Some 2020-2021 Explorer/Aviator vehicles built on or before 07-Dec-2020 may falsely store diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) U0415 and/or U3000:42 in the image processing module B (IPMB). These DTCs may be associated with camera display issues or a Reverse Brake Assist Unavailable fault message. To correct the condition, reprogram the IPMB using the latest software level of the appropriate Ford diagnostic scan tool. For claiming, use causal part 19H405 and applicable labor operations in Section 10 of the Service Labor Time Standards (SLTS) Manual.
Some 2020-2021 Explorer/Aviator vehicles built on or before 07-Dec-2020 may falsely store diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) U0415 and/or U3000:42 in the image processing module B (IPMB). These DTCs may be associated with camera display issues or a Reverse Brake Assist Unavailable fault message. To correct the condition, reprogram the IPMB using the latest software level of the appropriate Ford diagnostic scan tool. For claiming, use causal part 19H405 and applicable labor operations in Section 10 of the Service Labor Time Standards (SLTS) Manual.