Engine Stalls/Dies While Driving

2007 Dodge Ram 1500

This problem may be covered under warranty. Ask your Dodge dealer.


pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
73,950 miles
Total Complaints:
13 complaints

Most Common Solutions:

  1. not sure (12 reports)
  2. replaced egr valve, crank sensor, valve sensor (1 reports)
2007 Dodge Ram 1500 engine problems

engine problem

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2007 Dodge Ram 1500 Owner Comments

problem #13

Jun 152020

Ram 1500 ST 4.7L V8

  • Automatic transmission
  • 177,234 miles


I just bought this vehicle a month and a half ago. It didn’t do it when I test drove it, it did it the next day, while going to get new tires put on, it just stopped running while I was driving 60 miles an hour on 29 south. No power steering so I slowed down and came to a stop, put it in park, shut key off, turned key back on, it started right up and I drove it. It does it at least once every time I drive it.

I also tested it to see if it would do it while idling, and sure enough after about 35 minutes it shut down, turned the key to off position then back to on and it started right up. This is very dangerous when driving.I have heard so many ideas of what it could be, the automatic shutdown relay, in the tipm, I replaced it with used one, and it still does it, I replaced the throttle position sensor, and it still does it, and Dodge dealership charges $1400.00 for a new one.

- Robert C., Bedford, US

problem #12

Apr 212020

Ram 1500 SXT 3.7L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 173,599 miles

this has been an on going problem. the truck stalls after slowing down after driving at normal highway speeds. it doesn't do it all the time.

- Andrew Y., Cedar Park, TX, US

problem #11

Apr 202020

Ram 1500 SLT 5.7L Hemi

  • Automatic transmission
  • 155,200 miles

Replaced OEM exhaust with glasspack dual exhaust system. Problems started within one week. Driving along at any speed and engine just quits. Wait for a minute and it restarts. It only happens when I coast or slow down and when I am at a stop. I pull a 4000 pound utility trailer and it is very dangerous when this happens. Overa 10 mile stretch it can happen 3mor 4 times. I cannot depend on this vehicle. I am having the OEM muffler system put back on today. Hopefully it will reun great again as it did before the muffler system exchange!!

- Roland G., Charlton, MA, US

problem #10

Apr 202015

Ram 1500 STL 4.7L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 110,000 miles


It is very annoying, not to mention being dangerous. Have had it to stop in the middle of traffic. Not being dependable enough to make it to work on time, having to leave earlier in case of the it quitting. Been a pain in my ASS can't depend on it ! Last Dodge I will purchase switching to a FORD!

- Gary M., Olive Branch, MS, US

problem #9

May 012015

Ram 1500 4.7L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 35,000 miles

Everyone knows this but if they don't here's a news flash, DEALERSHIPS ARE USELESS!!! Why do they have repair shops when they can't fix anything out of the ordinary and claim they can't find anything wrong with your vehicle? I digress, here's my problem. . .

When the INTERIOR of the truck is hot i.e. sitting in the sun on a summer day, the truck will turn over then shut off after a few seconds. No matter how many times you attempt to start the engine it will always shut off after a few seconds. The engine can either be hot or cold it doesn't matter. During cool months there is no problem. If its say 70+degrees outside and the windows are up to contain the heat the truck will NOT start. If the windows are left cracked open (to allow heat to escape) the truck WILL start every time. When it doesn't start, if you open the doors for 3-5 minutes to let the heat out the truck will start. When it doesn't start the red troubleshoot light on instrument panel blinks constantly. Skim module and ignition switch has been replaced to no avail. Of course the Dealership says it's the aftermarket remote starter (which works just fine).

- Billy B., Livonia, MI, US

problem #8

Mar 242015

Ram 1500 5.7L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 59,030 miles

Ok so I see others are also having major issues with their Rams - sorry to hear, but also glad it is not just me. I have had check engine light on for two years now and keep taking it to mechanics to fix. Have recently had changed out - LDP pump, throttle cleaned, water pump changed, belts changed, tune up with new plugs, oil change, added fuel injection cleaner and the Intake Manifold gasket was changed. Still stalling, rpms surge and drop. Really notice it around 30-40km. It is like there is not enough fuel getting through - I am no mechanic but it truly feels like that as it bucks a bit and surges. I love my truck but if this keeps costing me money it will be gone I hate to say. Come on Dodge - even your garages shrug their shoulders. Really?????

