Everything that stereotypically goes bad with this cars went bad on this one. Blend door, ac, blown spark plug, rear end, ac, and the cherry on the cake the transmission. According to the Rebuilding transmission shop they said this particular model its bad, it sucks , it fails, fairly common. No wonder why crime is so high in the country , cops cant catch bad guys using this pos; And it cost 2500 or 3000 to rebuild. Dont listen to those idiots on forums saying its a reliable car, theyre full of sh.... these cars are junk and thats why they dont make them no more. I only paid 1800 dlls and it had 110k miles but still man wtf what kind of car dies at 144k miles??? Btw car was never abused under my ownership, just regular commuting
Update from Aug 20, 2017: The symptoms of the transmission failure were the follow:
i noticed a grinding/whining noise coming from the hood. like if the calipers or brake pads were going bad. Felt like something was dragging also. Stopped on the highway and checked but nothing. Made it home and park but ohh boy later on i wanted to leave and car wouldnt go back. Car wouldnt move backward when shifted to reverse, nor when shifted on neutral......girlfrieds dad had to come and pull the car backwards with a chain......next stop the junkyard.....tried to find an affordable solution but 2500/3000 dlls were not and option for such an old pathetic car.
Everything that stereotypically goes bad with this cars went bad on this one. Blend door, ac, blown spark plug, rear end, ac, and the cherry on the cake the transmission. According to the Rebuilding transmission shop they said this particular model its bad, it sucks , it fails, fairly common. No wonder why crime is so high in the country , cops cant catch bad guys using this pos; And it cost 2500 or 3000 to rebuild. Dont listen to those idiots on forums saying its a reliable car, theyre full of sh.... these cars are junk and thats why they dont make them no more. I only paid 1800 dlls and it had 110k miles but still man wtf what kind of car dies at 144k miles??? Btw car was never abused under my ownership, just regular commuting
Update from Aug 20, 2017: The symptoms of the transmission failure were the follow:
i noticed a grinding/whining noise coming from the hood. like if the calipers or brake pads were going bad. Felt like something was dragging also. Stopped on the highway and checked but nothing. Made it home and park but ohh boy later on i wanted to leave and car wouldnt go back. Car wouldnt move backward when shifted to reverse, nor when shifted on neutral......girlfrieds dad had to come and pull the car backwards with a chain......next stop the junkyard.....tried to find an affordable solution but 2500/3000 dlls were not and option for such an old pathetic car.
- daniel85878587, Smithfield, US