Print this page Notes: Say what you will about the styling of the Ford Edge, but the bottom line is owners seem to love this vehicle. That is, of course, except in the case of it's dangerous, worrisome and unexplained issues with random engine stalling. Read more »

Our data suggests an early defect trend, as owners of the 2007-2008 models have started posting their accounts of what happens when you're driving down the road and the engine just stops. Some at high speed, some at low speed but always a random shutdown of the engine, electrical and power steering.

Time will tell if this becomes a widespread issue, but there's no drying the seriousness of the problem. With that in mind, we're flagging the Edge with our "Beware of the Clunker" rating until the situation improves.


really awful
Typical Repair Cost:
No data
Average Mileage:
84,550 miles
Total Complaints:
2 complaints

Most Common Solutions:

  1. replaced the rack and pinion (2 reports)
2007 Ford Edge steering problems

steering problem

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2007 Ford Edge Owner Comments

problem #2

Jun 062017

Edge SEL 3..5 V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 88,773 miles


Again, I bought this vehicle with 77k miles in September 2015, from Car Max. Thank God, I had purchased the extended warranty. I have had rack and pinion leak with me only having this vehicle for 7 months, brake problem since day 1. I have had all rotors and brake pads replaced, that costs me $349. I have had rack and pinion replaced that cost was $1289.57, Brake Booster and Master Cylinder go out together at once that cost was $732,07, now here I am again with a Transfer Case and Alternator, Tension Pulley, and Serpetine Belt Replacement. Which this costs 2649.38, I had to pay to replace the Tension Pulley and Serpetine Belt, that cost $391.11, that was out of my pocket. In the 23 months of me having this vehicle, the brakes, rack and pinion, transfer case, master cylinder, brake booster, alternator, tension pulley, and serpetine belt have all been replaced. The total cost $5411.13 and thats not including the maintenance I have done tires rotated and oil changes. Now, this is completely ridiculous to have that amount of repairs on a vehicle that just turned 10 years old and currently has 91972 miles. Hell, I had a 2000 Chevy Blazer 4x4 with a 157k miles that didnt ever have this much major problems. Why is it 2017 and these vehicles are SH*T!!!! Thats alot of money out on repairs on a vehicle that has less then 100k. How come Ford isnt being held responsible for this? I mean these are HUGE AND MAJOR MAJOR THINGS GOING WRONG!!! What if, I couldnt have pressed the brakes and I would have gone into the intersection because of brake failure and killed someone? Who would be responsible? Something needs to happen. Ford needs to look at all of these complaints and really try to do something to us Consumers, buying these vehicles and making Ford Milliions. When are they held responsible? This is crazy!!! This will be the last Ford I own. I am going back to Chevy as soon as the new Blazers are available. Atleast, Chevy, cares about their Consumers and make sure there engines pass more than 1 quick test. I guess all of the things I have heard about Ford running an engine 1 time and then immediately put it into production is true. OBVIOUSLY THIS IS TRUE!!!! With all the Major things happening to their Edges. The rack and pinion, what if I couldnt steer and got killed behind the wheel of this vehicle? Why arent they being held responsible?

I am so disappointed in FORD!!!! I dont care if Chevy took the bailout, atleast their vehicles arent having these major problems. This chick is going back to Chevy and Ford can kiss my ASSS!!!!!!

- Donna S., Lo, US

problem #1

Apr 062016

Edge SEL 3..5 V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 80,242 miles

I bought this Ford Edge in Sept. 2015 with 77k miles on it. At this time I had this vehicle for 7 months and it had 80242 miles on it. 2k something miles put on it in 7 months. No, I wasn't driving it every day. I had an AWESOME 2000 Chevy 4x4 Blazer that I was using to drive everyday for work. Merlins in Lockport had found a leak in the Rack and Pinion when they were working on my brakes. I have complained to Car Max since I bought the vehicle about grinding I was hearing when I would press the brakes. Merlins replaced rotors and brake pads. That's when I was told the rack and pinion was leaking. Of course I called Max Care and had to put in a claim for the rack and pinion.

- Donna S., Lo, US

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