I had 5 successful Oil Changes done at Ford dealerships. The problem occurred just 2 weeks ago. I had my Oil change done about a month prior. Their is no warning. The engine makes a noise then shuts down. Seized engine. I cannot drive my work truck now and need a new engine whether replaced with a great used engine or a new one. I trusted Ford techs to do the oil changes, because they are Ford Certified, using Ford Technology. I do not heavy load my truck carrying up to 1000 pounds even though rated for 3500 pounds. My truck does about 85 miles, 150 kms per day and have not towed with this truck. Please someone tell me why this truck has failed twice, first the transmission then the Engine. Ford even told me if it is outside warranty, they will not cover it even if their fault. They will document it only.
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bolt from oil filter/cooler broke off
I had 5 successful Oil Changes done at Ford dealerships. The problem occurred just 2 weeks ago. I had my Oil change done about a month prior. Their is no warning. The engine makes a noise then shuts down. Seized engine. I cannot drive my work truck now and need a new engine whether replaced with a great used engine or a new one. I trusted Ford techs to do the oil changes, because they are Ford Certified, using Ford Technology. I do not heavy load my truck carrying up to 1000 pounds even though rated for 3500 pounds. My truck does about 85 miles, 150 kms per day and have not towed with this truck. Please someone tell me why this truck has failed twice, first the transmission then the Engine. Ford even told me if it is outside warranty, they will not cover it even if their fault. They will document it only.
- askralph, Calgary, AB, Canada