Paint on the front of the hood as well on the back of the vehicle has been peeling off. I sanded it down and repainted and within a few months it is still happening but in a lot more places on the hood and back.
I have never owned a car that the paint has peeled off. This needs to be a recall and fixed by the company. I guess I won't be buying another Ford!!! I shouldn't have to pay to fix THEIR problem!!! but I am not going to drive around in a piece of crap looking car either....
My son bought me a 2003 Ford Escape for Mother's Day 2010. October of 2011, my niece looked out an upstairs window and asked whose vehicle was in my driveway. I said "Mine, why?". I looked, and saw a large bare spot on the roof where the paint had peeled off! It has continued since then. There are several large spots on the roof and now on the hood also. The paint peels off, then it turns rusty after that. FORD does NOT care that these vehicles have this problem! Ford KNEW when these vehicles left the factory, that there were problems with the paint!
There is a Facebook site: Ford/Mercury Peeling Paint Complaints.
When I took my Escape in to a Ford Garage for repairs, I mentioned it, but I was ignored.
I have a Ford Escape 2003, and keep it well maintained. I noticed paint peeling off the back by the rear hatch back window a few months ago. Then today, I was standing on a curb and could see the roof of my car, and there are HUGE PATCHES OF MISSING PAINT all over the roof, down to the metal, and starting to rust!!! Ford knows the paint was faulty, but will not cover fixing it... There are hundreds of complaints, but so far, Ford is backing out being accountable to repair this eyesore. It is embarrassing to be driving around with a car that has patches of paint missing, and new areas of peeling paint. I cannot afford a good paint job for this car, nor do I think I should pay for Ford's error and inadequate paint!!!! How can Ford get away with this??? This needs to be in the spotlight as "buyers beware" - they have not corrected this, as I just saw a 2012 Edge having the same issues, along with other Ford models. Maybe we all need to go to the Attorney General's Office/Consumer Protection, or get the news media on it. Some have gone to the BBB, but they don't have much pull. I want my car to look good, like it should, and Ford to cover the cost!!!
I've had no problems with the Escape except for the paint peeling off. Ford refused to admit it was their fault. I had the tailgate painted for $400 dollars out of pocket but the top would have cost over a $1000 dollars. So I did the top myself and looks pretty darn good. Can't believe with all these complaints that Ford hasn't issued a re-call.
We, like so many others on this site, were out of our warranty. The dealer told us there was nothing they could do and frankly, didn't even suggest that we complain to Ford. Instead, they pointed out to us what we might have done to have caused the damage. Mwe got an estimate to repair the damage, but with two children in college and three car notes (qtwo to Ford) decided to wait until all were paid off before we could afford repair. Now, it's worse and we hate to pour that much $$$ into such an old car, even though it runs fine. What infuriates us is to know that we are patriotic enough to buy American and then to know FORD knows they have a problem like this and they don't care what the cars we drive with their emblem on it looks like!!!
I am so unhappy with the paint on this car peeling off. My parents drive an Expedition which is cracked down the middle in the back. They (FORD) wont fix it because it isnt a safety issue?? Really??? So it is ok to drive around a crappy looking car.........because of FORDs mistake. But they wont fix it. They need to be held responsible for their product and not only for safety reasons. We all buy cars for different reasons.........mine is safety, comfort AND the way it looks!!!!!!!! Im really angry about this defect and think it is Ford who needs to fix it. My next car wont be a ford.........for sure. Not unless they stand behind their product.
My first time buying a new FORD not a good impression the dealer like the others does not want to deal with it once they sell you the car they dont know you and by the way I bought this new and FORD knows about the promblem they dont care just like any other dealer i guess I had the lift door painted and know its peeling agian and on the roof also started to peel and rust on quater panel just painted the roof the best way i can but no more ford for me
I have the same story as the rest...paint peeling on roof between windshield and sunroof, paint peeling from both sides of rear liftgate. No help from Ford, no help from dealership! I have been a loyal Ford customer for years and have never had a complaint, until now! I paid to have the roof repainted. Now I'm choosing to drive the vehicle with the rear liftgate looking cancerous just to remind everyone that Ford will not admit they made a mistake and correct the problem.
I can see this is a real complaint. Alone we can't do a thing, together it deserves a class action suit against Ford. Any attorneys out there willing to take them on. People work hard for what they buy...and we bought believing in an American product...DAAAAA
I bought the Escape for my wife back in 2009. I noticed a very small spot of paint that was peeling when I bought the vehicle. The area was right next to the sunroof opening on the driver side. I had just planned on touching it up. As time went on, more and more paint began to peel. Now just last week I noticed it on the rear lift gate just below the back glass on the right side. The dealer that I bought the car from (Tom Masano) wants no part of it and Ford wont even reply to my emails.
Ive always owned Fords, and this is a huge turn off!
I have never had a vehicle where the paint peeled. I have owned Fords thru out my adult life. I was very disappointed when I noticed the paint starting to peel below the lower left side under the back window. Sucks! Didn't realize others had the same issue. Wonder if Ford will pay to repaint.
Man, this was the car of my dreams....when it started peeling I thought I had done something to it. In the last several years I have seen in my town, other White Escapes of my same year and model with the same exact thing. Starting in the same place!!!!
Paint on the front of the hood as well on the back of the vehicle has been peeling off. I sanded it down and repainted and within a few months it is still happening but in a lot more places on the hood and back.
- arrowhead326, Randleman, US