Other people have mentioned this. A cover nearby allows the water and sand, salt etc to accumulate and accelerate the rusting out of this trans cover. Going to try to find a good used one - apparently the pump goes with it so maybe $850 to repair if a good used pump can be found. Driving on low oil will kill the transmission. Thanks FORD -no recall?
I bought this vehicle so that I could drive my children around safe. I was loving it until..... coming home one day I stopped for milk. I pulled into the store and the car revved up and it didn't move then jumped into gear and took off.
Then when I got home I was turning my Escape around and the same thing happened again. My husband was outside and asked what just happened. I told him the story about it just doing it on my way home. He pulled it into the garage and checked the transmission fluid, it was low. He topped it up and let it run. Then he noticed the transmission fluid over the floor. He got underneath of it to see where it was pouring out of. When he took off the front drivers side tire and the plastic cover behind that he seen the was a HOLE RUSTED IN THE TRANSMISSION pump assembly in fact the whole thing was rusting right off. He tried to fix it the best he could put the cover plate was rusted beyond repair.
He called around to see if he could buy just the cover (you can't) you need the whole pump assembly unit and even then we were told the transmission it's self still has to be replace with it in most cases. A lot of places we called were aware of this problem with the '08's but yet the Ford dealers we called and Ford Canada themselves had never heard off it?????? (go figure)
This is clearly a MANUFACTURING ISSUE in the design of the '08's the plastic cover in the wheel well presses against the transmission pump assemble unit holding in the dirt and moister causing it to rust and wear out.
Ford Canada told me to hold on to my receipts "just in case there was ever a recall I would be reimburse" yeah right.
Needless to say two days later my SUV is still on jacks in my garage because we can't afford to buy parts or have it fixed by Ford!!!!
Hope this helps someone else who had a transmission leak and was just told the transmission is "shot" and knows no reason why.
I bought this 2008 Ford Escape second hand from the owner that bought it new. I love this SUV, but when I started noticing a grease mark on the driveway, I became concerned. Then I had it looked at and was told it was the transmission fluid. Apparently this is a transmission problem that has no recalls. Perhaps I should have researched the vehicle a little more. So my concern is that if this an ongoing issue with this make why is there not a recall to have the problem FIXED.
Would I buy another Ford product? Not sure I would.
- Laura A.,
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
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Trans leaks like a river, a little hole on the drivers side, after you take wheel off and plastic trans cover,
- Charles H., Philipsburg, US