Notes: The previous generation of Explorer was so awful that the redesign in 2006 was greeted with much optimism. That didn't last long.
The transmission continues to be the Explorer's worst reliability problem. Owners report shifting hard & lunging, typically starting as low as 40k miles with a $1,600 average repair bill. On top of that, the radiator is prone to failure around 60k miles. Repairs for the radiator run $500 to $1,000 & many owners report they've had to replace the radiator multiple times for leaks, indicating a possible design defect in the OEM replacement parts.
Ford did make some significant changes to improve handling and safety. Electronic stability control was added in addition to side impact air bags, but beyond that this is a vehicle that should be avoided at all costs.
pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
49,950 miles
Total Complaints:
237 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
not sure (149 reports)
replace the transmission (44 reports)
TSB from Ford reprogramming the transmission control (11 reports)
File A Safety Complaint NHTSA - I too have the same exact problem with my 2006 Explorer. It lunges, jolts, doesn't engage and sometimes the transmission slams into gear so had that it feels like I just got rear ended with a big bang! Ford does not take accountability that this is a real problem with the 06' Explorer espite hundreds upon hundreds of complaints regardng it as a safety issue. I did some research and found that you can file a complait with the NHTSA regarding the transmission failures for the 2006 Ford Explorer. It is a major safey issue! I was almost hit by oncoming traffic whn I tried to cross an intersection an the transmissionwouldn't engage. I had my child in the car. Fortuntely, the oncoming traffic was paying attention and I escaped an accident. Maybe if eoug of us file a complaint regarding this issue we just might make Ford accountable for their faulty transmissions.
I just purchased my explorer as a Certified Ford Preowned. I drove it for a few days before i bought it, as soon as it became mine the transmission started slippin on inclines and at low speeds ex 5 mph, it would jerk. They re-calibrated the transmission and also i had a problem with the air amd they replaced the line also, I picked it up a week later. As soon as i drove up a hill the transmission started slippin and my gas mileage started dropping, and continued to drop until around 13.5 mpg. (manually calculated it at fill up and was 9.9) I took it back they only had it for one day and told me that theu drove it never felt it, and there was a new calibration release within the last week and they installed that, and as far as the gas mileage is concerned they treated me like i was an idiot and said that i needed to reset the fuel mileage. Since it was a certified preown they are fitting the bill for it for now i feel i am getting the run around. And may take it to a transmission shop that is well known in my town for a diff solution and hash it out with dealer on the cost if they have a fix.
any help or solutions that anyone has please let me know
I have a 2006 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer. I have had no problems up until about a month to a month and a half ago. At first, I thought it was just me. It seemed that maybe I took my foot off the brake and then back on at the stop lights. I thought I must be daydreaming and just let my foot slip off the brake. As of this month, May 2009, I have noticed more and more that my car revs up the engine but I hardly am able to go forward. I know it revs because I am watching the Tachometer climb higher and higher and I have not even put my foot on the gas pedal. Then, suddenly, it shifts into gear and the revolutions slow back down to 2 or 3k rpms.
I called the Ford dealership where I bought it and they said my vehicle is out of warranty (it had now gone over the 60k miles) so there is nothing they can do about it except for me to bring it in and they will look at it. I had already had my vehicle in their dealership last month to replace a punctured radiator that was unfixable (it cost me $1,045 of which only $300 was for the radiator itself). I had told them about this revving up of the engine and the hesitation of going into gear. They said they would look into it. They did not find anything. I then told my husband about the problem of the gear hesitation. He told me to look online to see if there were any other complaints or resolutions to be found. Lo and behold, there were plenty of complaints and problems but I am not seeing any reasonable solutions - short of purchasing a new or rebuilt transmission from someone other than a Ford dealership! The dealerships definitely cost way too much! I am just wondering if the other reliable transmission shops will truly be able to fix the problem. And like everyone else, I think Ford should be the one who does a recall and solves this problem at their cost!
