exact symptom are: hesitation shifting when shifting up gears, banging gear noise down shifting and braking to complete stop, stuck in neutral when first time start in cold morning ( let it warm up 5 minutes and will not get out of neutral) had to manual shift gears to warm up transmission, no error codes that I borrow really fancy computer to read all error codes which there is none and checked shifting pattern delay which is 30sec to 1 minute delay ( out of spec), intermit issue mainly cause in cold weather or first time starting car for the day but when is warm outside like mid 50's: transmission is fine, checked tranny oil and its full and checked to see if its aeriated (when its over filled or pump suction hose have cracked) and oil looks fine. took my car to ford dealer and they said there's nothing wrong with my car. asked them to do oil analysis to check to see if there's contaminations in the oil and to check if its right oil. Had it transmission oil changed on July 2021 at 83,000 miles on it at Ford Dealer.
I am out of ideas what to do next..
Right now as of now, my car at ford dealer; sitting there for 2 weeks now.
Update from Dec 1, 2021: exact symptom are: hesitation shifting when shifting up gears, banging gear noise down shifting and braking to complete stop, stuck in neutral when first time start in cold morning (I let it warm up 5 minutes and will not get out of neutral) had to manual shift gears to warm up transmission, no error codes that i borrow fancy computer to read all error codes which there are none and checked shifting pattern delay which is 30 sec to 1 minute delay (out of spec) interment issue mainly show issues in cold weather or start first time for the day, checked oil level which is full and looks fine (no funny smell and different colors), had transmission oil changed on July 2021. Took my car to Ford dealer and they said there's nothing wrong with it. I just done oil analysis to check to see if there's contaminations in the oil and to check if its right oil. Had transmission oil changed at 83,000 miles on it. took it to ford at 85,000 miles on it.
exact symptom are: hesitation shifting when shifting up gears, banging gear noise down shifting and braking to complete stop, stuck in neutral when first time start in cold morning ( let it warm up 5 minutes and will not get out of neutral) had to manual shift gears to warm up transmission, no error codes that I borrow really fancy computer to read all error codes which there is none and checked shifting pattern delay which is 30sec to 1 minute delay ( out of spec), intermit issue mainly cause in cold weather or first time starting car for the day but when is warm outside like mid 50's: transmission is fine, checked tranny oil and its full and checked to see if its aeriated (when its over filled or pump suction hose have cracked) and oil looks fine. took my car to ford dealer and they said there's nothing wrong with my car. asked them to do oil analysis to check to see if there's contaminations in the oil and to check if its right oil. Had it transmission oil changed on July 2021 at 83,000 miles on it at Ford Dealer.
I am out of ideas what to do next..
Right now as of now, my car at ford dealer; sitting there for 2 weeks now.
Update from Dec 1, 2021: exact symptom are: hesitation shifting when shifting up gears, banging gear noise down shifting and braking to complete stop, stuck in neutral when first time start in cold morning (I let it warm up 5 minutes and will not get out of neutral) had to manual shift gears to warm up transmission, no error codes that i borrow fancy computer to read all error codes which there are none and checked shifting pattern delay which is 30 sec to 1 minute delay (out of spec) interment issue mainly show issues in cold weather or start first time for the day, checked oil level which is full and looks fine (no funny smell and different colors), had transmission oil changed on July 2021. Took my car to Ford dealer and they said there's nothing wrong with it. I just done oil analysis to check to see if there's contaminations in the oil and to check if its right oil. Had transmission oil changed at 83,000 miles on it. took it to ford at 85,000 miles on it.
Waiting for results from state lab.
Ordered new valve body and going do it myself.
- Robert K., Lima, OH, US