Notes: The second generation Durango was introduced in 2004 and instantly came under fire for, well, catching on fire.
From 2004-2006 electrical overloading in the driver's side instrument panel caused numerous reports of interior fires. The interior infernos became so commonplace that Chrysler eventually issued a recall.
The problems didn't stop there, however. Owners of the recalled vehicles complained about being treated unfairly and given take-it-or-leave-it low ball settlement offers. "They offered me $2000 under NADA retail as a settlement," said one owner, "and have been rude and hostile to deal with." Nothing says awesome service like treating your customers rudely after their cars have already caught on fire.
really awful- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 300 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 1 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (1 reports)

transmission problem
Helpful websites
- No one has added a helpful site for this 2005 Durango problem yet. Be the first!
I bought a knew Durango I had it two weeks and had problems start up the first day i had it and it was back the second day i had it It was a V6 I was so upset I even cried about a the problems on this brand new car dealership ask to let them try to fix it and I had no problem with that because I really wanted it fixed I regret every buying this car know The Durango started a vibration on every shift point and and at 30 to 40 miles an hour it vibrated all the time so I let them check it out they had the car two days it also had to have a door adjustment because air was coming in and they have had to adjust several other Durangos as will that is a common problems they said this year for some reason. when I was car shopping other dealerships put down dodges they said they were having alot of transmission problems in the past and to be aware but i thought they were just saying that to get me to buy from them but they are write so please stay clear of dodges this year for sure. well on with my problems when i picked my new car back up they said they fixed it and it was just the exhaust vibrating and they adjusted it and they adjusted the door also they had it two days they Durango vibrated worse that was a Friday and the shop was closed on weekends. Sat morning it started shifting really weird and felt jerky at times it was jumping back and forth between overdrive and lockup and sometimes felt like it was slipping and it was a very uncomfortable ride and it did not even have a hundred miles on it yet. Later that evening will out going up on to a highway it jerked hard twice in a row as if it was going to lock up or just stop and it did it again later that night as well. Sunday we stayed home because I was scared to drive it and break something I was in tears and could not sleep worrying about this new car. Monday I called the dealer ship and he assured me that if I continued to have problems they would get me a different car but to let them look at it first so once again it was back at the shop. They called me on Wed and said they could not duplicate the problem to come and go on a test drive with then they said they drove it all over and had several different techs drive it and I got there and we went on the drive it did not do the jerking at that time on our drive but still was vibrating and sometimes even vibrated the plastic on the dash but the tech said it was all cause by the exhaust drone and said it would get better after I drove it for a while and I thought that was really weird that a new car should vibrate only when it shifted and when it always wanted to shift at 30 to 35 miles per hour and that is the speed limit around most of town so it vibrated all the time. My husband was very upset because he and I both know somethings is wrong but they told us the computer reads everything is ok and that there is no adjustments on the shift because the computer tells it when to shift and they cant do anything to it right know until Chrysler makes the changes for it because it was to new. So we went home very upset. I bought this car because I liked the new style but I wish I didnt My dad retired from Chrysler and was happy I decided to buy one biggest mistake I ever made in my life and would change if I could. I continued to have problems and my husband called the dealership and they acted as if the would give me a different one so my husband and a salesperson went on a test drive in a different Durango V6 just like the one I bought at first It drove get and better than mine and on the way back to the dealership at about 35 miles on the mileage gauge it started to act up as well the vibration started and it also started shifting weird and it to jerked around a bit, the salesperson could not hardly believe it started doing the same thing mine was doing. My husband came home because back at the dealership they acted as if this was all normal. Sat. morning we were out driving some where and approached a hill not a very big one but as we started up the hill the Durango started slowing down and the RPM gauge started to fall and my husband and 16 yr, old son both told me to give it some gas and I told than I was and the car seemed as if it was going to roll backwards at any moment and finally at the top of the hill it took the gas and the RPM gauge jump up so fast as if it just broke. It was scary went went home and stayed home again. I called the dealership again!!! and told them what it had done and they ask me to come in and when we got there they told us that they really didn't know what the problem was maybe it was just a pour design and the V6 could not really work right with this weight of car and Chrysler was going to have to probably make some changes so they ask me to try a V8 and it would cost to much more to make the change and they would do right by me and at this point I just wanted to end this nightmare that it was they told me they called other dealerships and they were experiencing some problems as well with the V6 Durangos so I drove the V8 around and yes it seem better but it was a nicer and had a lot more options. They said to let me see what they could do as far as the price of this car so we went home later they called and told me it would cost 4800 dollars more and I told them I could not do that much It was more than I could afford. I ask to get something else or get my money back and they said that was not an option because the tech said the computer shows there is nothing wrong so I ask the tech to go on another drive with us to show him what it was doing and how dangerous this was because if it did roll back on a hill someone could get hurt and they just acted as if I was stupid my husband was really upset because he is also a mechanic by trade and did not let being treated like we were dumb. We took the tech on a drive and showed him what it was doing on the hills and it did it almost everytime we went up the hill. the tech brung a on board computer that was suppose to show problems and when they happen The computer showed the car was getting gas going up the hill but the RPM gauge showed it dropping and the car was slowing down and my husband was giving it gas but the car was not responding when we got back to the shop the tech said the computer showed no problem so he could help us out and then he acted like it was something we were doing wrong he said we should give it more gas on the hill and my husband told him he was and that the computer showed it getting gas but the car was not taking it right and the gauge even showed it his response was he has to go by what the computer said and until Chrysler does some changes or up dates his hands were tied . The tech would not give me any papers on a problems so I could get something down as far as a lemon law. WE went home and the next day the dealership called me again with a different offer on the V8 the gas hog . I got on the phone and called a manufacture Rep. and he told me he could not help just to take it to a different place to be checked out maybe they could fix it. I still was so upset and just wanted to get ride of the problems and wish I had the Ford Explorer I traded in back it was a lot better car. I regret getting rid of it I had no problems with it I just wanted a brand new car I had never had a brand new one before I want ever buy a new one again, to many problems. The Durango continued to have problems so I ask for a Chrysler Rep to come drive with me to show him what it was doing they set up a drive later in the month for me. The next day the dealership called me and told me I was wasting everyones time because the rep. would side with the tech if the computer should nothing wrong and I should just get a different car if I was that unhappy they said they would take my new Durango as a trade in and I would have to pay almost 3600 dollars difference to get the V8 and I was upset because they did not even want to give me the payoff of the new one I just bought from them and also I lost any value of my trade in and I said I could not take all this heart ship it was so stressful I did end up getting the V8 SLT and I took a big lose on everything I had I lost over 5000 dollars in two weeks because the Durango was a lemon but they did not want to list it as a lemon because if they did they could not resale a lemon. I now own a V8 gas hog very very bad gas mileage and a much bigger payment this Durango also started some vibration at about a 100 miles but not as bad as the V6. I will probably make a few payments and then get ride of this Dodge and never buy a dodge again and neither will any of my friends or family buy one after see all I have gone though. So please take some advise and really search complaints on vehicles word of mouth could save you thousands of dollars when you drive you new car off the lot you lose almost 10 thousand dollars that day I have been checking out several web sites and Dodge has several problems that need to be fixed this is probably why they filed bankruptcy before. They do not stand by they products they make. If buying a new care test drive it several different times before buying it make sure it is ok because it is new and the dealerships don't even know if it has a problem yet. Thank you for listening. Good luck in what every you buy and don't get riped off like I did. It want ever happen to me again. Lessoned learned I even had people upset with me for buying a Dodge because I did not know about all the the problems they have often
- cj, Evansville, IN, US