Notes: The previous generation of Explorer was so awful that the redesign in 2006 was greeted with much optimism. That didn't last long.
The transmission continues to be the Explorer's worst reliability problem. Owners report shifting hard & lunging, typically starting as low as 40k miles with a $1,600 average repair bill. On top of that, the radiator is prone to failure around 60k miles. Repairs for the radiator run $500 to $1,000 & many owners report they've had to replace the radiator multiple times for leaks, indicating a possible design defect in the OEM replacement parts.
Ford did make some significant changes to improve handling and safety. Electronic stability control was added in addition to side impact air bags, but beyond that this is a vehicle that should be avoided at all costs.
pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
49,950 miles
Total Complaints:
237 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
not sure (149 reports)
replace the transmission (44 reports)
TSB from Ford reprogramming the transmission control (11 reports)
File A Safety Complaint NHTSA - I too have the same exact problem with my 2006 Explorer. It lunges, jolts, doesn't engage and sometimes the transmission slams into gear so had that it feels like I just got rear ended with a big bang! Ford does not take accountability that this is a real problem with the 06' Explorer espite hundreds upon hundreds of complaints regardng it as a safety issue. I did some research and found that you can file a complait with the NHTSA regarding the transmission failures for the 2006 Ford Explorer. It is a major safey issue! I was almost hit by oncoming traffic whn I tried to cross an intersection an the transmissionwouldn't engage. I had my child in the car. Fortuntely, the oncoming traffic was paying attention and I escaped an accident. Maybe if eoug of us file a complaint regarding this issue we just might make Ford accountable for their faulty transmissions.
Great truck sh*tty transmission rev's for no reason at 3000-3500 rpm it shifts gears like someone is pushing it from behind. I have had it back to the dealer and they tell me that is normal for the NEW SIX SPEED transmission. I now have the ABS light the anti skid light and the wrench light on. The truck is now at the dealer and they have called to tell me there is a transmission problem (NO SH*T). This truck is on lease (that is good news), unfortunately I traded in a Honda Pilot for this Turd. It will be my last exploder and last FORD.
I thought I would add my 2 cents to the forum. Explorer has 29k miles on it and I have been experiencing the lunging downshift to 1st for the last few months. Finally got to the dealer today and the service department read me a letter they have from Ford. In summary Ford recognizes the problem and is telling the dealers not to attempt to fix it in no uncertain terms. They expect a fix to come out of Ford engineering the middle of November. My dealer tells me to wait until the beginning of December or so.
What I have been doing to address the safety issue is to treat it like a manual transmission when coming to a rolling stop. As I'm braking I manually shift to third then back into drive after it stops.
I have experienced the same hard shifting/jolting as others between 1st and 2nd gear. 3 trips to the dealership. I called Mercury Customer care, and got help from Detroit. After unsuccessfully reprograming the transmission control module, the dealership replaced the "megatronics" unit on the transmission. The problem has significantly diminished, and its only present when the transmission is "cold". Its still somewhat annoying so i plan to take it back again. But, I definitely suggest you asking the dealership to REPLACE the megatronics unit vs. re-programming. Otherwise i love the vehicle.
My wife and I purchased what we thought was going to be an excellent vehicle early spring 2007. Since we have purchased this Explorer we have had it in the dealers service an average of 1.5 times per month since our purchase for the same transimission problem. After performing the same TSB strategy 3 times, which was to reprogram the module, they finally decided it was time to replace the module. After 5 visits to two dealers, a new module, and four reprograms, it is having the same problem. I decided it was time to contact the BBB for a manufacturer buy-back and arbitration to do so. Ford deliberatly stalled me for a week in the process, by hinting at the possibilty that they would do so without the BBB's arbitration. Of course, they said they would not buy the vehicle back, even though I meet my States Lemon Law Criteria, under the reason that they have "fixed" the problem. Its funny that their position on "fixed" and mine are not one in the same. If it were fixed it would not jump on take off, now would it? I am currently in arbitration with the BBB and hope to have the matter resolved within a few weeks. After finding this site and reviewing ohter complaints of the same nature, I would advise you to do the same if you have met the criteria for your States Lemon Law Statute. - Thanks FRSII
- Frank S.,
Orestes, IN, US
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Been having same problem as everone else, unfortunately I'm deployed to Iraq and my wife is dealing with the problem. We both loved the car when we got it, great handling, good power.....but now this transmission problem. It's been in twice now for the same problem, the good thing is the dealership knows there is something wrong. I'll be back to the states in a couple of days to have a go at it. I would imagine I'll getting the run around on this. It's not fair to have to pay for something that doesn't work properly. I'm hoping the lemon law either State or Federal will be able to help
Glad I found this site. Not sure it will do a bit of good, but what the hell. I had all the same problems as you guys did. The first was the surge many of you experienced when you were at a stop. It felt just like someone tapped into the rear end with their vehicle. Well, we got that fixed after numerous trips and complaints - haven't noticed that problem in awhile. HOWEVER, having owned several Explorers before this one, I knew the transmission was NOT RIGHT! For a vehicle in this price range, you would expect the shifting of the auto transmission to be smooth. IT'S NOT - NEVER HAS BEEN! I step on the gas and there is a delay before the tranny kicks into gear. CLUNKY! JERKY! I hate it! Had it back into the local dealer in Lexington, Ky. several times, and basically get the same conclusion: "It's normal - nothing we can do about it."
This is the LAST Explorer I will ever own and quite possibly the last Ford. My best friend's F-250 caught fire a few years ago and he has been in litigation with Ford for years and I've seen how they've treated him. This vehicle's transmission problems have been the last straw!
