Flash: Diagnostic And System Improvements
This bulletin involves updating the Body Control Module (BCM), Powertrain Control Module (PCM) and Transmission Control Module (TCM) with the latest available software. All three modules must be updated in this service action. Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Customers may experience a Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illumination. Upon further investigation the technician may find one or more of the following Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs):
·**U1424-00 - Implausible Engine Torque Signal Received.
·P0335 - Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit.
·P1185 - General Pressure Sensor Correlation.
·P050D - Cold Start Rough Idle.
·P1CEC - Variable Valve Solenoid Valve Cold Start Closing Position 1 Timing Over-Retard.
·P1CED - VAriable Valve Timing Solenoid Valve Cold Start Closing Position Timing Over-Advance.
·P1607 - PCM Internal Shutdown Timer Rationality.
·P2610 - PCM Internal Engine Off Timer Performance.
·P0440 - General EVAP System Failure.
·P0441 - EVAP Purge System Performance.
·P0456 - EVAP System Small Leak.
·P0455 - EVAP System Large Leak.
·P0452 - EVAP Pressure Switch Stuck Closed.
·P0133 - O2 Sensor 1/1 Slow Response.
·C0501 - Wheel Speed Signal Left Front Rationality.
·C0507 - Wheel Speed Signal Right Front Rationality.
·C050D - Wheel Speed Signal Left Rear Rationality.
·C0513 - Wheel Speed Signal Right Rear Rationality.
·U0428-00 - Implausible Data Received From Steering Angle Sensor Module.
·P1185 - General Pressure Sensor Correlation.
·C0061 - Lateral Acceleration Sensor.
·P0128 - Thermostat Rationality.
·C0501 - Wheel Speed Signal Left Front Rationality.
·C0507 - Wheel Speed Signal Right Front Rationality.
·C050D - Wheel Speed Signal Left Rear Rationality.
·C0513 - Wheel Speed Signal Right Rear Rationality.
·C0062 - Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor In Airbag System - Signal Invalid.**
·U0402 - Implausible Data Received From TCM - (Transmission Control Module).