I want Ford to explain why the unfinished work on these headliners. If they have a fix, they need to recall these cars. If they don't have a fix, they need to fire the engineers who made this design and hire someone who can fix it.
Bought a new 2016 Escape for commuter car, when cleaning windshield noticed edge of headliner frayed. Went to dealer, said was out of warranty, called ford and they said FU we aren’t going to do anything. I was ford loyal. No more! P.S. I own five fords, looking for lawyers!
We have a 2016 Ford Escape. Bought in Nov. 2015. Jan of 2016 dealer told us that the windshield had to be replaced, due to rubber molding on windshield was attached to it. Windshield was replaced, now we can see the headliner and it is frayed. We told dealer, you should not even see the headliner edge that is frayed. Told us that Ford made it that way and they can not fix. This is a big problem, because it will only get worse in time. Ford should be ashamed of putting out such a poor product. If you own a 2016 Ford escape you need to look up and see for yourself. There is no solution to resolve this problem from Ford. Ford does not care about its customers problems!
Warning anyone that has a Ford Escape 2016 look up at your headliner where your windshield connects to. It is frayed all the way across. And in time will get worse. Ford corporate says you're made that way. I think the consumer should be aware of this. And not be so defective junk. Supposedly there's over 100 different car dealerships that have bought these 2016 Ford Escapes this way. I think this is pretty sad, That Ford won't fix this problem.
Dealership said that was normal that it's not tucked under strip to windshield. That it's not covered so basically too bad.
- Olivia L., Alhambra, US