My 2005 dodge neon is being a piece of $HIT. I bought my car used from a dealership at just over 100,000 miles. After a week or so one of the sensors went out. I got it replaced and it seemed to work for a little while. Then I had problems getting my car to turn on so i replaced the fuel pump and the battery. it worked for a few about 2 months before my engine light came on and my car wouldn't go any faster then 15 mph. Now my car has issues starting, it stutters the whole time i drive it, it wont let me get going any faster then 15 miles an hour, and if i stop it my engine turns off. This car has already cost my over $1000 and I've barely had it a year. This is BS.
When I start my car it revs to 3 or 4 RPM. While in park it idles really high. When I put into drive it jumps and runs rough. My throttle is closed and will not open. I have checked the throttle body for trash.
I bought this POS back in November of 2009. In December, one month later, while on a trip to Florida the Cam Position Sensor went out. I bought an after market sensor and replaced it at the place i was staying and was able to get back home. Almost one year to the day the sensor went out again. This time not very far from home. Of course with the wonderful December weather in Wisconsin I decided to take it to a shop to get fixed correctly. $180 later they replaced the CPS, this time with an OEM sensor. Again one year after that the sensor went out. This is now the third time this sensor went out and seems to last for only one year. This time full of rage and holding back the desire of setting this POS on fire in the parking lot of the bastards that sold this thing to me, i asked a different mechanic to do what ever it takes to figure out the problem and make it go away. $339.00 later they replace both the Cam and Crank sensors and said they couldnt find anything else wrong with it. So here it is December 2012, and the sensor went out for the fourth time since i have owned this wonderful Piece Of S&*t and again nothing was found to be wrong other than the CPS. So again I paid $139.00 to have a mechanic replace out the bad OEM sensor with a good OEM sensor. So counting the $25.00 I paid for the first after market sensor I have dumped over $680 damn dollars into this rolling waste of space and would love nothing more than to crush this damn thing into a small cube and send it back to the A-holes that made it! I will never buy Dodge again!
I bought my car in 2007 and it had 38000 miles on it. Now it has 145000 and the thing is turning into a junk pile. In March the car starting doing a little missing. then On March 23 just before I was supposed to go out of town the car did a hard miss-fire and the check engine lite came on. gave an error code of a drive shaft sensor. Those were replaced and the miss-fire went away for one day and then came back same code and same problem. So was told that it could be computer or coil pack. Coil pack is cheaper so we replaced that did not do anything. Now when it does the multi miss-fire same code. while driving down interstate at 70 mph you have to pull off interstate before you get ran over because car loses all power and does a bunch of miss-fires and you feel like your on a horse going down a rough hill. Monday when it did this I cut the air condition off but guess what it did not go off. I think the car is possessed. but I can't keep putting money into this thing.
Got my 2005 dodge neon in 2006. It was a great car until about a year ago. It started with this not starting thing. I would go to start it, and it would turn over but not start. I would push the clutch in and give it some gas, it would start but I have to keep the gas down to keep it started. I would drive, but if I had to stop, I was screwed cause it would just die. I changed the NAM Sensor, and the O2 sensor, plugs, and wires. Had the fuel system cleaned and regular oil changes. Last night I was driving down the road (it was started and running normal) and it does a buck, the engine light dings and the car turns off. I had to get towed home. Tomorrow its going to the shop, I am not sure what it is but the engine light has not been on before and I have told everyone about the problem and no one knew what it was because the engine light would never come on. The car did not even over heat.
- Cecily H.,
Trumansburg, NY, US
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I purchased my neon brand new an started experiencing the car misfiring and putting along with codes P0335 crankshaft sensor & P0340 camshaft sensor and both were replaced and here we are aug of 2010 and still having problems with the engine light coming on engine misfiring and the same codes not to mention I lost my cruise control. I love this car but it is really becoming a pain in the ass I don't know from day to day what going to happen when I get behind the wheel .
At 70 k miles the engine began to rough idle and miss. Since I had changed the ignition wires at 60 K, I took one of the used longer wires (the ones for cylinder #1 and #4) and put it on cylinder # 2, since that is the one most people on this web site complained about. Wonder of wonder, the problem disappeared! Now I have nothing to rant and yell about! The car runs like when I drove it off the showroom floor.
I purchased my neon brand new in Sept. 2005 in the summer of 2009 I started experiencing the car misfiring and putting along with codes P0335 crankshaft sensor & P0340 camshaft sensor and both were replaced and here we are March of 2010 and still having problems with the engine light coming on engine misfiring and the same codes not to mention I lost my cruise control. I love this car but it is really becoming a pain in the ass I don't know from day to day what going to happen when I get behind the wheel no wonder they dont' make them anymore.
I have had my 05 neon for about 2 years and has been a pain since the day I bought it. The car continues to run/idle rough sometimes so bad that I have to put the car in nutrual to get it to stop shaking. I took the car to the dealer for this while the car was still under warrenty and they said it was the motor mounts were not tight, so the tightened them and it fixed nothing so I brought it back and they said oh it needs a tune up....that cost $100. The car continues to run rough and the guy at the dealer told me that is just how cars are.
Now I am faced with a new problem. The check engine light keeps coming on for two sensors, the cam and crank sensors. I had them both replaced in November now the cam sensor is bad again. It feels like the car is not shifting out of first gear at times. But when I take it to the dealer they say they can not duplicate the problem and that I need to leave it running the next time it happens and bring it up there....what happens if they are closed.
This car is a huge waste of money and I would love to just get rid of this peace of crap. I have never bought and american made car before this and will never buy american made again!!! This car by far has been the worst car I have ever owned!!
