I bought a 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan in 2019 that was at the end of its lease. (Company lease) Since the week I took ownership I noticed it was periodically jerking like a standard would if you were not changing gears properly. (It is automatic though) It was consistently getting worse as days went on. I reported this to the dealer that it was purchased from. They thought perhaps a spark plug issue so replaced them. This however did not fix the issue. When I spoke to them and let them know it was still doing this, they were not sure what the issue was. I then spoke to another one of the service techs about it, at which point he suggested checking to see if ECO mode was on as he had other customers have a similar issue when ECO was on.
Sure enough due to where the ECO button is on the console it was inadvertently turned on when getting items at the bottom of console from what it seems. So I turned it off and the jerking stopped. Unfortunately not soon enough in my opinion, that the motor/transmission have not been affected to some degree. And regardless of how careful I watch to make sure it does not get turned on again by accident, there have been times that it has, and starts jerking again, at which point it is noticed it is jerking again. Since this originally started occurring, the vehicle does not sound quite right (engine) when driving and I have noticed it is slower then it should be to pick up speed from stop. Sadly this vehicle was out of power train warranty at the end of the lease to my knowledge. I am not sure what to do about this from here, this is the first newer vehicle I have purchased.
I am really disappointed that there is a chance due to this situation, that the likelihood of it lasting a good number of years yet, is seeming slim. It does not sound good or run like it should a year after I purchased it, due to what appears to be no fault of mine. I have maintained all the inner workings as I should (and the company leasing prior to me also kept on repairs and maint), and never delayed on having repairs and maint done as needed. I have noticed in my research, that there are quite a few people that have also had this similar issue arise with ECO mode. So perhaps there is something that is not going quite right in the manufacturing process with this ECO option and needs to be looked into more. Maybe I just got a lemon. I am not sure but it is very stressful driving it wondering when it is going to bite the dust which I don't feel I should be concerned about since it is only 6 years old.
Bought this vehicle used in June 2018. Had it back to the dealer in November 2018 after I noticed that it felt like I was going over rumble strips at low speeds when the vehicle would shift from 1st to 2nd gear. Dealer replaced the torque converter and sent me on my way. Had it back in again a week later with the same issue. Reprogram the computer in the transmission. Problem continued and noticed it shifting rough at higher speeds and making a slipping noise going up hills. Back in the shop again. Leak in the transmission cooler lines. Replaced at a cost of $400. Still having the issues and called the dealer back up and they told me that this is how the transmission shifts. Took to a transmission shop and they drove it and said it was fine. Second transmission shop drove it and reprogrammed it. Worked fine for a few hours and back to status quo. This is my third Dodge van and will be my last.
Taken to dealer with multiple times and told there were no pro lems with transmission. Transmission finally failed and came apart requiring a full replacement.
Check engine light came on and coded P0868, which is Transmission line pressure low. Brought to the dealer and they said it was low on fluid and since it was close to the manufactures suggested trans. service mileage @ 60,000, have the trans flush & filter done. So we had that done and a month later, check engine light on, coding P0868. Will update after servicing.
Update from Apr 22, 2017: It's only been a few days since we've got the vehicle back and so far, so good. Fortunately the fix was covered under the powertrain warranty. Turns out it was solenoids in the transmission. But this vehicle has less than 60,000 miles on it and this hasn't been the only issue. Word to the wise, stay away from Dodge Caravan.
Rough shifting since purchasing, but noticed other GCs did this as well so considered it "normal".
Had my van in to dealership for a few other warranty and recall repairs and was shown a picture of my transmission oil pan with some of the transmission sitting on the magnet as metal flakes. I may need a new transmission now.
Was told the dealership will call me on Monday to let me know what the fix will be.
I have had multiple issues with this vehicle since purchasing it new. I have emailed a complete list of them to FCA Canada Customer Care and the reply from them was "Too bad for you". My request was simply that they give me some consideration towards an extended warranty seeing as the vehicle and parts in the vehicle are obviously substandard in quality. They have refused. It is obvious Chrysler does not care at all about their customers knowing their product is garbage. I don't mind purchasing an extended warranty to cover this piece of garbage, but think Chrysler should pay half of that.