This seems to be a fairly common issue from reading these complaints. I'm not sure how to pursue this issue, but I have to do something. I'm trying to continue to buy American, but this is making if more difficult as the days go by,
The transmission is frequently late on the 2 -1 downshift when stopping. It feels like you are hit from behind. The transmission hunts up and down for a gear when driving slowly in a parking lot or in stop and go traffic. Up shifts are erratic and frequently hard. Upon full acceleration when accessing the interstate the trans won't up shift and the engine over revs. My Ford dealership has reprogrammed the transmission three times in the three months I owned the vehicle and each time they told me that this would probably not fix the problem, but Ford won't or can't fix the problem.
when coming to a stop, has always felt like I'm getting hit! I have been in the shop over 10 times and still going in for the same thing. Actually just dropped it off and gee they make you feel like your an idiot driver and you are not stopping or starting the right way. Gee, So how come this seems to be the problem when anyone drives the vehicle. So I drop the Suv off today again and they are bringing the the ford engineer. which has been done in the past needless to say they replaced the whole computer system the last time and gee that didn't fix the problem. I am getting so angry, I asked them how can we resolve this obviously they don't know what to do and they tell me they will extend my warranty however i have to pay all the deductibles every time i bring it in which is a lot. I offer how about a trade in, realizing i bought this SUV 12 months ago and have been having these problems since i bought it and their comment is the miles are too high on it now and I would have to pay an extra $11,200 to trade in a 2006 for a 2007. I just paid $38,000 cash 12 months ago and now they want another 11,200k. Gee is that customer service or what. I have almost hit a child as when you least expect it and accelerate a little bit it like jumps forward and when you brake it I look in the mirror to see if I just got hit. Very Frustrating especially almost hitting somebody, you think ford would take the blame absolutely not. so anyway I don't know what to do other than now I feel as if I have to get an attorney to try and get some help with this issue. Please comment if you have had the same and have any suggestions as it is so frustrating that the customer service at Ford makes you feel like your the idiot that doesn't know how to drive. Also the Tire Sensor light comes on when ever and I could be anywhere and it'll come on and I have to take pictures with my digital camera because ford doesn't believe that as well.
- Mindy C.,
Molalla, OR, US
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My Ford Explorer is a true lemon! I have had it into Ford service center for the same problem 6 times! They reprogram the transmission and call it good. It is currently at Boyer Ford in Minneapolis. It is under ESP and they are trying to make me pay the $100 deductible. I refuse!
Does anyone have any help to offer? I can't keep bringing it in. They have preformed the bulletins many times already.
Thank you very much for the website because I thought I was the only one experiencing the issue of my Explorer lunging forward when it comes to a stop. My truck lunges sporadically but it occurs about every 1 in 10 stops. For a second there I was starting to think I forgot how to brake properly. (ha, ha) Thanks to all the comments on this website I will be contacting my dealership first thing to discuss this issue.
I have the same problem. Every time I come to a stop, the car makes a huge jolt. In order for Ford to fix this issue at no cost we need a recall to be issued.
The way a recall will be issued is if we file our complaints with the NHTSA (
I am down for a class action lawsuit to get Ford to pay for this. I took my wife's Explorer to the dealership and described the issue with the vehicle popping into gear late, or delaying before it goes into gear. I can even feel it when it changes gears. Sometimes more sudden than other times. They said they knew exactly what it they kept my car for 6 hours to tell me that I owed them $89 for telling me whats wrong, and then told me its $1,300 to fix it. They said sorry about your luck, no recall yet, so you have to pay for it yourself. I would be happy to pursue this further...
I went to the dealership with the complaint and they charged me $99.99 to just check it out. And they told me the had a request from the company about this problem so the re-programed my transmission and did not charge me to do it. But if they knew this problem existed why charge me $99.99 to check it out why didn't they just fix it? When I asked about it they told me a request is not the same as a recall. And I am really upset about this and want my money back.