You can grip yell and complain here but the best solution will be to Take 20 minutes of your time and call The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration @ 1-888-327-4236 and register your defective complaint, It will take time to get something done but the squeaky wheel gets the oil, I have an Explorer just like you that I have done everything the dealer and Ford Mo. Co. has asked and all they say is our engineers are working on it. The 20 minutes may be well worth your time in the long run, I took my 20 min. and did it how about you.
After several attemps they finally got this fixed on my vehicle they were to the point of even ordering me a new transmission when they found the problem. They replaced the transmission module & no more jumping I had problems with it jumping everytime I stopped even problems with exceleration. After the second time of almost being killed in the vehicle I screamed & made a very big scene at Ford & they finally fixed it!
This vehicle really is a p.o.s. (piece of sh*t). I loved the vehicle when we first got it, rode well, all the options, Nav system, MP3. But then around 24,000 miles the tranny started having problems. It welt to the shop three separate times, and on the last time they had it for 7 weeks in a row. This sucks, would never recommend it to anyone!
Add another explorer transmission that "lunges" when stopping. Definitely a dangerous condition. Thought someone rear-ended me today. Going to the dealer with it today for the first time although some of posters experiences don't make me too optimistic. what crap, another 5 years of payments on a lemon.
Sorry to say to you guys, but I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem. Maybe we have some hope that Ford will fix this. My 2006 has been hard shifting at stop since about 15K miles. It has been getting worse and now is absolutely ridiculous. It feels like somebody has hit me from behind everytime I stop. The first few times it was hard, I actually looked in my rearview to see who hit me. Unfortunately I didn't report it to the dealer and now I'm at 41K and over the 36K Warranty. I'm going to contact the dealer to see if I have any recourse.
I would like to discuss my outrage against Ford Motor Company regarding their lack of concern for consumers of the above vehicle. Shortly after purchasing this vehicle (new) I immediately noticed transmission issues. The vehicle was purchased 09/06. The transmission issue is that when the vehicle is at a full stop - it lunges back into 1st gear hard. If you dont have your foot on the brake you will most certainly go into the vehicle directly in front of you. This problem was reported to Ford immediately for this problem and has been in and out of the repair shop numerous times. The latest is Im not the only consumer having this issue there are hundreds of individuals experiencing the exact same issue. My last repair bill a week ago states this and I quote "There is no immediate solution to the problem.....our engineers at Ford are well aware of the problem and are trying to come up with an effective action to resolve this issue". However what they are doing is forcing people back into their defective and unsafe vehicles while they try and solve the problem. Ford is well aware of this issue and are not doing a damn thing concerning consumers safety. They are treating us like guinea pigs while they find a solution. There are currently (documented) 19 other individuals with the exact same make and model vehicle experiencing the exact same problem as I described. These individuals are concerned about their safety as well. The link to view this is
The Ford Motor Co. has turned an automotive backside to almost every customer complaining this transmission issue, leaving them the option or repairing the truck and keeping it or dumping the vehicle on the used-truck market.
More and more Ford mechanics and technicians are siding with consumers, charging that the troubled automaker is fully aware of a major flaw in Ford transmissions causing them to lunge forward and even go out of gear without warning.
The mechanics complain that Ford is covering up the defect while squeezing and short-changing technicians and mechanics tasked with repairing the problem for Ford consumers
Many previous Ford models were also prone to lunge forward or slip out of gear while parked, so if you buy one, park it outside and leave a brick under the wheel. And never leave children, pets or disabled people alone inside -- even for a minute. ...
]I personally wish some attorney would have the balls to take this on as a class action lawsuit against Ford. The problem is not only blatant but their lack of sympathy and compassion for a consumers safety just blows me away. I have been in touch with Ford Relations as well and honestly they are a big joke. The only thing they state is that Ford is working on a solution. I have also filed complaints with the BBB and also The National Highway Safety Association. If any other consumers are experiencing this issue and would like to contact me directly please feel free to contact me.
Same issue everyone else is having. The truck lunges and surges forward when you come to a stop. It happens about 60%-70% of the time sometimes more violent than others. I love the truck but this is very annoying and potentially dangerous. I have not taken it to the dealer yet. I am not looking forward to the dealer telling me there is nothing wrong with the truck as everyone else seems to be getting for an answer!
sayville ford service dept 4x, each time it was fixed! next day, back again!! Now im 1,000 miles to warranty expiring and tranny bangs and 4x4 cliks on whenever it likes, very dangerous.
10/02/07 - The latest is that ford is well aware of this problem and it affetcs many many customers. They state their engineers are working on a fix to the problem however cant give any details on how long it might be. They are forcing numerous consumers back into their vehicles until they find the fix. This is not only unfair but extremely unsafe for any consumer. The customer relations department is a big joke and they do nothing. I myself am spearheading a class action suit against Ford Motor Company. If interested or just want to make a comment please feel free to e-mail me.
I have the same problem as everyone has described as hard down shift at stop. I just took it in 9/21/07 they say in their report that it needed mechatronic? and refill trans. It has been good now for a week.
Same issue as everyone else here. Car jolts or lunges forward when you come to a stop. It happens about 70% of the time. It is very annoying and potentially dangerous. Ford Service better not give me the runaround when I bring it in!
Same Problem and cause me to crash my Explorer with a Police Car, Ford Venezuela has no solutions for this problem
- Gabriel S., Caracas, Miranda, Venezuela