Bypass Cable--fix For TIPM Problem - I discovered this website from watching a YouTube video about Chrysler Corp. vehicle TIPM problems. Apparently it is possible to bypass the faulty fuel pump circuitry in the TIPM and save the approx $1000 cost of replacing the TIPM
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2011 Dodge Grand Caravan Owner Comments (Page 3 of 8)
We have had this van for a little over two years and over the past 3 months it's been hard to start. At first it would only give me problems in the morning when we were leaving to take my children to school and it would crank a few times and then start. Over the past 3 months it's gotten harder and harder we've replaced the battery which was 200 dollars. We took it to get diagnosed and paid 100 for them to tell me it was the fuel pump. They wanted to charge me 735 to fix it but we decided to do it ourselves. we bought the fuel pump and spent 400 and it is stilll doing the same thing. This really needs to get fixed it's been really inconvient with three children under 9 not to have my van working.
A class action lawsuit is filed over the faulty TIPM for the Dodge Grand Caravan manufactured in 2011.
I own a DODGE GRAND CARAVAN manufactured 9/11 which qualifies for the lawsuit. The status of the lawsuit is pending, I called the phone number (866 981 4800) posted on your website. The receptionist transfers me to a voice mail. No one calls back, in spite of the fact that I leave numerous messages. I email the address on your website ( The email is returned. Can you please tell me the status of the lawsuit and how to contact these elusive attorneys. Also inform me how to register for the class action suit because the Dodge dealer stuck me for a huge bill to replace the TIPM. When the car was under warranty, it was starting spontaneously, honking, side door opening,
and other spooky stuff. The dealer could not find the problem. Now, suddenly that the car is out of warranty, he finds the problem, a faulty TIPM, Please help with the status of the class action suit and contacting the attorneys.
This is the first time I've had an issue. Car wouldn't start without several attempts, then stopped all together. Mechanic friend did diagnostic which just said "low voltage". Everything was fine for a while. See update
Update from Oct 9, 2016: So its now October 9, 2016, after a couple of more weeks with the same thing happening AGAIN...EXACTLY, I find this website and ALL the other complaints and there's even a lawsuit involving the very same problem! COME ON DODGE issue a recall, restore our faith in your product, or lose massive amounts of business. You know the TIPM is faulty. You know it's costing customers money we don't have (mainly cause we're still paying for the piece of crap). Is there anyway the The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) can order Dodge to issue a recall?
Car (2011 Grand Caravan) would crank but not start. I had it towed to Safford Dodge in Springfield, Virginia. They diagnosed the problem as a bad fuel pump. I paid $950 for a tow and a new fuel pump. As soon as I drove the vehicle home, it was doing the exact same thing (crank but not start). Eventually, it started but, later in the day, it would not start at all. I contacted the dealer and made arrangements for it to be towed in again. After several hours, I tried to contact the service guy to find out what was going on but he wouldn't pick up the phone. I waited on hold for 12 minutes before someone finally picked up and then immediately hung up on me. I then called in again and no one answered the phone for 15 minutes. I then dialed another general number and issued a complaint about the poor customer service. Eventually, the service guy calls back and says they are having trouble pinpointing the problem. Before this point I had researched the problem and discovered the multiple issues with the TIPM module. I asked the service guy if they had checked the fuel pump relay in the TIPM module. No response. The next morning he calls my wife and tells her that we need a new TIPM module and it's going to cost $1200 to replace it. She told him that we would pay for the TIPM module (with the hope that we would eventually get reimbursed when the recall was finally issued) provided they deducted the cost of the new fuel pump which we believe was replaced in error. Service guy was adamant that fuel pump was bad and that it had to be replaced. He said they had isolated the pump and confirmed that it had power coming to it before diagnosing that it needed to be replaced. This may be true but I have zero faith that this guy was telling me the truth. I have read several reports in this thread where people had their fuel pump replaced in error. I eventually went into the dealership and talked to the service manager. He was also insistent that the fuel pump failed simultaneously with the TIPM module. When I asked him if he was aware of the class action lawsuit regarding the TIPM modules he indicated that he had no idea. I also asked him if they had replaced multiple TIPM modules and he acted as if this was a very rare repair; however, when he insinuated that my fuel pump and TIPM had failed simultaneously, he acted as if he had seen this several times?! Clearly these are inconsistent statements and I don't believe a word this guy is saying. At this point I'm planning on removing the TIPM module myself and sending it to a third party for repair.