Update from Mar 25, 2015: If anyone can help please email me: joeandnorma2005@gmail.com

Update from Apr 18, 2015: UPDATE: So after all the weeding out of codes and fixes we finally got the EGR Valve replaced and BINGO! Truck runs as good as new. NO stalling, NO hesitation, NO problems at all. Feels amazing. Was not hard at all replacing the EGR and here in Canada it cost me $67.00. Thanks to everyone for their input and hope this helps you too!!

- Norma M., Durham, ON, canada

problem #7

Jul 162014

Ram 1500 ST/SLT 4.7L V8

  • Automatic transmission
  • 75,000 miles


I would like to simply say that this has definitely been an inconvenience, shutting off in the middle of traffic, and most of all dangerous!!

- Robert And Lawanda L., Saint Louis, MO, US

problem #6

Oct 172012

Ram 1500 SLT 4.7L Flex Fuel

  • Automatic transmission
  • 123,000 miles

About 129,000miles I started having problems with the truck cutting out and stalling when it reaches 2500 rpms. I plugged my obd2 scanner in and it said the cam position sensor was bad. I replaced the senor and almost 2 weeks to the day later, the problem returned. I once again changed the sensor( warrantied it out), and the next day the problem returned. now the problem will not leave. it is now throwing a code for the wiring harness or pcm. I had a couple of auto repair shops look at it and have also done a lot of research online and discovered there have been other cases of this problem. NO one has found a solution or at least I haven't been able to find one and the mechanics have no idea what it is. I've heard that dodges have a wiring problem and im not sure if the truck is worth a total rewire if im not sure this will fix the issue. Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated. this is the first and last dodge I will buy, ill stick with my chevys'.

Update from Jun 22, 2013: Truck is displaying code P0344,P0340, and P0562

- lineman89, Jones, OK, US

problem #5

Mar 012010

Ram 1500 1500 V8

  • Automatic transmission
  • 36,000 miles

My truck shuts down while driving. It shut down while I was on the expressway in the passing lane. I took it to the dealer and told them I was scared to drive it and they said they can't find anything wrong with it. They actually gave me a signed receipt explaining my problem and that they couldn't fix it.

- Kim D., Adrian, MI, US

problem #4

Jun 082009

Ram 1500 Sport 5.7L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 3,700 miles

Mileage 3,700. Three days after first occurrence, I was turning into a parking lot and the engine stalled. Maybe a coincidence, but I was turning left, same as the first time. This time I was moving fast enough to coast, no power steering or power brakes with other traffic. No accident, but very un-nerving.

- Kip I., Mt Gilead, OH, US

problem #3

Jun 052009

Ram 1500 Sport 5.7L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 3,600 miles


While I was turning left in my driveway barely moving, it stalled. It did re-start.

- Kip I., Mt Gilead, OH, US

problem #2

Oct 202007

Ram 1500 Quad Cab 4.2L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 30 miles