- Don S.,
Niverville, MB, Canada
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Van started shuddering really badly when changing low gears like you were driving over really rough pavement. Then there would be a loud thud and it would change gear and the RPM would go into the red and the check engine light would come on. It consistently did this over an over. Brought van back to dealership on May 25th 2015. Was told that the transmission needed to be taken apart so they would have it a few days. That was the last I heard from them. So on May 27th I called and they said it would be a few more days as they were waiting for parts.
On Friday May 29th I called them again stating that the lack of communication was horrendous. I asked them what was the problem and they said I wouldn't understand. I told them to try me so they said it would be at least another week. They said that inside the transmission there was a pinched seal; the part that failed was the compounder and low reverse. He said they are also replacing the clutches and seal kit. I am really nervous about this as the vehicle is so new and we spent a pretty penny on it.
I had my van maybe 2 weeks when I noticed it did not shift right. I have taken my vehicle in twice already with the same complaint of shifting rough. Sometimes it's so bad that I wonder if I've left anything behind in the road. I finally gave up with them telling me there was nothing wrong with my van, then I took it in for an oil change. When they asked if I had any complaints, I told them it wasn't worth complaining because they wouldn't do anything. The service manager then asked if it was the transmission. SO they know there is a problem with the Caravan's transmission but Chrysler isn't will to do anything about it. At the time they had 2 other Caravan's in there with complaints about rough shifting. I guess it hasn't caused any accidents or deaths so Chrysler doesn't see a need to do anything about it. WILL NOT BUY ANOTHER CHRYSLER EVER!!!!!
When start from 0 RPM up to 2000 Transmission gear changing from 1 to 2 to 3 like something falling off. It like off gear and jump. when braking transmission gears down instead of down 6 to 5 to 3 it down like no gear and RPM go up even gas pedal not applied at all.
And the gear 1 or 2 or 3 tap in make the car jerking back and forth. The colder the wheather the problem getting worst. Finally transmission gears changed not smoothly at all.
I bought a 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan in 2019 that was at the end of its lease. (Company lease) Since the week I took ownership I noticed it was periodically jerking like a standard would if you were not changing gears properly. (It is automatic though) It was consistently getting worse as days went on. I reported this to the dealer that it was purchased from. They thought perhaps a spark plug issue so replaced them. This however did not fix the issue. When I spoke to them and let them know it was still doing this, they were not sure what the issue was. I then spoke to another one of the service techs about it, at which point he suggested checking to see if ECO mode was on as he had other customers have a similar issue when ECO was on.
Sure enough due to where the ECO button is on the console it was inadvertently turned on when getting items at the bottom of console from what it seems. So I turned it off and the jerking stopped. Unfortunately not soon enough in my opinion, that the motor/transmission have not been affected to some degree. And regardless of how careful I watch to make sure it does not get turned on again by accident, there have been times that it has, and starts jerking again, at which point it is noticed it is jerking again. Since this originally started occurring, the vehicle does not sound quite right (engine) when driving and I have noticed it is slower then it should be to pick up speed from stop. Sadly this vehicle was out of power train warranty at the end of the lease to my knowledge. I am not sure what to do about this from here, this is the first newer vehicle I have purchased.
I am really disappointed that there is a chance due to this situation, that the likelihood of it lasting a good number of years yet, is seeming slim. It does not sound good or run like it should a year after I purchased it, due to what appears to be no fault of mine. I have maintained all the inner workings as I should (and the company leasing prior to me also kept on repairs and maint), and never delayed on having repairs and maint done as needed. I have noticed in my research, that there are quite a few people that have also had this similar issue arise with ECO mode. So perhaps there is something that is not going quite right in the manufacturing process with this ECO option and needs to be looked into more. Maybe I just got a lemon. I am not sure but it is very stressful driving it wondering when it is going to bite the dust which I don't feel I should be concerned about since it is only 6 years old.
- Kristina K., Jarvis, ON, Canada