Notes: The 2002-2005 Explorer has a very well-established record of expensive transmission failure at under 100k miles. The Explorer has an enclosed transmission which is typically replaced with a rebuilt transmission at a cost of almost $3,000.
Adding insult to injury, the 2002-2005 Explorer also has a massive problem with the rear panel cracking. While it's a minor annoyance compared to transmission failure, ironically the crack usually goes right through the Ford logo.
This was the last straw for me with this vehicle. I had just replaced the transmission, and thought I would hold on to the car a while longer. Then I started to hear and feel a vibration at idle when the car was in gear. It progressed to making it in idle while not in gear. When I took it in to have a transmission follow up check, they told me the harmonic balancer was going bad. I guess it's a common problem because it's a two piece pulley. I never had one go bad on any car I ever owned. I traded it a week later, I had enough of this piece of garbage.
ford would not do anything about problem have owned fords since i was 16 now 64 car only had 49,000 mls ford wanted $786.00 to fix found local highly recommended shop to fix for $274.00 harmonic balancers never wear out all my other cars have at least gone 200,000 miles and were still running when i got rid of symptons are squealing of belt i sprayed belt dressing on it, only got worse, i was changing oil and noticed that belt balancer guide had separated and was hitting back of crankshaft and was rubbing against engine, i took belt off and pushed belt guide by hand back over balancer(make sure you take key out of switch to avoid injury) and drove slowly to repair shop, this problem is common on 2001 to 2012 models ford is using inferior parts to cut cost i had them put the one piece balancer on, when bought knew they have two piece which will separate between 35-50,000 miles, ford says it is not covered by warranty,advise not to buy explorer model too many probs with trans,driveshafts, rearends,seatbelts,split in liftgate underneath window,rear drive axles, i have always had good luck with the older modles everbody is cutting quality of product and going up on prices,i am very disappointed in quality of workmanship of ford motor co.
Ok Here go's-driving to work @ 6:10 am crossing an intersection on a busy street engine dies-get a warning "engine safe mode" all lights illuminate on dash -no power-steering difficult-brakes marginal. Was able to pull off major road into a shopping center entrance road- called tow- towed to Victor Ford in Wauconda IL. Gave symptoms to Service writer- got call a few hours later "will cost 1322.00 to fix- No real choice by now except to fix- Started to research on line and saw many of the same complaints of this part failing and that Ford has issued three different updates/design changes on this part-
Asked the service manager why of all parts on an engine this one which normally IS NEVER REPLACED failed- was it defective??? he said it failed, I tried four times to get him to admit it was defective but he was to good! It seems Ford new this was a Questionable part but never issued a recall- I'm really upset about it. I asked for the bad part and he gave it to me dirty side down-I guess he was drawing a line in the sand. They aslo replaced the hose to the gas bottle and the crankshaft sensor- Labor was $ 750.00 .
Turns out the dealer also UPCHARGED me $10.00 on the tow that I arranged. Whats that all about! I guess they have to nickel and dime you to death when they can!!
I have owned many Fords but this is making think about going over to the otherside! God forbid I buy an Import-But it might be time to do just that.
Beware of this problem it starts with a chirping sound and within a few days or less causes this problem
What a piece, I have a car with only 63K miles on it and I'm having to replace a part that is normally never replaced. I have had nothing but problems with this car and its still considered new by my standards, I hate that I am having to do this, I figured that buying a car with this low of miles would save me from having to do just this. I hope that if you are considering on buying one of these you run away with your tail tucked. It is not worth it, trust me!
This was the last straw for me with this vehicle. I had just replaced the transmission, and thought I would hold on to the car a while longer. Then I started to hear and feel a vibration at idle when the car was in gear. It progressed to making it in idle while not in gear. When I took it in to have a transmission follow up check, they told me the harmonic balancer was going bad. I guess it's a common problem because it's a two piece pulley. I never had one go bad on any car I ever owned. I traded it a week later, I had enough of this piece of garbage.
- Mark G., Columbus, OH, US