pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 125,500 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 4 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (4 reports)

engine problem
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I have had my 1998 Dodge Intrepid 2.7 L for a little over a year & since I have had it I have sunk in so much money on, new water pump , new rotors , brakes , sensors , spark plugs , radiator fan assembly, lights because moisture was getting in & it just goes on & on.
I don't know about some of you but I like to say my car & i have some odd bond, i've spent so much time troubleshooting issues with this car & taking it to shops i'm almost an intrepid expert, kidding. But in all seriousness you can just feel in the gas pedal or hear distinct noises that indicate a clear issue. in other words you know when something isn't right.
My car had been making a rattle type noise when i increased in acceleration going up a hill or just anytime there seemed to be strain on the engine it ran hard & made that noise. keep in mind that i get oil changes regularly & keep my cart maintained.. I went to a auto place & they told me to try mid grade gas & it indeed helped. Had been told it sounded like the timing was off.. In this time frame I have been sinking a lot of oil into the car because its burning oil as as leaking a little going through 2 quarts in a week. I kept the oil full though. well two months had passed, & just the day before yesterday I was driving on the interstate at about 70 miles an hour (the speed limit) & had to slow down due to traffic , then all of the sudden my car just shut off. I was like dang , but this was nothing new to me so I was like eh , i'll just turn it on again.
It used to die & not wanna start for minutes at a time before i changed the crankshaft position sensor a few months ago, so when i pulled over out of habit i checked the oil even though i had just put 3 qrts in on wednesday of last week, it was two qrts low so i put oil in & I tried to turn it on it started like it normally does. I get off on an exit not even a mile down the road & it dies right ON the exit ramp , it won't start at first then it does but this time it accompanied by a loud knocking noise... Kinda freaked out i head to a gas station & before I even get to the gas station it dies in the left lane of a busy road.. i push it to safety & had it towed to a friends house. I haven't tried to start it since & now I have no car. I don't want to mess with it.
My grand papi is a mechanic & he says it sounds like I have a bad engine. Which then made me curious... LOW & BEHOLD I am not the only one with an 2.7 engine issue & now.. I don't even want to put money into the car anymore especially after I have seen soooo many people with the same problems all to still end up with a clunker. Chrysler really needs to do a recall on this vehicle.. I don't think they understand how much trouble its caused people.
It's sad really.
- musicismiremedi, White Bluff, TN, US