- George G.,
Annandale, VA, US
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I really wish that I had googled this on FRIDAY! BEFORE I spent a boatload of money to have the fuel pump replaced, only to find out that it was the TIPM!
I will start from the beginning.
I have had intermittent electrical problems with my 2011 Dodge Caravan (CREW FWD) for several months now. Nothing too serious at first - front passenger window started only working when it felt like it, then my rear-view camera stopped working. I just assumed that the camera or wiring to the camera went bad, and that someday I would like to have that fixed... since I still owe quite a bit on this van. Last month, my van just shuts off while I was driving down the road! Completely locked up steering, A/C, radio, then the van died. Luckily I was not on a busy road, and I lived close by. Alternator was replaced. (FYI - this could also have happened because of the bad TIPM since a bad fuel pump relay will remain "open" causing your battery to drain, which is charged by the alternator).
So then, all of a sudden, 8 days ago, my rearview camera starts working again! Yay!... Wait for it... 3 days after that, my van won't start. It acts like it's going to - but it is not getting any fuel. It would even sometimes crank but then die. After about 15 tries (and hail mary's) later, it starts. When this began, it would happen only in the mornings, when the engine was cool. But eventually it did not matter what time of day it was or how long you had been driving it, it just wouldn't start.
I took it to my mechanic (warranty expired) and they could NOT figure it out. Three days later, they hooked a fuel pressure tester thingy up to it and said it was low. They replaced my fuel pump ($700 includes labor). They called me to come pick it up - and it wouldn't start... right there in their parking lot. That was yesterday
Today they finally got a reading that it was my TIPM (Totally Integrated POWER Module) = sounds serious, right? Yeah. I wish that I had googled all of this before they put a brand new fuel pump on there when it could have been okay. Apparently the fuel pump relay is connected to this TIPM. It is possible that the TIPM "burned out" the fuel pump, however, it was NOT giving that reading on the initial scan, so I doubt it. It would have said "bad fuel pump". I'm not even going to ask them to take some of the charge off, because they have spent a lot of time and labor to help me, and even gave me a good deal (so I've heard).
However - because I am now BROKE, I can not afford to buy a BRAND NEW TIPM (which is like a $700 part + labor) so they are pulling one from a salvage yard to replace ($250 + labor). I realize that this is only putting me at risk since this seems to be an issue on A LOT of 2011 Grand Caravan's, and there is no way of knowing if this one is also going to fail. So basically I am screwed all the way around on this deal. Especially since I still have quite a few car notes left to make AND THAT DODGE IS AWARE OF THE ISSUE BUT CHOSE TO NOT INCLUDE US IN THE RECALL. IF you too have this issue, PLEASE submit a complaint. Not only is this very inconvenient, it is highly dangerous. There have been multiple complaints that this could cause your engine to stall in traffic while driving! I am one of the lucky few... that is until this salvage yard TIPM replacement goes kaput.
This is the second time we are having a problem with the TIPM. The first time the module went out, it happened very suddenly and left my wife stranded in a dark parking lot late at night. It had to be towed to the dealership for repairs. We paid almost $1500 to have it fixed and it took a few days for the dealer to diagnose the problem. Now the new module is giving us a fit again a couple years later. The van either sputters and coughs to a start or I have to jump start it because the fuel pump relay stuck on and drained the battery. I don't want spend that kind of money again on something that is just going to fail, the worst part is I'll have to fix it to be able to get rid of it.
