It seems a bit strange to me, but since I bought my Escape in 2012, I have had to refile the refrigerant in it 4 or 5 times. This seems to me to be a bit excessive. I have had other vehicles that I have NEVER had to replace the refrigerant in, what the heck is going on with this one. I have had 3 or 4 different mechanics look at it and they all say they found the issue and fixed it, but about 1.5 to 2 years later, here we go again. I am very tired of this. Is it just this vehicle or is it all new vehicles? I wish I knew the answer to this.
I have put 3 different complaints on this site today. I want to trade in this Escape, but it is basically worthless now. I will never get what it should be worth.
have a 2010 ford escape 27,000 miles the ac has stopped working sometimes it works if its cool outside if hot doesn't work. I am never buying ford with this problem it is a pain. I have replaced some little things that have added up and still have the problem. no wonder people buy foreign cars
have had the air conditioning fixed twice and am taking it back AGAIN today. when I found this site an individual wrote about the EXACT same problem. it waxes and wanes. first they tell me no dye, unable to determine if there is a leak. they add dye and coolant and it works for a few weeks. then it does the same thing. take it back and they flush and recharge. works for a few weeks then craps out again. will at times work in the morning or if car not on for several hours but only for a few minutes before it starts blowing hot air. it might be noteworthy to add that the fan also no longer works on setting one or two so even when it does work I have to blast it. I am hoping to find the other complaint exactly like mine to print out and show the fellows when I take it today.
I have a 2010 Ford Escape that is perfect but for one thing, the a/c. With 41,000 miles on it, the a/c is stumping your Ford dealership mechanics (once) and a specialty a/c repair facility (2 out of 3 times). It appears to mimic the outside air, blowing cold/cool when taken out of the garage in the morning, however as the day warms up here in southern Texas, the a/c blows warm. In fact, in trying different combos I find that it makes no difference if I have it on regular a/c, regular and max a/c or no a/c with just the fan/blower on. Warm air comes out the same on each of those settings and continues that way for the full 30 minutes of my commute with sometimes a glimmer of cold for a few seconds.
This is the fourth time I've taken the car in and the first time (with dealership) and second time (with a/c repair facility) the car blew cold for them each time they tried it and both were unable to find anything wrong with whatever they thought of to check. The third time I brought it in, it had stopped blowing cold altogether so they had a starting point and found that:
"the system has a blockage. High pressure goes to 450 before automatic shutdown. Correction - replace expansion valve and drier, remove grill and flush/inspect condenser. Flush remainder of system and check for further blockage". (It is disappointing that Ford mechanics were not able to diagnose and solve the above problem. That has caused me to lose some confidence in their analysis ability.)
We thought that did it and it blew cold for 2 months when it was warm enough to need a/c, but now we are back to square one and it is alternating cold when it feels like it and blowing warm for long periods of time. The car now being in for the fourth time has gone through one day of them trying to find the problem and they cannot get it to fail. Of course, they don't have time to drive it around for however many minutes it takes before it decides to fail, but if they did, it would probably fail.
I don't know if this is in some way connected to the a/c problem but the engine ran quiet previous to the a/c problem and still does run quiet when a/c is not on. With the a/c on, the engine sounds like a truck and my arrival home is known before I come close to the driveway.
Any help would be appreciated. Temperatures here now are cool but will be back in the 70's+ later this week.
It seems a bit strange to me, but since I bought my Escape in 2012, I have had to refile the refrigerant in it 4 or 5 times. This seems to me to be a bit excessive. I have had other vehicles that I have NEVER had to replace the refrigerant in, what the heck is going on with this one. I have had 3 or 4 different mechanics look at it and they all say they found the issue and fixed it, but about 1.5 to 2 years later, here we go again. I am very tired of this. Is it just this vehicle or is it all new vehicles? I wish I knew the answer to this.
I have put 3 different complaints on this site today. I want to trade in this Escape, but it is basically worthless now. I will never get what it should be worth.
- David M., Ca, US