Said it was a safety mechanism that you could not touch the gear shift while you put the brake on so children would not knock car into gear. Still having issues of being unable to get car into gear even though brake is applied before touching gear shift.
I agree with all the other complaints. I have a little of every problem. The car lunged so hard one time i actually hurt my neck. We need resolution. If it isn't fixed we are definitely are gonna have problems ""down the road" pardon the pun. I am in for any group complaints or action.
2006 Explorer Eddie Bauer 4.6L,
I leased this SUV in May, 2006 from Walker Ford in Clearwater FL. After driving the car for a few months one day I left the engine running for about a 1/2 hour, when I go in the car to drive it would not go at all, I had to shut the car off and re-start it, during the drive at various stop lights along the way. Ht e car was very sluggish to accelerate, I was trying to shift the gears from D, 3,2,1 finally the car started driving normally.
Now its Nov 14, 2008 I live in Colorado Springs, I drove the car from FL to IN, and to CO. very poor gas mileage on avg between 7 and 11 MPG during these state travels depending upon my load in the vehicle. Now lets talk about the good part " I say good part as a joke mind as my honest thought is FORD EXP ARE JUNK !!!!! and I will NEVER EVER buy, lease another FORD in my life or recommend a FORD to anyone."
So here it is, a couple of days ago i noticed during my sh*t from P to Rev a kind of loud thump sound came from the back of the car, I really did not think much about it and contribute it to being on a slanted drive way, while engaging gears. So anyway11/11/2008 I leave the house and head to the freeway I-25, I am heading to Denver as I enter the on ramp onto the freeway, I hear a very loud bag from the back of the car, guess what the trans stops working. The car will not go I cost the car to the emerg lane and try all gears nothing works. I turn the car off and then re-start it. I try all the gears again only 3rd gear works, but event cuts out and I again cost to a stop. Doing the same thing over and over again until I was able to get the car safely off the freeway.
Ok so I call the local PHIL LONG ford dealer service dept and explain what just happened, talked to Steve, he asked me if its drivable and I told him yeah somewhat in 3 rd gear. He said bring it in and he will get right on it. So I bring the car to them and they tell me its $100 to hook it up to their computer, most all other companies do not charge for this. ok so now i am into this for $100.00, they tell me that the 1st and 3rd gears are the only gears engaged, and that 2nd, 4th, 5th, and Rev don't work. LMAO, like I needed a computer to tell me that. Now to further this investigation they have to drop the trans and its going to cost me $600.00 for them to do that. and that this car is not covered under warranty for the powertrain and drivetrain. I told Steve not to touch the car.
Now let think a min, sometime in 2005 i had the same kind of problem with a 2002 FORD EXP at around 77,000 miles and i spent $1,800.00 to fix it then because the powertrain and drive train warranty expired at 70,000 miles..... Ok so why is it that a 2006 FORD does not have a warranty for the drivetrian and powertrian longer then 36,000 / 3 yrs ????
Maybe because FORD MOTOR CO knows that there is a problem and its trans that they put in these cars are junk and they don't want to have to pay for them, YEAH Logic says this would be the case.
So anyway I had my SUV towed for FREE, and a FREE computer test, and I am currently having the trans pulled for further evaluation for $250.00 (Not $600 as FORD stated) the work is currently being performed by AAMCO in Colorado Springs CO, I will let everyone know what they find and the end result. Thank you.
2006 Ford Explorer, I have felt the hard jolt when shifting from Park into Rev, and sometimes into Drive. Also while driving/accelerating up a step incline I have noticed hard jolts from the rear of the vehicle, not paying very much attention to this because it has only happened a few times over the past few months.
