tool. Once the BCMC is reconfigured, perform the SCMJ reconfiguration routine using the latest software level of the appropriate Ford diagnostic scan tool. For claiming, use causal part 14F042 and applicable service labor times found in Section 10 of the Service Labor Time Standards (SLTS) Manual.

Date Published
JUN 17, 2021
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