I bought this car used wi 35K on it and it was like new. At 70K, it started to roun rough and the engine light came on. I did a complete tune up and nothing. I replaced the plugs 2x, fuel injectors, wires again, cam position sensor, new MSD coil pack and nothing. I tore the fuel system apart and cleaned the fuel rail, and cleaned the system with fuel cleaner. Nothing has worked. Several shops have looked at it and they are at a loss... I have owned dodge all my life but and looking at a new ford truck. I gues part of Chrysler financial plan was to build junk cars sell them for a profit and claim bankruptcy. Seems to have worked. Any solutions out there???
this car has really been a pain in the ass. timing belt broke then all hell broke loose. replced plugs,wires,coil,injectors,and it still runs the same bad bad bad. i wouldn't wish this bad luck on no one else. someone needs to melt this car down and pour it in there ass. peice of sh*t
Have had this car on diagnostic tester as we have had tune ups done to it and engine light comes back on within a few days. People have said it could be the gas cap or that the engine light just comes back on sometimes and there probably is no problem at all. Diagnostics continues to state there is a Cylinder 2 misfire. We have replaced sensor, lugs and wires and another part that I can't we now replaced the coil. We unhooked the battery as well, as we were told to do this to reset the light. 3 days later, the engine light was back on and Diagnostics still read Cylinder 2 misfire but no one can seem to figure out what is wrong with this piece of crap!!!
Still continued to drive this piece of sh*t because no one could figure out what was wrong with it. Well, one day we lost brakes and hit another vehicle in the ass (thank God it was in alot of traffic and only going 4mph) so no damage done, but a hug tow bill as the police wouldn't let us drive the car from the scene. So, not only did we now have to replace plugs and wires again, we also replace fuel sensor, another coil and we replaced rear wheel bearings and brake shoes. This car is nothing but junk and reading everyone else's complaints on here, Dodge needs to do something about this!!!! I started having problems with this vehicle at 18K miles.....that's BS for a brand new vehicle that I was charged almost $19K for + huge interest and I still have 2 years to pay on!!! And now at LEAST $2K to fix if not more!! Funny how dealers didn't know what was wrong with it until the warranty has run out. Now they will say the problems are internal and that many 2005 Neon's are having the same problems!! Go figure!!!!
I have a 2005 Neon and the engine runs rough and is misfiring. This is the 2nd time in 1 year had to do tune up on this car and now warranty has run out!! I had to replace the wires and plugs.
Bought New... 2005 Neon sxt, got a tunup for the heck of it at 44,000 miles. Indicator light comes on after tune up, low compression cylinder three and fuel o2 too rich. took it back to the guy/ dealership that did the tune up..said they couldnt help me...dont know what causing the codes..took it back to the dealer II bought the car new from in Macon, Ga. Tell me now it a bad cylinder its a major "overhaul".. Thank God I have the powertrain warrenty....what a hunk of junk I got.. 44,000 miles and I got this problem!!! Same thing happened with the used 27,000 mile Neon I bought back in 99...damn engine went at 65,000. That one came out of my pocket...I guess I nevefr learn
The car has been misfiring for months, finally got the chances to get it in the shop. They replaced the starter, did a tune up, changed the oil, looked at the brakes, did a computer diagnostic test. Got the car bake after 5 days drove it 20 mile and the engine light is back on again. It runs better, but is still doing the same thing.
I had took the Car to WINTER HAVEN DODGE many times! I had got nothing but runarounds, they said that it was normal for the 2.0 engines to have this sound. Once my warranty ran out then HELL broke out as they said it could be many things wrong, as it could cost me up to 1,500.00 in repairs! I have other problems that also occurred...
Engine light flashes when stopped for any period of time. Misfires in cylinder #1 (PO301). They said I needed new plugs and wires. changed those and I get the same thing. Runs really rough.
So I've come to the conclusion that American cars are turds with wheels. If American cars were compared to European cars the first thing noted is the higher standards European cars possess. The motors have more power, stock for stock, suspension, electrical, function. Maybe it's because European cars spawned from racing. Same with American cars but add 2000lbs and go in circles. Maybe if American car makers would create something new, instead of taking the same platform from a mini van and making 200 piles of crap. When comparing European cars, Japanese included, to American the choice is easy. Higher standards come from more experience, so I believe that America has some homework to do.
Okay, among things my car has done to annoy the crap out of me, one of them and the more recent one, is having it f'm die on me at a stop light after revving the engine really hard by itself. I got it started and drove it sluggishly home, thinking this was a misfire. Anyways, to make a long story short, this pain in the ass car was taken to the garage yet again, and not to the dodge dealership, i don't have the vasoline to listen or do what they want me to do! So I took it to someone who really knows cars. He diagnosed it, and told me it wasn't spark plugs, and he couldn't figure it out, but to give him some more time. Finally a day later he called me and told he figured it out! That the Fuel Sensor had to be replaced and every wire running to it was completely rotted out, causing the engine to run and idle so damn rough! It made sense, he repaired it at a cost of about 300 dollars. An it runs so nice and smooth now until the next time something goes wrong with it!
My 2005 dodge neon is being a piece of $HIT. I bought my car used from a dealership at just over 100,000 miles. After a week or so one of the sensors went out. I got it replaced and it seemed to work for a little while. Then I had problems getting my car to turn on so i replaced the fuel pump and the battery. it worked for a few about 2 months before my engine light came on and my car wouldn't go any faster then 15 mph. Now my car has issues starting, it stutters the whole time i drive it, it wont let me get going any faster then 15 miles an hour, and if i stop it my engine turns off. This car has already cost my over $1000 and I've barely had it a year. This is BS.
- Melanie W., Salt Lake City, UT, US