Well on 11/14/2008 I went to enter the local freeway in Colorado Springs, and when I accelerated the vehicle I left a very hard and loud jolt. Then the vehicle had zero power and would not move. I coasted to the side of the freeway and tried all manual shift able gears. Nothing worked. I turned the vehicle off and then re-stared it and attempted to select diff gears again, the only gear the vehicle would engage in was 3rd. I drove the vehicle home and then to the local Ford service center., Long story short, the local Ford service center stated the vehicle is out of warranty. I had the vehicle towed to AAMCO; after they removed the trans. they noted multiple gears to be completely broken. and stated to me "the damage they found should not have happened at all"
I have researched the Ford Explorer and have found that there are many Ford owners that have exp premature trans problems, and it also appears that the engineering team working for Ford is also aware and/or has knowledge of trans issues related to these vehicles.
I called Ford and advised them of what happened and simply asked for some financial assistance in covering the repairs. Ford told me " there is nothing they are able to do to assist me in this hardship" So as a loyal customer to Ford over the past 20 years, I ask for assistance in repairing their piece of crap vehicle and they tell me no.
I honestly hope our US Govt. tells them "NO" in a 2008/2009 financial bail out plan, "Maybe if Ford would step up to the plate and make things right for its customers they might sell more vehicle's and would be not loosing long term customers like me"
I mean get real standard powertrain/drivetrain warranty of a 2006 Explorer is only 36,000 miles or 3 years. My last Explorer had a powertrain/drivetrain warranty of like 70,000 miles.
BBB wants me to let ford try again. So I did and to no avail, still messed up. Tried to take it in again and they said there was nothing more they could do!....LEMON LAW, ........... Now to court we go.
We purchased this car new in 8/06. Within months starting to lunge during shifting and also hesitation during acceleration. Has been to Ford dealer for repairs 4 times, most recently 9/22/08 with 28k miles on it. Ford told me they are aware of the "harsh" shifting and the "delayed" shifting. Their engineers are working on it, but have no repair for it at this time. They claim not a safety issue..but it isn't them making a left hand turn in front of traffic when it stalls out, or lunging into a crosswalk almost hitting a pedestrian! We just mailed off our certified letter to Ford, the first step in the Lemon Law for our state.
We will be taking this all the way... Anyone else already try??? Results or suggestions?
I have been having the same lunging jolting issues that everyone else is experiencing with the 2006 Ford explorers. I continued to take it in to the dealers for servicing with complaints of clunks, jerking, jumping forward at stop signs..and then long pause or hesitation when proceeding with a clunk when finally in gear. Being from Canada, we don't have the Lemon Laws but we do have something called Camvap which is an alternative dispute resolution process for vehicle defects and warranty disputes between consumers and manufacturers. I note from their web site that there was a "buy back" in one of the arbitrations and the issue was transmission in a 2006 Ford Explorer. I first have to contact Ford Canada to see what they will do to resolve my issue and then I can proceed to Camvap. Will never buy another Ford!!!!!!!
My car sems to try and shift down really hard when coming to a stop. This issue results in an obnoxious jolting action that actually jerks not only the vehicle around but the people inside as well. My neck has started to ache from all the jerking around. I hope I have not developed some sort of health issue like whiplash. Ford reprogrammed the computer which seemed to help but only for a very short time. The car is doing it again two months later.
I just purchased my explorer as a Certified Ford Preowned. I drove it for a few days before i bought it, as soon as it became mine the transmission started slippin on inclines and at low speeds ex 5 mph, it would jerk. They re-calibrated the transmission and also i had a problem with the air amd they replaced the line also, I picked it up a week later. As soon as i drove up a hill the transmission started slippin and my gas mileage started dropping, and continued to drop until around 13.5 mpg. (manually calculated it at fill up and was 9.9) I took it back they only had it for one day and told me that theu drove it never felt it, and there was a new calibration release within the last week and they installed that, and as far as the gas mileage is concerned they treated me like i was an idiot and said that i needed to reset the fuel mileage. Since it was a certified preown they are fitting the bill for it for now i feel i am getting the run around. And may take it to a transmission shop that is well known in my town for a diff solution and hash it out with dealer on the cost if they have a fix.
any help or solutions that anyone has please let me know
- vickiewv, Parkersburg, WV, US