Notes: The 2002 Ford Explorer is hands-down our worst vehicle on record. "Avoid like the plague" is putting it lightly.
The 2002-2005 Explorer has a very well-established record of expensive transmission failure at under 100k miles. The Explorer has an enclosed transmission which is typically replaced with a rebuilt transmission at a cost of almost $3,000.
Another common problem for the 2002-2003 Explorer is wheel bearing failure at around 90k miles, with a typical repair bill of $500 to $1000 depending on how many wheel bearings failed.
Adding insult to injury, the 2002-2005 Explorer also has a massive problem with the rear panel cracking. While it's a minor annoyance compared to transmission failure, ironically the crack usually goes right through the Ford logo.
12/26. I have already had the rear differential worked on with this Ford several years back so I thought I was golden. There is a loud rumbling vibrating sound coming from the rear differential area of my 2002 Ford Explorer. Since I am having other issues I figured it would come up in the diagnostics. Sure enough the repair shop says that the rear differential needs to be worked on and quoted me about 2-3 K, this is not including the cost to repair/replace timing chain, transmission and other problems as well. We bought the Ford expecting to pass down to the teens that will soon be driving but as of now I wouldn't give it to my worst enemies.
i bought a2002 ford explorer 2years ago from a dealer ship which since i bought it has been nothing since a hassle. it's spent more time getting fixed then it does driving. now the rear end is going and i can not afford to fix it. this is my first vehicle and i thought ford was really good but so far I've seen nothing but issues even when i call all anyone says is you can buy a book for 180.00 dollars.
I've had my 2002 Explorer Limited since 2004. Bought it used with only 18,000 miles on it. No problems with the vehicle until 2007 when the rear differential was replaced, because of a grinding noise while slowly turning and a sharp vibration after speeds of 65+ (also a whining noise that drives you crazy.) Took it to ford and paid 2200 to have it replaced. Now its 2010 and it's starting all over again. I knew once you have it replaced it will always be a problem but after reading all the posts here im actually more pissed off than what I as before.
I have loved this vehicle for many years; its the only vehicle ive ever kept long enough to actually payoff if that says something. But I will not be keeping this vehicle after I have it repaired again. I'm nearing 100k miles now and this is the second differiential, next stop is a car with good gas millage.... (and I doubt it will be a ford.)
There is a loud whining noise coming from rear end. I have changed rear diff fluid without luck. I understand this is a common problem with this model ford.
I bought my truck from Waterloo, Iowa Dickwtiham Ford. I traded my 87 Nissan Pathfinder with 235,000 miles on it that drove great, but unfortunately I wanted something new with starting a new job, since the war was going on that I would support my country in buying a Ford. I bought my ford truck at 65,000 miles and now it has 106,000 which my problem started at about 85,000 miles they told me something different every time i brought my truck in. It amazes me all these people having the same problem with there trucks but no one is doing anything about it. (Ford Dealers are Crooks), God don't like ugly, Ford is ugly. (My uncle is in the process in trying to repair my vehicle I still owe about 9,000 on it, yes I got rip off. (good luck and God bless the sincere) people
12/26. I have already had the rear differential worked on with this Ford several years back so I thought I was golden. There is a loud rumbling vibrating sound coming from the rear differential area of my 2002 Ford Explorer. Since I am having other issues I figured it would come up in the diagnostics. Sure enough the repair shop says that the rear differential needs to be worked on and quoted me about 2-3 K, this is not including the cost to repair/replace timing chain, transmission and other problems as well. We bought the Ford expecting to pass down to the teens that will soon be driving but as of now I wouldn't give it to my worst enemies.
- idn8tiv, Boise, ID, US