Update from Sep 26, 2016: We just spent more than $830 to replace a burned up fuel pump. The shop swore up and down that there was no problem with the pump relay but when I checked the fuel pump was running while the van was off. They pulled the van back in the shop, removed the fuse to shut off the pump, and when they tried to restart the van it choked and sputtered but wouldn't start. It's looking like the problem is with the integrated relay soldered onto the TIPM. I've found an online resource that will rework and fix bad relays on the circuit board at a way more reasonable price than replacing the whole TIPM only to have the same trouble at a later date.
After doing a bunch of research, I have found that this is not an unusual problem, in fact quite common. Furthermore, Chrysler has issued Recalls on Dodge Durango, as well as Jeep Cherokee exhibiting this same problem, that being a faulty TIPM. What would make Chrysler think that using this same faulty part would not produce this same problem. It took the Dodge Dealer 4 days to diagnose the problem, though I believe they knew what the problem was as soon as they first heard my voice.
The van cranks but won't start. After 4-5 try's can usually get it going. Shop says its a faulty TIPM. Dodge you need to recall this and fix your problem!!!
was getting ready to leave for work went to turn the van on and nothing!!! key fob got stuck car wouldn't turn on or release the fob so i had to jump the car and only then did the car turn i thought it was the battery at first so i took it to get tested and auto zone told me my battery was good so i googled what the problem could be and i came across this website after reading some of the complains my van does a lot of the same things things people are complaining about.. whats the best thing to do?
Service department at Executive Dodge in Wallingford CT could not diagnose the problem correctly, yet had no problem taking my money. I had to research on my own and figure out a bypass device that would allow me to verify that the fuel pump relay is failing. Vertical solutions sells such a device and I bought new, verified the problem and when I brought this to the attention of the service manager, Pete, at Executive Dodge in Wallingford, CT he made excuses for why he could not diagnose and he said it is not a common problem, but it is and a cursory Google search found the answer so it calls into question his diagnostic ability. He suggested I contact Chrysler engineers if I have any further questions and I hung up on him.
Update from Jul 26, 2016: I just wanted to correct the name of the company with the bypass cable, it is vertical visions.
I bought this 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan used with 51k miles five months ago. It has always been difficult to start, especially after sitting overnight or on cold days. The issue got progressively worse until I could not get it to start and had to get it towed to a local garage.
After the *%^#@ mechanic charged me for a new battery (after I TOLD him that wasn't the issue) I drove off the lot and within 6 hours it would not start AGAIN. Towed back to the mechanic. This time he declares it's the TIPM, which I've since discovered is a very common issue with this model.
Luckily, I had an extended warranty and have only spent $150 deductible plus the new battery which didn't need replacing in the first place.
HOWEVER, now my electrical system is wonky and the mechanic claims it's not the TIPM but a different issue which he can't diagnose. I completely disagree but have gotten nowhere with him - YELP is going to get a blast about this place...
The dealership where I bought this POS van is 8 hours away - guess a road trip is in order to get this dealt with.
My 2011 Dodge Caravan would not start. After a few tries did get it to turn over and let it did start twice. Next morning when attempting to take it to mechanic, it would not start again. Have had this happen once before. When searching the internet found that this is a common problem with Chrysler products for which only three models have been recalled. Also, have had windows open mysteriously on their own, had sliding door open on locked car during the night, have had to replace windshield washer pump, and other mysterious occurrences which I now find others have associated with this problem. NHTSA has refused to list this as a significant problem, but a search of the internet finds a plethora of complaints. The scariest are those who report lost of power when traveling at high speeds. Loved my Caravan up until now but am completely disillusioned by Chrysler and their failure to address this problem with ALL the models affected. GRR!