This truck has been a nightmare since Day One. It stalled driving it home the first night, and the dealership refused to take it back. Been in shop every month for weeks at a time and Chrysler says it never has an error code so they can't fix it and even accused me of lying about the many problems. The seat is crooked and no pad in cushion, unratchets while driving [but never on the techs!], transmission, engine, brakes, lights, you name it, it has gone off or acted up on this piece of engineering crapola. This is what I asked the second dealer I took it to to fix and they ran over 200 miles in it and said nothing was wrong. I get in to drive it home and the brakes faded, the transmission bucked at 37 mph really loudly and with a metallic hard clanking! and engine gave a shudder as if to stall, so I blasted the A/C to keep the RPM's up enough, which may or may not guarantee it will stay on--it has even stalled with lights, radio, A/C all on...and restarted itself within 3 seconds all by itself! Freaky!! (1) Still having problems with transmission slipping off & on, getting into gear hard & clunky & very loud metallic sound getting into gear; sometimes it sits and waits before it will go into gear, and sometimes I have to shift back to park, and start over to get into gear—this does whether cold or hot. Makes an ‘eek’ sound when slipping. Clunks up shifting and downshifting [automatic truck!] (2)The engine will act like it is going to die, has a thrill run as if to stall, I have to turn on A/C quickly, runs so rough most of the times. Again: Stalled Sept 29, 2008. (3) Didn’t start at first in Kmart parking lot near my home 05/22/08 8:40 AM. Dash lights all blinking off and on briefly, then blank. No engine turn-over. I fiddled with the buttons on the remote key, reinserted key and tried multiple times and it finally started. Has done this often. Last week it did it three times. Does not seem to matter if it is cold or warm. Horn blows sometimes for no reason.The defective KARR Alarm was removed, for which I was never reimbursed! So I wonder why the horn blows sometimes by itself. I was watching TV inside my house and heard it blow in the driveway! It stopped when I fiddled with my key. Weird. (4) Ignition cranks intermittently extended periods of time. Please fix before it catches on fire. Replace switch again, if you guys even actually did anything as it was noted how service notes are exact duplicates as if copy and pasted, even as to error codes and tech who worked. Please actually DO something, my safety and my family’s is at stake. (5) Seat still at an angle: hurts me, not safe---does not adjust well, ratchet doesn’t stay sometimes, has even un-done while Driving! the plastic thrown-part supporting the seat cushion collapses, digs into sciatic nerve, very painful. (6) Brakes will buck, brake, and sometimes I have to pump them before they brake well. Like, if I am having to stop at the traffic light, the brakes will act like they work, then stop braking, buck with a bumping sound, I pump, they brake—also experience brake Fade..not good, not safe. Intermittently occurs.. (7) The display computer at top near sunshades does not work half the time. (the one that tells gas mileage, temp, N S E W…) Two weeks ago when it was 99F weather, it said it was 60F ! Doesn’t register correct compass readings many times. Example: Friday when it was 92 degrees outside, it said it was 76 degrees. (8) Radio still acts up with static and off & on station capture. This truck is possessed by the devil. [kidding] It IS the poorest engineering I have ever seen in a vehicle. It is scary and nondependable.

- kee, Long Beach, CA, US

problem #1

Jun 032007

(reported on)

Ram 1500 5.7 Hemi

  • Automatic transmission
  • 9,321 miles

I picked the truck up from the Dodge Dealership in Barrie on Friday June 1. The truck was in for warranty repair: the engine would shut down, and only after putting the vehicle in park then initiating a startup did the vehicle start back up. This happened twice, the first time on the highway in stop and go traffic (at 15,000Km's on the odometer), the second at a Drive-Thru. The time that it happened at the drive thru (at 23,000Km's on the odometer), approximately two weeks ago, the 'Check Engine', and a warning light for the Electronic Throttle Control stayed illuminated after the vehicle was restarted and did not go out. The vehicle was immediately taken to the closest dealership.

Leaving the dealership on Friday, I was holding a constant 60Km/hr when the engine suddenly lost power, as though my foot had fallen off of the accelerator; which it hadn't. Later that evening, driving down the 10th Sideroad, with the cruise control set at 90Km/Hr. The truck suddenly kicked out of cruise, the indicator light also went out. Although I was only doing 90 Km/hr, the truck shuddered when the cruise control suddenly kicked out. I did not manually disengage the cruise-control, nor did I hit the brake pedal.

On the morning of Sunday June 3rd, when I turned the key in the ignition, all of the status lights came on, all of them, including the individual lights for "P R N D 3 2 1" and no lights shut off, nor could I get the starter to engage, nor could I hear any sound whatsoever from the engine or any component attached thereto. For each subsequent attempt to start the truck, I turned the key completely to the off position, removed the key then reinserted. On my second attempt to start the truck the Brake light and ABS warning lights stayed on again the truck would not start and no sound from the engine compartment, on my third attempt the ABS and brake warning lights stayed on again, again nothing from the engine. The truck finally started on the fourth attempt, though no warning lights remained illuminated after starting, which from my experience with this vehicle, is normal.

In each event that I managed to glimpse the tachometer, it was indicating RPM well below 1000 RPM.

It is my opinion that there is a serious fault with the electrical system in this vehicle. The Dodge dealer in Barrie replaced a MAP sensor in the engine, I believe the problem is more then just a MAP sensor.

- Dwayne H., Bradford, ON, Canada

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