I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with my van for well over a year now. I believe the problems started even longer ago. The windows would roll themselves down which I thought was weird but that was the only problem for a little over a year. More recently in the past year I have had trouble with the van starting. I have replaced the battery twice. The windows will be down when I wake up in the morning. In the past two months it will stall in the middle of the highway while I'm driving. The battery will be dead in the morning or it will say no fuse. The back gate wont open and the van has no power. The fuel pump will run while everything in the van is off causing the battery to go dead. Luckily my mechanic did not change the fuel pump like many other complaints I have read. It's ridiculous that I have read hundreds of complaints all the same and there is no recall. It is very unsafe losing all power while driving down the highway in the middle of traffic!!! I am so over this van! I've also read replacing the tipm with another crappy tipm is the best option but DODGE/Chrysler still hasn't fixed the problem even in the replacements. I will never own another dodge. I should have just gone with GMC/CHEVY from the beginning!
Dodge has let me down. This is the first time I have owned a Dodge vehicle. My battery died unexpectedly with no warning leaving me stranded. Months later my car was very hard to start especially when it was cold or had been sitting. It would take 8-20 tries before it would start. Hopefully the starter will hold up.
I took it to the Dodge Stealership in Albuquerque. They diagnosed the problem as being a bad fuel pump. The charged me $727.49 plus tax to replace the fuel pump. I go to pick up my vehicle and it wouldn't start. Melloy Dodge then gave me a written estimate to fix a WICM electronic key problem for $890.67. I said no thank you and took my hard to start vehicle home 2 hours away in the desert.
While driving to work at 65 miles per hour my hard to start Dodge Grand Caravan stalled. I coasted to the side of the road with oncoming traffic and traffic behind me having to move around my stalled vehicle on a 2 lane HWY. Once I was pulled over I turned off the key, said a few prayers and brrrrrooommm it started right up and I was on my way again! I found the website Dodge Problems and Car Complaints and I found the fix for $42.00. The part was mailed to me in 3 days.
Now I am going back to the Melloy Dodge Stealership and asking for my money back on a fuel pump I didn't need. They did not fix the problem they just kept finding more electrical problems sourced by a bad TIPM.
Took the car to Klaben Dodge, Kent, OH because would only start with difficulty. The key fobs also had problems. They replaced one key fob, and charged us $1,114.27 (no other repair was listed). The car still wouldn't start properly. They worked on it a little more, and it was somewhat better. Over the next 2 days it got worse again, so they replaced the fuel pump. That didn't help the starting problem (they gave me written documentation of this), so they replaced the tipm then the car started OK. This cost an additional $697.53.
So my complaint is both with the faulty tipm, but also the oblivious service.
I just think Dodge should stand up and recall the tipm on the Dodge Grand Caravan. why would they on some Dodge and not the Grand Caravan. there are a lot of bad tipm on the caravans we don't have money to pay for something that should have been a recall on. it cost us 2,406 buy the time it was done thanks for our taxes to be able to pay for it or we would have not had the money to pay for it. we are still paying on the van so we would of been paying on something that would not be working if we did not have our taxes to pay for it . Now we cant take our kids on vacation because of this. Thanks a lot Dodge this is our first Dodge we have had and i think it will be our last ..
I did some research on line and found that my problema, hard to start, drained battery, etc.
Is a well known problem for dodge and its dealers. They've already recall jeep and Durangos for the same problem.
What are you waiting for?
Why the dealer instead of telling me what part of the module is the source of the problem insist on replacing the whole thing to charge above 1200....
I'd love to hear an anser.
We have had this van for a little over two years and over the past 3 months it's been hard to start. At first it would only give me problems in the morning when we were leaving to take my children to school and it would crank a few times and then start. Over the past 3 months it's gotten harder and harder we've replaced the battery which was 200 dollars. We took it to get diagnosed and paid 100 for them to tell me it was the fuel pump. They wanted to charge me 735 to fix it but we decided to do it ourselves. we bought the fuel pump and spent 400 and it is stilll doing the same thing. This really needs to get fixed it's been really inconvient with three children under 9 not to have my van working.
- pelosa, Los Lunas, NM, US